Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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18 Mar 2008
Labour wins simply by not holding on to the steaming pile of **** that is Brexit, Tories not only lose their majority, they lose their only chance to pass it over to Corbyn.

Stop being so blatantly trolls, its cringy af.
9 Apr 2012
So apparently when May goes to deliver her queen's speech, I have heard on social media (not necessarily reliable I know) that potentially 60 or so Tory mps may get up and sit with Labour. It is probably nonsense, but stranger things have happened. And to be quite honest, if they do, I think that would be a good thing. Maybe we do need a change. Maybe we do need a collaborative alliance to sort this mess out, and to sort out the Brexit negotiations properly. In WW2 there was an a Tory-Labour coalition Government, and Churchill appointed Labour mps in his Cabinet because it was the right thing to do at the time in the situation the country faced. We face similar turbulent and uncertain times, and perhaps it isn't such a far fetched proposal who knows?

What's your source for this?
9 Apr 2012
He has got no chance of winning a general election. All of the stupid t-shirts and saying 'absolute boy' won't change that. He is preaching to the choir there, he needs to capture the centrists and even his own MPs who don't like his ideas.

Are you still on this line? The election proved he can win as he took seats from May and the SNP.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

You must be the comedian if you think limping along for 5 years with an ineffective leader like Corbyn and a PLP that derides you is 'where it is at'. The guy couldn't come closer than Gordon Brown at winning an election. The country is in trouble with no effective opposition and Corbyn should do what is best for the party and step aside.

5 years?

You seriously think we're going to have to wait 5 years for another GE?

You really should do stand up and you certainly making me laugh :D

Oh, and:-

Corbyn should do what is best for the party and step aside.

First Tories boast about getting him elected as Leader with their £3 memberships saying it's great for the Tories but now they are saying he has to go? Make your mind up.
19 Feb 2007
Also - lol that two massive events in UK politics in less than one year are a result of a Tory party worried about the impact of a party that has only ever managed a single MP, and making a promise with the expectation of being able to kick it into the grass as part of a coalition government. There was literally no actual good reason for this to happen.
And these people get to run the country, something has to change in politics, the way it is done at the moment and the past is clearly being scrutinized more and more because of the way we all consume media in one form or another, everything is available at once, they cannot hide away like before.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

He has got no chance of winning a general election. All of the stupid t-shirts and saying 'absolute boy' won't change that. He is preaching to the choir there, he needs to capture the centrists and even his own MPs who don't like his ideas.


You Tories underestimated Corbyn and Labour - are you going to make the same mistake again.

Is not the definition of stupidity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result? Labour members have tried something different and it's working.
6 Sep 2011
And these people get to run the country, something has to change in politics, the way it is done at the moment and the past is clearly being scrutinized more and more because of the way we all consume media in one form or another, everything is available at once, they cannot hide away like before.

The way things are run in the country will not change because it currently benefits the tories and the tories want to cling onto power at all costs.

The media wont like it because a tory government benefits them too as they can persuade a party to bring policies that will benefit them. They would find it more difficult to do so with a cross party government / individuals. So the media will target someone like corbyn and try to bring him downs at all costs.... E.g comments about him being a terrorists sympathiser. Well why arnt they reporting anything similar now...?

I agree with a cross party system... And id like to change the way we vote too. But as I said... Unlikely to happen... It benefits the tories. You wont hear them saying "will of the people" though... Even though many are crying out for it.
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