Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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10 Aug 2006
It is both open to interpretation and negotiation with the EU... however it is constrained by the pledge to limit integration ergo you can't have single market access. You can try to retain as much as possible given that constraint but that depends on how much the EU is willing to allow and what they'd want in return.

Exactly, so it isn't clear to us then, which was my whole point. He has been vague for a reason, because he doesn't know what he will get, or how it will allow him to control immigration. I think we can both agree on this.
29 Jan 2008
Exactly, so it isn't clear to us then, which was my whole point. He has been vague for a reason, because he doesn't know what he will get, or how it will allow him to control immigration. I think we can both agree on this.

That wasn't in dispute, what is clear, is the point I made form the start: that neither Labour or the Tories are going for full single market access, both parties have stated they will control immigration.
6 Sep 2011
Exactly, so it isn't clear to us then, which was my whole point. He has been vague for a reason, because he doesn't know what he will get, or how it will allow him to control immigration. I think we can both agree on this.

Your making it sound as if mays stance was clear when it was anything but. Can you give me a detailed list of what she was after.. and how if she was going to replace any of those EU institutions we use with our own... Example the European medical research institution.

Labour maybe was not crystal clear but to imply that the tories were any clearer is stretching it.
27 Jan 2009
The Tories only option is to threaten Northern Ireland?


there only chance on the election results to have a majority is with the dup yes.... What's so hard to understand......
its simple arithmetic when you know that the lib Dems wouldn't enter into another coalition amd the Tories couldn't work with the SNP

you might note that the Tories haven't actually formally entered into a coalition with he dup (unless I have missed something haven't been reading the news today)

personally I find the harping on now about the dup with there 10 mp's working with the Tories hundreds of MP's... the n trying to seek some equivalence to having a terrorist sympathising prime minster quite bizzare!
10 Aug 2006
Your making it sound as if mays stance was clear when it was anything but. Can you give me a detailed list of what she was after and how if she was going to replace any of those EU institutions we use with our own... Example the European medical research institution.
I was going by the tone she already set by saying no deal was better than a bad deal, which is different from what Corbyn was saying or perhaps, should I rather say, implying...



1 Feb 2007
In ordinary times I'd agree with you, however if they don't delay the BREXIT negotiations then she might be around for longer to make some headway with them first.
I personally think she will go during the summer recess, announce it just as parliament breaks up, stay on as PM until a new leader is chosen over the summer. The real problem is who replaces her.

Boris is too loose cannon, Davis is dull, Gove is toxic and Rudd has too slim a majority.
29 Jan 2008
I personally think she will go during the summer recess, announce it just as parliament breaks up, stay on as PM until a new leader is chosen over the summer. The real problem is who replaces her.

Boris is too loose cannon, Davis is dull, Gove is toxic and Rudd has too slim a majority.

None of those are particularly promising for them, Gove is a complete gimp and has had an even more negative image ever since stabbing Boris in the back, Rudd is weak, Boris won't be able to shake off his clown persona any time soon... Davis could be seen as a competent leader and would likely do well in any TV debates etc.. however on Brexit he's a strong eurosceptic and that is a massive gamble - him vs Corbyn could even more easily be portrayed as Hard Brexit vs Soft Brexit with more of the country favouring Corbyn on that particular issue.
21 Jul 2012
I personally think she will go during the summer recess, announce it just as parliament breaks up, stay on as PM until a new leader is chosen over the summer. The real problem is who replaces her.

Boris is too loose cannon, Davis is dull, Gove is toxic and Rudd has too slim a majority.

There's talk of her appointing a deputy PM, with David Davis in the front running for that position. Would that mean he'd default to be PM when she steps down/is pushed?

e2a - I'd say Davis could make a decent candidate for PM. He has come across as calm and knowledgeable in the TV appearances and interviews I've seen with him in.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

I'm 35 and have voted Lib Dems in at least the last two elections. I switched to Labour.

I'm 39 and voted Labour for the first time.

I think Tefal is mistaken in assuming people stop voting Labour as they "grow up". It's that kind of thinking that led the Tories to screw up their campaign.
29 Jan 2008

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

that is quite a funny rant, not too far from the truth tbh... :D

I love the way that he argues that's it's bad for Corbyn to lie and then goes on to argue May should have lied more.

Tory in double standard shocker. It's like them saying Labour are fiscally irresponsible when the truth is that the Tories borrow more, pay back less and increase debt more than Labour.
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