Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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31 Jul 2004
y'know i wonder if the "brexit means brexit" brigade are simply scared a second referendum wouldn't go their way and are just trying to gloss over it. i know a fair few who voted for brexit who didn't really want (nor expect) it to actually happen.

and the wonderful irony is it looks like we may well end up having to hold a second election just because we didn't get the result we wanted, at which point i look forward to yelling "strong and stable"

Of course.. thats why the extreme brexit mob are all "DO IT NOW, DO IT IMMEDIATELY! THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE! DON'T THINK! JUST DO IT"

Scared we'll be rational.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I work with young people and my opinion is the exact opposite. They are engaged, intelligent, and have a much wider world view than I did when I was a teenager. If anything they struggle because of the absolute barrage of information they get every day from all walks of life.
When I was a lad it was just what was on the news and what my parents thought. There was no other opinions other than that.

Im a bit late catching up, but this is a very good and relevant point
A lot of the oldies still only get their news for the "news"papers and TV

Some of the oldies need to face up that Brexit was mainly voted for by the oldies, a know pretty much all the youngsters I know are annoyed by Brexit, there is likely to be some ramifications from this, if that's that they start to exercise their democratinc right to vote that's fine
Belitting someones views just because someone thinks they know better is being more childish than anything. A agree that the youngsters are far more worldly than even the previous generation. They are also far more European.
Rcently I was talking to an Italian lass who said she sees herself as European first, Italian second.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I didn't go to Uni, started working straight from college and have done since!

I don't have the high ground over ALL students, I only have an issue with the group of regressive left who seem to be prominent in universities.

Dotn worry there is a fairly significant regressive right as well
I used to see them all the time at the local conservative club, hell I would probably have been labelled that myself
5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Corbyn's popularity will rise as people get to know him better. There is no way the Labour Party will try to get rid of Corbyn now. People want a change and Corbyn provides it.

Corbyn provides it by losing a GE that was there for the taking? But really?
CHrist, some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Labour ran a fantastical giveaway campaign against a Tory party that ran the worst campaign in living memory. Labour successfully mobilised the youth and outdid the Tories at every turn (except that horrid piece of work Abbott that must have cost them some votes) and they STILL LOST THE ELECTION!
Instead of bitching about the Tory party, maybe look closer to home at Labour's obvious failings eh? How low your expectations must have been to see this as a victory...
Labour LOST by 56 seats.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
I think another factor is now the proliferation of philanthropic billionaires such as Zuckerberg. People "growing up" as it were are now seeing that you can both be monetarily successful and socially responsible or even that you SHOULD be socially responsible.

I'm also seeing a lot of graduates entering careers where their sole driver is job satisfaction or how much impact they can have on / contribute to society, with monetary gain being a distant consideration. I think as we start to see the well educated enter professions they both enjoy and where the pay is "good enough", we'll continue to see their social ideals persist with them as they "grow up".

Very good points.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Corbyn provides it by losing a GE that was there for the taking? But really?
CHrist, some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Labour ran a fantastical giveaway campaign against a Tory party that ran the worst campaign in living memory. Labour successfully mobilised the youth and outdid the Tories at every turn (except that horrid piece of work Abbott that must have cost them some votes) and they STILL LOST THE ELECTION!
Instead of bitching about the Tory party, maybe look closer to home at Labour's obvious failings eh? How low your expectations must have been to see this as a victory...
Labour LOST by 56 seats.

Actually, I think you're the one not realising what just happened.

This is just the start of Labours resurgence. They were never going to cut through the detritus in the press and Tory lies about Corbyns leadership ability and Labours fiscal credentials enough to win the GE outright - there just wasn't enough time. Now people have started to wake up, the next GE is where it's at.
6 Sep 2011
Corbyn provides it by losing a GE that was there for the taking? But really?
CHrist, some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Labour ran a fantastical giveaway campaign against a Tory party that ran the worst campaign in living memory. Labour successfully mobilised the youth and outdid the Tories at every turn (except that horrid piece of work Abbott that must have cost them some votes) and they STILL LOST THE ELECTION!
Instead of bitching about the Tory party, maybe look closer to home at Labour's obvious failings eh? How low your expectations must have been to see this as a victory...
Labour LOST by 56 seats.

Labour lost the election despite every single media outlet bar the mirror ripping into the man. And he lost by gaining seats.

A loss is a loss. But hats off to the guy.... Everything was against him and despite that it wasn't a wipe out. Out of the two parties now.... Labour look more strong and stable.
30 Nov 2005
Corbyn provides it by losing a GE that was there for the taking? But really?
CHrist, some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Labour ran a fantastical giveaway campaign against a Tory party that ran the worst campaign in living memory. Labour successfully mobilised the youth and outdid the Tories at every turn (except that horrid piece of work Abbott that must have cost them some votes) and they STILL LOST THE ELECTION!
Instead of bitching about the Tory party, maybe look closer to home at Labour's obvious failings eh? How low your expectations must have been to see this as a victory...
Labour LOST by 56 seats.


Corbyn has spent the last 2 years being rinsed to **** by everyone in the PLP & media, he then went into a election he was expected to get crucified & almost singlehandedly ran Labours campaign, as most of the PLP quietly waited in the wings so they get rid of him after said crucifixion.
He's had a few weeks where the broadcast media have had to give him chance to get his message across & look what happened. Imagine him given impartial treatment by the media & a loyal PLP. Well when the next election rolls round (probably sooner rather than later) & with a party backing him up he's going to do very well.
25 Mar 2008
Gotta love the baby-booming Brexiteers berating the youth vote!

"How could you believe Labour's fiscal nonsense - here's a clue: did they write it on the side of a bus?"

"It's utterly irresponsible to expect things like affordable housing and free university education (like we all got before pulling up the ladder after us)"

"Dispicable to accept a fantastical bribe (as opposed to the very real perennial pension bribe we're used to being promised each GE by the Conservatives.)"

"We may have put the gun of Brexit to our head and pulled the trigger, but the youth's choice of bullet really is the cause of the impending headache."
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Corbyn provides it by losing a GE that was there for the taking? But really?
CHrist, some of you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Labour ran a fantastical giveaway campaign against a Tory party that ran the worst campaign in living memory. Labour successfully mobilised the youth and outdid the Tories at every turn (except that horrid piece of work Abbott that must have cost them some votes) and they STILL LOST THE ELECTION!
Instead of bitching about the Tory party, maybe look closer to home at Labour's obvious failings eh? How low your expectations must have been to see this as a victory...
Labour LOST by 56 seats.
Labour lost for want of 2,227 votes in the right places. What a farce fptp is.

Given the atrocious press attitude towards Corbyn, I'd say he did alright. As long as the Mail, sun and Metro are the most read newspapers/websites it will be an uphill struggle for labour.



13 Aug 2003
Gotta love the baby-booming Brexiteers berating the youth vote!

"How could you believe Labour's fiscal nonsense - here's a clue: did they write it on the side of a bus?"

"It's utterly irresponsible to expect things like affordable housing and free university education (like we all got before pulling up the ladder after us)"

"Dispicable to accept a fantastical bribe (as opposed to the very real perennial pension bribe we're used to being promised each GE by the Conservatives.)"

"We may have put the gun of Brexit to our head and pulled the trigger, but the youth's choice of bullet really is the cause of the impending headache."

Money grows on trees does it?
6 Sep 2011
Gotta love the baby-booming Brexiteers berating the youth vote!

"How could you believe Labour's fiscal nonsense - here's a clue: did they write it on the side of a bus?"

"It's utterly irresponsible to expect things like affordable housing and free university education (like we all got before pulling up the ladder after us)"

"Dispicable to accept a fantastical bribe (as opposed to the very real perennial pension bribe we're used to being promised each GE by the Conservatives.)"

"We may have put the gun of Brexit to our head and pulled the trigger, but the youth's choice of bullet really is the cause of the impending headache."

If theres anything positive from this election it is the frothing old greys that are livid that things didn't go their way. There is a lot of irony in that the old bunch call the young 'entitled' and ********** and when the election didn't give the conservatives a majority they now have the audacity to moan whine and call the young idiots and deluded.
25 Jul 2005
I think it just highlighted how imature the oldies were by constantly trying to interupt him..

It's about time the youth had a voice...

And they have .

There's only so much "we know best" young people can take before it becomes obvious they haven't a clue what young people actually want, and many decisions being made are in fact the antithesis of the wants and likes of the young (to favour the old).
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