LOL, May delays Queens speech...
I really wish the Queen would be like "enough is enough" and put it to the country as a referendum how to proceed forward - whether to accept the Tory government or take one or other of the options for an emergency path covering Brexit and until the next election - the political landscape in this country has turned into a complete shambles.
I did a work scheme at a job centre and that's how I found that out.
Yeah seems to be the way - when they put people on those 13 and 26 week "courses" it appears they are removed from appearing as unemployed - at face value seems hideously inefficient use of tax payer money to me as they then basically pay the course provider a ton of money some of which then pays the person instead of their benefits directly while the courses are generally little more than a token effort from the company so as to get money and people then just sign on again afterwards. (I might have some of this wrong as I'm only going on what I see/those doing that stuff say).