Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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I really wish the Queen would be like "enough is enough" and put it to the country as a referendum how to proceed forward - whether to accept the Tory government or take one or other of the options for an emergency path covering Brexit and until the next election - the political landscape in this country has turned into a complete shambles.

I did a work scheme at a job centre and that's how I found that out.

Yeah seems to be the way - when they put people on those 13 and 26 week "courses" it appears they are removed from appearing as unemployed - at face value seems hideously inefficient use of tax payer money to me as they then basically pay the course provider a ton of money some of which then pays the person instead of their benefits directly while the courses are generally little more than a token effort from the company so as to get money and people then just sign on again afterwards. (I might have some of this wrong as I'm only going on what I see/those doing that stuff say).
For me personally I think the lack of leadership challenge shows the lack of confidence in getting the queens speech through the HoC.
Irrelevant, wishing older people dead asap is not particularly nice unless of course you belong to the present "entitled" young.

One has to wonder what the parents of these younger people think when they see the hatred their children openly show to the older generation? Does their hatred run to despising their own kith and kin? This seems a very recent phenomena, even 10 years ago I never saw such open hostility to how their elders voted and towards their aspirations. And yet they seem the first to spout support of tolerance, free speech and respecting minorities ;) Seems the elderly are without their sphere of kindliness!
One has to wonder what the parents of these younger people think when they see the hatred their children openly show to the older generation? Does their hatred run to despising their own kith and kin? This seems a very recent phenomena, even 10 years ago I never saw such open hostility to how their elders voted and towards their aspirations. And yet they seem the first to spout support of tolerance, free speech and respecting minorities ;) Seems the elderly are without their sphere of kindliness!

Slight over reaction to someone voting Labour...
For me personally I think the lack of leadership challenge shows the lack of confidence in getting the queens speech through the HoC.

I don't think its that. The queens speech will sail through as all Tories will be whipped and the DUP will be bribed with something like the burning at the stake of all homosexual bakers and creationist deniers. There is no leadership challenge because if it happens now the public will view it as the challengers being power crazy who are just trying to make a grab for power when what is needed is calm and that would well and truly bury the Tories for decades. I think the 1922 crew have basically put a massive block on anyone going for it for the sake of party preservation.
I don't think its that. The queens speech will sail through as all Tories will be whipped and the DUP will be bribed with something like the burning at the stake of all homosexual bakers and creationist deniers. There is no leadership challenge because if it happens now the public will view it as the challengers being power crazy who are just trying to make a grab for power when what is needed is calm and that would well and truly bury the Tories for decades. I think the 1922 crew have basically put a massive block on anyone going for it for the sake of party preservation.
I was expecting them to tell her she needs to go, hence the delay in Queens speech.
I was expecting them to tell her she needs to go, hence the delay in Queens speech.

I thought the delay was more attributed to having to cut swathes of their original policy out and then discuss stuff with the DUP around what they would or would not come in on before solidifying their position. If May goes now, there would effectively need to be another election as there is not enough time for a full leadership challenge and getting the queens speech even with the few extra days. May will have to stay to deliver the queens speech and to kick of the brexit negs. If she would have done the correct thing on the 9th and resigned already then there may have been time to get someone in and still deliver on the above.
Got to be joking? Most young people can't even clean up their room, let alone advise how to change a country for the better.
most old people can't even get up to go the bog without soiling themselves let alone advise how to change a country for the better.

we can trade insults all day long on this sweet pea
Got to be joking? Most young people can't even clean up their room, let alone advise how to change a country for the better.

Ok so tell me how my grandparents....like many of the elderly who have never used the internet before.... can have any understanding of how May wants to regulate the internet
Got to be joking? Most young people can't even clean up their room, let alone advise how to change a country for the better.

Somewhat sweeping lol and only if you are judging them on reality TV shows. My Nan (rest her soul) wouldn't vote for Neil Kinnock because he had ginger hair :P
I don't think its that. The queens speech will sail through as all Tories will be whipped and the DUP will be bribed with something like the burning at the stake of all homosexual bakers and creationist deniers.

I can think of at least two Tory MPs who will not back a queens speech without reassurances over Brexit. Reassurances which will cause at least two Tory MPs to reject the Queens Speech.
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