Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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So pleased (in a sadistic way) that she is getting what she deserves.

It's a shame everyone is suffering.
The euro not far off pound parity. Going to push up inflation.
Feels like brexit and May are really going to hurt a lot of people in the pocket.
If oil wasn't so cheap at the moment, it would be even worse

A lot of my savings are in foreign paid shares and crypto coins which is the only plus.
I can think of at least two Tory MPs who will not back a queens speech without reassurances over Brexit. Reassurances which will cause at least two Tory MPs to reject the Queens Speech.

they are going to need more than Ken Clarke + 1 to derail this train wreck. If the queens speech is rejected this country will be in chaos for months. The Tory whips will be flogging mercilessly. I can't see enough of them going rogue for it to fail.
most old people can't even get up to go the bog without soiling themselves let alone advise how to change a country for the better.

we can trade insults all day long on this sweet pea

It's not an insult. It's fact. If you can't even clean up your room, how do you expect to be able know what to do with a huge economy/country
they are going to need more than Ken Clarke + 1 to derail this train wreck. If the queens speech is rejected this country will be in chaos for months. The Tory whips will be flogging mercilessly. I can't see enough of them going rogue for it to fail.

I guess the Brexiteers will have to give some ground then.
they are going to need more than Ken Clarke + 1 to derail this train wreck. If the queens speech is rejected this country will be in chaos for months. The Tory whips will be flogging mercilessly. I can't see enough of them going rogue for it to fail.
If they want to keep the cushy little number they have as MP's they're not going to oppose the Queens speech.
It's not about us or the good of the country now, it's about them clinging on to power at all costs.
It's not an insult. It's fact. If you can't even clean up your room, how do you expect to be able know what to do with a huge economy/country

if you can't make a call on getting to the bog how do you expect to be able to make a call on the economy when you can;t even control your own bowel fucntions
If they want to keep the cushy little number they have as MP's they're not going to oppose the Queens speech.
It's not about us or the good of the country now, it's about them clinging on to power at all costs.

correct, this is where we get to see who the conviction politicians are versus the shills. I have no doubt they will all return 100% shill.
It's not an insult. It's fact. If you can't even clean up your room, how do you expect to be able know what to do with a huge economy/country

Yes because the benchmark of how well you understand world affairs , economics and how best to run a society is based on how tidy you are!! :rolleyes:

Do you even realise how moronic that statement is :confused:
Yes because the benchmark of how well you understand world affairs , economics and how best to run a society is based on how tidy you are!! :rolleyes:

Do you even realise how moronic that statement is :confused:

It's actually not as crazy as it sounds, Jordan B Peterson who's a highly renowned psychologist has pieces on it.

So pleased (in a sadistic way) that she is getting what she deserves.

It's a shame everyone is suffering.
The euro not far off pound parity. Going to push up inflation.
Feels like brexit and May are really going to hurt a lot of people in the pocket.
If oil wasn't so cheap at the moment, it would be even worse

A lot of my savings are in foreign paid shares and crypto coins which is the only plus.

Gonna get worse before it gets better I think.
wants to regulate the inter
Sky now suggesting Brexit talks will be delayed.

I just listened to the report on NHS staff on Sky news

96% drop is a lot. Thats ridiculous. Then the oldies on this forum suggest the young dont understand things. lol
The reality is we needed those workers WHILST investing to train domestic nurses and doctors ourselves

Unfortunatly with non stop goverment cuts and the Negative tone the goverment has against its current NHS staff.... its no wonder why us Brits dont want to bother
I really wish the Queen would be like "enough is enough" and put it to the country as a referendum how to proceed forward - whether to accept the Tory government or take one or other of the options for an emergency path covering Brexit and until the next election - the political landscape in this country has turned into a complete shambles.

That sounds a great way to run a democracy when you consider the majority of those who voted, actually voted for a conservative government.
It really isn't fella, it's simpleton daily mail esq nonsensical dribble.
You should try thinking for yourself one-day rather than regurgitating rubbish you have seen elsewhere!

Never heard of the phrase tidy house - tidy mind?

Whether you like it or not, perhaps you are messy person. There is a reason we tell children to tidy up their rooms, because it improves mental well being, physical health and relationships.
It's actually not as crazy as it sounds, Jordan B Peterson who's a highly renowned psychologist has pieces on it.

Then please explain why children/youth today are more intelligent then previous generations ??

Smarter than ever?

Over the past 100 years, Americans' mean IQ has been on a slow but steady climb. Between 1900 and 2012, it rose nearly 30 points, which means that the average person of 2012 had a higher IQ than 95 percent of the population had in 1900.
Political scientist James Flynn, PhD, of the University of Otago in New Zealand, first discovered those astonishing IQ gains nearly 30 years ago. Since then, the steady rise in IQ scores in the United States and throughout the developed world has been dubbed the "Flynn effect."
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