Your saying Humans don't have any impact on climate change?
The scientific opinion on climate change is the overall judgment among scientists regarding the extent to which global warming is occurring, its causes, and its probable consequences. The scientific consensus is that the Earth's climate system is unequivocally warming, and that it is extremely likely (meaning 95% probability or higher) that this warming is predominantly caused by humans
In the context of climate variation, anthropogenic factors are human activities which affect the climate. The scientific consensus on climate change is "that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities,"[66] and it "is largely irreversible."[67]
As an aside as a cautionary tale about consensus science not a commentary on climate change - many of the scientists whose work makes up the consensus project on climate change were also involved in modelling solar cycle 24, they used consensus science to browbeat a small percentage who disagreed with their projections and subsequently were proved to be completely wrong.