Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Your saying Humans don't have any impact on climate change?

The scientific opinion on climate change is the overall judgment among scientists regarding the extent to which global warming is occurring, its causes, and its probable consequences. The scientific consensus is that the Earth's climate system is unequivocally warming, and that it is extremely likely (meaning 95% probability or higher) that this warming is predominantly caused by humans



In the context of climate variation, anthropogenic factors are human activities which affect the climate. The scientific consensus on climate change is "that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities,"[66] and it "is largely irreversible."[67]

As an aside as a cautionary tale about consensus science not a commentary on climate change - many of the scientists whose work makes up the consensus project on climate change were also involved in modelling solar cycle 24, they used consensus science to browbeat a small percentage who disagreed with their projections and subsequently were proved to be completely wrong.
Solar variations do affect climate, but they are not the only factor. As there has been no positive trend in any solar index since the 1960s (and a negative trend more recently), solar forcing cannot be responsible for the recent temperature trends. The difference between the solar minimum and solar maximum over the 11-year solar cycle is 10 times smaller than the effect of greenhouse gases over the same interval.

If you are going to copy and paste then provide the link.

Ginormous image:


(Yes, it's hotlinked. Yes, Randall is totally cool with that.)
Solar variations do affect climate, but they are not the only factor. As there has been no positive trend in any solar index since the 1960s (and a negative trend more recently), solar forcing cannot be responsible for the recent temperature trends. The difference between the solar minimum and solar maximum over the 11-year solar cycle is 10 times smaller than the effect of greenhouse gases over the same interval.

I don't think solar cycles/changes are the driving force of climate change but I think the input from them is underestimated - the fastest depletion of glaciers in the recent acceleration of thinning was on the rising edge of solar cycle 24 and has slowed down a bit (but not stopped) as it has gone into the falling side.

At the end of the day regardless of explanation (and I don't 100% buy the "official" story and even demonstrated flaws in it) - there is evidence of significant climate change going on and we would be silly to ignore it and not try and do something about the factors we can control until we have a fuller understanding of what is going on.
I don't doubt that climates change, it's the effect accredited to mankind. The earth survived 4 billion years of abuse, asteroids, thePermian–Triassic period. The earth will recover with or without us on it.

https://xkcd.com/1732/ Are you still so sure? That is a very steep change in a very short amount of time, which has never happened before to not be accredited to our industrialisation.
I don't think solar cycles/changes are the driving force of climate change but I think the input from them is underestimated - the fastest depletion of glaciers in the recent acceleration of thinning was on the rising edge of solar cycle 24 and has slowed down a bit (but not stopped) as it has gone into the falling side.

At the end of the day regardless of explanation (and I don't 100% buy the "official" story and even demonstrated flaws in it) - there is evidence of significant climate change going on and we would be silly to ignore it and not try and do something about the factors we can control until we have a fuller understanding of what is going on.

Regardless or whatever

Who doesn't want to have cleaner seas? Cleaner air ? Reducing pollution is a good thing PERIOD. Anyone who deems it not is a fool.
https://xkcd.com/1732/ Are you still so sure? That is a very steep change in a very short amount of time, which has never happened before to not be accredited to our industrialisation.

One of my contentions with the accreditation of our industrialisation to it is that we are also going through a period unprecedented in the configuration of natural factors - which are often written off because individually their input is negligible but unrelated studies of those factors have shown they can work as force multipliers in concertion (something that many studies seem to have poorly taken into account). We'll find out soon enough if there is anything to that or not as many are changing into the opposite part of their cycle, etc. (I'm not writing off the effect of man-made contributions).
Solar variations do affect climate, but they are not the only factor. As there has been no positive trend in any solar index since the 1960s (and a negative trend more recently), solar forcing cannot be responsible for the recent temperature trends. The difference between the solar minimum and solar maximum over the 11-year solar cycle is 10 times smaller than the effect of greenhouse gases over the same interval.
We are actually on the crusp of a cooling period. Too much money and too many careers at stake to ever undo the cult of climate now.
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Regardless or whatever

Who doesn't want to have cleaner seas? Cleaner air ? Reducing pollution is a good thing PERIOD. Anyone who deems it not is a fool.
I don't think it's a bad, of course it's not it's the self flagellation of western society that gets my goat.

It's a cash cow for those in power.
Regardless or whatever

Who doesn't want to have cleaner seas? Cleaner air ? Reducing pollution is a good thing PERIOD. Anyone who deems it not is a fool.

Eh my stance is we should be taking drastic action as of yesterday as a species regardless of the actual facts are. Personally I think we have longer (not much but a significant amount given the factors) to deal with it than the popular narative but I'm not advocating complacency - we should be using it to our advantage.

It's a cash cow for those in power.

One thing I found interesting after the recent stuff with Qatar is just how deep their influence goes into the whole climate change thing - in some ways it isn't surprising as they have a lot of money and their money goes into a lot of things but it does make me wonder how much influence they have or if there is any agenda there. So far the small number of people who've pointed to there being a conspiracy there haven't produced any actual evidence or provided a direction to look into in that respect, etc. just vague hand waving.
Kids brainwashed into that cult early on, it's hard to break that bond.
Science is a cult now? If anything it's the opposite - kids brainwashed into critical thinking, rather than the rigorous application of the scientific method.

https://xkcd.com/1732/ Are you still so sure? That is a very steep change in a very short amount of time, which has never happened before to not be accredited to our industrialisation.


Regardless or whatever

Who doesn't want to have cleaner seas? Cleaner air ? Reducing pollution is a good thing PERIOD. Anyone who deems it not is a fool.

Yeah I mean thanks to Kyoto we have lovely air full of diesel fumes that cause disease and actually kill people. There was plenty of actual evidence that a post-Kyoto dash for diesel would be suicidal for the nation's health, yet it was ignored - why?
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Eh my stance is we should be taking drastic action as of yesterday as a species regardless of the actual facts are. Personally I think we have longer (not much but a significant amount given the factors) to deal with it than the popular narative but I'm not advocating complacency - we should be using it to our advantage.

like many things, the longer we leave it the more drastic an action we must take. of course you'd like to beleive we as a species would solve the problem but lets face it as with everything we do we're going to walk blindly into it fingers in ears whistling away until the only option is the extreme.
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