Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Never read so much tin foil rubbish in my life. You seriously need help if you believe a fraction of that. There is more credence that we never landed on the moon than that tosh.

Good to tell which websites you browse and relate to as the first hit on google and the biggest supporters/believers in this tinfoil theory are the "western Spring" whose main steps to defend against this are:

So they will be racists then. You a paid up member LabR@t?

Thats just the Klu Klux Klan dressed up for Britain
Labour would be in an even worse position if they tried to form a government. With 50 less seats they would need the SNP and Lib Dems and the Green and the DUP to get a majority?
Sounds like a decent spread of opinions, except the SNP that would truly wreck it.
Why the hell are you surprised a local MP might drink and make the
odd speech in a local pub, and why the hell would I make it up? Google is your friend.

The Germans were very welcomed and we stayed drinking together until after midnight,
they were excellent company. Whitcurch sees quite a lot of foreign tourists in the summer months
due to its canal location and history.
It's all very believable... like if Jay from the Inbetweeners took an interest in right wing politics.
It's all very believable... like if Jay from the Inbetweeners took an interest in right wing politics.

Given the proliferation of political posts you make here you obviously have a real interest in politics, so I assume you must have met your own MP? Who is it, don't they put themselves about in your area and socialise with their public?
I don't believe this for a moment. As much as anything else, I thought the Fictional Arms had a strict "no foreigners" policy.

It could be real, but then there could be a major case of selective bias here.

As an example most Canadians I've spoken to are pretty incredulous that we have decided to leave. Except one, an old, rather large, guy that started his conversation with. "That Brexit eh, good for you guys. That'll help stop those immigrants, not the ******* (black people), the other ones." At which point that was the end of the conversation except for a few non committal noises from me...

A grumpy old guy in the corner starting a conversation a bit like that (or in the standard CW posting style) is going to only attract people with certain viewpoints, and every country has those that are unhappy with something.

The same with anyone else - selective bias from your peer group, hence the reason aenecdotal evidence is so unreliable.
coudenhove-kalergi plan

Firstly, there is not, and never was, a 'Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.'

Secondly, Coudenhove-Kalergi's theory was a pan-European concept intended to unite Europe and make her stronger. It gained traction with virtually no-one, and had absolutely nothing to do with Muslims.

Thirdly, this statement by Coudenhove-Kalergi...

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

...was a prediction about human evolution, and had no connection whatsoever to his pan-European concept. Racists like to pretend that it describes Coudenhove-Kalergi's ultimate goal, which is completely untrue.
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Is there an alternative system to seats in parliment? God knows if it would end in anarchy but should there not be parties of qualfied people in their sectors ready to take the reigns when a party wins, and shouldn't that be solely on number of votes rather than seats.
What seems to be the case is that if you becomes an MP you are assigned a job, but how are any of these people any more qualified to do that job than me.

For examples Theresa May was foreign secretry, she was given this post why. She has a degree in geography and wanted to be an MP, that is a bit of a vague connection to make her qualified to do the job.
Let's say I decide to become an MP to my area and win, can I apply for any position in the government without prior expertise in the matter?

Baffles me.
1979-Callaghan 269 seats, resigned.
1992-Kinnock 271 seats, resigned.
2017-Corbyn 262 seats, claims victory & orders the winner to resign

Fun fact- Corbyn lost the popular vote by about the same percentage as Trump did.

Therefore overall, the electorate in this country wants Corbyn as PM , just as much as the US electorate wants Trump as president.

Funny old world ay Scorza.
Nobody voted to join the EU at all, they voted to join a common market & when given the chance voted to leave what the common market had become.

And we've voted for successive governments, with a veto in their back pocket, who've allowed the scope of the common market to grow to what it is today..
. The Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize is awarded every two years to Europeans who have excelled in promoting this criminal plan. Among those awarded with such a prize are Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy.

Breaking News. The 'Most Insane Person Of The Week Prize' has been awarded to LabR@t.
Very few people pay their way. That's the entire point of a collective society. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need and suchlike.

I agree completely, but that's why we must selectively allow migration of people that pay their way. We look after our own first and foremost, and our ability to do that is diminished by admitting drains to the public purse from either Tunney's low earning EUA8 States or Vita's pauper states constantly exporting nothing but benefit hungry baby machines.
Obviously there are exceptions, but that is why we must be selective.


Great, the idiot is back with Type 2 fatty diabetes to blame for her godawful performance? Not sure how type 2 Diabetes makes you a blithering racist idiot.
1979-Callaghan 269 seats, resigned.
1992-Kinnock 271 seats, resigned.
2017-Corbyn 262 seats, claims victory & orders the winner to resign
All of the responses to this have not made any sense.

Why keep banging this drum?

This drum does need to be banged because people do seem to have forgotten Corbyn lost by 55 seats. An election is a one off measurement of opinion, there are no prizes for 'most improved'.

With 12.5 million votes? Not far off that of Blairs win in 97.

So if Mrs May got even more votes than that, she must have a huge mandate?

Fun fact- Corbyn lost the popular vote by about the same percentage as Trump did.

Therefore overall, the electorate in this country wants Corbyn as PM , just as much as the US electorate wants Trump as president.

Funny old world ay Scorza.

Mental gymnastics and completely irrelevant as the US system is completely different.

How can Labour supporters say May is 'clutching at power', when Corbyn is claiming he can be PM with a mandate that (despite the hysteria), is nothing close to what TM has. I repeat, the results of a GE are absolute, not about momentum or most gained or lost.

Yes Scorza posts some waffle, but the rest of you in ivory towers claiming everyone else are trolls, are equally capable of some very narrow and blinkered views
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