coudenhove-kalergi plan
Never read so much tin foil rubbish in my life. You seriously need help if you believe a fraction of that. There is more credence that we never landed on the moon than that tosh.
Good to tell which websites you browse and relate to as the first hit on google and the biggest supporters/believers in this tinfoil theory are the "western Spring" whose main steps to defend against this are:
Western Spring is a growing British-based movement representing the interests of White people everywhere, but in particular the interests of the White people indigenous to the British Isles: the English, the Irish, the Welsh and the Scots. As such, our aims are inextricably linked to the cause of Western civilisation – steeped in history and tradition as it is – while at the same time concerned with the vital task of renewal and of forging radical new tactics and survival strategies if our people are to have the energy, the confidence and the will needed to survive and thrive in an increasingly hostile world.
Essential Truths – The First Prerequisite: Over six-hundred, quality leaders; approximately one for each Parliamentary Constituency.
Essential Truths – The Second Prerequisite: White enclaves, ideologically aware communities, from which our bid for power can be launched.
Essential Truths – The Third Prerequisite: A network of 5th columnists working behind the scenes, ready to tilt the balance in our favour once the time is ripe.
Essential Truths – The Fourth Prerequisite: An alternative media, including internet sites and a T.V. station.
Essential Truths – The Fifth Prerequisite: A powerful street presence.
Essential Truths – The Sixth Prerequisite: The necessity of a financial war-chest.
Essential Truths – The Ethics of Funding Nationalism
So they will be racists then. You a paid up member LabR@t?