Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Amazing how many people who voted Labour don't realise this. I think this could become Corbyn's tuition fees, if the Momentum social media-bots let them find out.

You might think Corbyn "rebranding" what would amount to a climb down from the EU on tariff free trade (i.e. without all the requisites of FOM etc) as us "leaving the single market" would be his/Labour's "tuition fees moment", I think it makes him smart.

Unlike avoiding all Tax and running for president, or slinging mud at the people we need to negotiate with!
So, after Macron said the door is open for the UK to stay, Verhofstadt says it would be a new door, and the UK can forget about rebates, opt outs, etc etc.
We're going to get so screwed.
I have no problem with you and the rest of the MINORITY finding somewhere else to live.
Democracy seems to mean nothing to a minority of people in our society. LOSE a referendum, LOSE an election and still complain it's not fair and we must overturn the will of the people?
You are, in essence, calling for abolition of democracy.

But really?

Somewhat funny he is banging on about getting some humanity back in society advocating someone who is a socialist with Marxist leanings and ultimately socialism is an attempt to brute force past the inadequacies in human nature and requires totalitarianism to actually work once you actually try to implement it.
I'm abit late here but I just looked a little further into the votes in Scotland.

Many of the Wins for conservatives looks similar to this: This is the result in the Gordon Constituency

Conservative - 21,861
Scottish National Party - 19,254
Labour - 6,340

May was extremely lucky that the left wing parties had their vote split...
I would hazard a guess that for many Labour Voters their second choice would have been SNP and vice verca. Instead they have a rightwing MP.

This is the inherent problem with FPTP system. An AV system would at least have let SNP /LD/Labour voters provide a preference closer to their ideology and preferred manifesto.
Amazing how many people who voted Labour don't realise this. I think this could become Corbyn's tuition fees, if the Momentum social media-bots let them find out.

yet Corbyn wants to exit the EU and the single market...

Obviously - Corbyn is one of the few British MP's that understands his job is to serve the will of the people.

He won't commit political suicide by not going through with brexit, a large portion of his target voters were likely a lot of leave voters..

I'd bet you all the money though he voted to remain though when he cast his vote.........because the man has displayed nothing but common sense - and it was common sense to remain in the EU.
yup, its almost as if leaving the EU was a bad idea - and the whole thing was predictable ?!?!

Who could have known !?!?!? :O

Well no, they're hardly going to offer us as good of a deal as we had because otherwise anyone would "leave" to try and get something better. I think in a few years we're going to see what a good deal we had.
Obviously - Corbyn is one of the few British MP's that understands his job is to serve the will of the people.

He won't commit political suicide by not going through with brexit, a large portion of his target voters were likely a lot of leave voters..

I'd bet you all the money though he voted to remain though when he cast his vote.........because the man has displayed nothing but common sense - and it was common sense to remain in the EU.

yet all he seems to have been doing the last couple of days is banging the drum about being ready to lead the country, im sorry if your ready to lead show a bit of leadership and promise you wont back an election until brexit is sorted rather than talking up the party being on campaign footing?!

if corbyn pushes for a 2nd election sooner than later he's just as much political opportunist as may was trying to be, hell id even go and say maybe worse as a 2nd election could make a right pigs ear of brexit talks.
Obviously - Corbyn is one of the few British MP's that understands his job is to serve the will of the people.

He won't commit political suicide by not going through with brexit, a large portion of his target voters were likely a lot of leave voters..

I'd bet you all the money though he voted to remain though when he cast his vote.........because the man has displayed nothing but common sense - and it was common sense to remain in the EU.

I wouldn't be so sure - some of his plans would seem to be much easier to implement with the UK outside the EU - nationalisation for example

he also voted against Maastricht in the first place and has generally been anti EU as he's not exactly a supporter of globalism, free markets etc.. given this how do you know that his pre-referendum remain stance wasn't also him serving the (perceived at that time) 'will of the people'?
So, after Macron said the door is open for the UK to stay, Verhofstadt says it would be a new door, and the UK can forget about rebates, opt outs, etc etc.
We're going to get so screwed.
On the one hand, completely understandable. The UK isn't a special ********* that should alone get to choose the bits it likes and the bits it doesn't. If we want back in, we know full-well what we're getting into. And we don't get to be the fly in the ointment any more.

However, after Brexit, I distinctly remember several key EU politicians saying that the EU needed to accommodate member states integrating at different speeds... ie a multi-tier EU. Perhaps that doesn't directly apply to rebates, but surely it would apply to opt-outs....?
I'm simply astounded that we have an OCUK poll with Labour pulling nearly double the Conservative vote.

Really? I'm not at all surprised, lots of pseudo intellectuals in GD that aren't representative of the wider population. Hence all the whining about the two free and fair votes lost in the last 12 months.
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