True enough....but (there's always a but!)
Personally, i've always supported/followed anything with a Honda in it. It all boils down to my old man having bought nothing but Honda's as long as I can remember. Childish, but then I was a child when I first started watching in awe at F1 back when I was 8, and Mansell blew his tyre in '86. I still remember crying over it
After that it was marvelling at Senna/Prost, following the Jordan team (just because of the attitude) and marvelling/being annoyed at Schumachers domination.
I was really chuffed when BAR joined the fray a few years back now, and even more so when the team morphed (unfortunately as it turned out) into a fully fledged veggie-eating works team. It's around the BAR time when I started following Button (I had no interest before that in him admittedly).
BrawnGP may not "be" Honda, but i'll still follow them as such as it still has vast amounts of Honda DNA, and Button's still there. I don't believe they'll be challenging for the title, but they'll be more than ok come the end of the season. Anything is good enough at this stage, i've spend 3 months endlessly pressing F5 on various F1 forums waiting for updates on the future of the team

Hard to explain really, I dont follow F1 the same way I follow Footie, in the sense I just support 1 team in Footie, yet...I find myself (always have) more interested in all aspects of F1 than Football.