Well, he kind of is now but if you want another...
Then the fallable Ben Shapiro, in recent years he has been immaculate in his discussions.
I notice you ignored my list of things spoken about by the mainstream media however.
Well you haven't provided sources, and there is already bias in presenting complex issues with a short one line summary, however:
Female footballers paid the same as male -
Eventually they should be
Air conditioning is sexist because men like it cooler -
There is a study proving that Men work better in cooler environments and women work better in hotter environments. There's nothing sexist about air conditioning obviously.
All shops should have obese mannequins to represent all body types -
Sure, why not?
Stay at home mothers should be paid £30,000 a year -
Ridiculous, but I've no idea what story this is?
Elderly people shouldn't be allowed to vote -
That's not democratic
Homework should be banned because it is damaging our children -
Ambivalent, I always hated it myself
Pencil cases should be banned because it causes bullying -
John Cleese is racist for saying london isn't English anymore -
I wouldn't call him a racist, but it's a very simplistic view of things!
Staff should get compassionate leave for dead pets -
As a dog owner and employer, I know what it's like to lose a pet and it's pretty horrible...maybe compassionate leave for a day or two yeah
Abortion up to 9 months should be made legal -
Give over, who argued for this?
50% of all mps should be female -
Eventually they should be
Fat shaming should be made a hate crime -
Pedophiles should be offered treatment and not jailed -
Can of worms, but they already do this.
Shakespeare should be banned in schools because it has innapropriate messages -
No opinion
Physical contact should be banned in workplaces -
I assume this is to avoid inappropriate touching?
You should get permission from your children before sharing images with friends -
Once they are a certain age you probably should
Misgendering a child before they are old enough to choose their gender should be illegal -
No, simply change it later if it's wrong
Short prison sentences for women should be abolished -
Discussed here: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/t...le-mums-might-not-be-sent-to-prison.18857478/