Fallout: New Vegas

Thanks for the tips I really appreciate it. Looking forward to complete a game with all these mods to make the game more interesting and better visuals.

I have uninstalled Nevada Skies and installed Project Reality instead and the R_Evolution pack. The only problem I have is I have flickering shadows on my char's hands.

I have installed BOSS - I think I have got it, after it runs chrome pops up with

"These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action."

So I'm guessing to order it to the way it says on this page.

More experimenting to do now ;)
"These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action."

So I'm guessing to order it to the way it says on this page.

More experimenting to do now ;)

BOSS sorts them for you automatically, no need to change them. Having said that, some plugins will possibly not be recognized, so you will need to move them by hand, based on where they are recommended to go, or what they change.

Apparently, all ENBs have some kind of problem with hands iirc?
Thanks Pighardia, not just me then re: flashing hands.

Hmm. I now seem to crash every other time I enter/exit buildings. Really annoying, tried to install the 4GB fix mod but that crashes on start-up :S not sure if anyone knows anything about that?
I tried again today by re-installing everything from fresh and followed the gopher tutorial which was really useful but now I've come to the conclusion that you cannot have the 4GB fix, NVSE and ENB graphics running simultaneously, at least on Windows 8 (common theme I noticed on on nexus forums)

When I had finally found a 4GB fix that actually worked without crashing on start up this resulted in ENB not working which meant the game looked really horrible

My guess AA, AF turned off per instructions since ENB default to 16x and the game resorts to the standard graphics without AF. Tried to uninstall the 4GB fix and now the game does not load/ctd.

I could try to re-install everything again from fresh/and/or with re-install Windows 7 and see what happens but the way I see it it's not worth the energy expended for the amount of time I would get back from the game as I've only played it for 11 hours in total and spent more time trying to get the graphics mods primarily to work. Bored with the whole idea now but might return to this distant future who knows/cares. Thanks for trying to help I'll remember it next time if I try to do this again.
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Jut a quick reply, as I am at work so can't really go in to it-

Firstly, ENB might conflict with any 3rd party gpu program like afterburner if you use it, so make sure you turn that off before despairing. Secondly, there is a specific nvse /4gb loader. Make sure you are using that.
I always end up coming back to this game:p

Had a few problems with Archive Invalidation strangely, but everything is working well together now. I tried using NMM for all of the installing and it worked fine


And without ENB-

NMC Lite(with washed out wasteland add-on)
MG Clutter
Poco Bueno
Project Reality
Lone Wanderer FNV ENB
Vurt's Flora Overhaul

Gameplay-wise, I am only using NVEC and F.O.O.K...it really is all you need now!
The only thing I can't decide on is whether to use a controller or not...I just did the Goodsprings fight, and barely hit a thing!(VATS comes in to its own though;)) Also, you lose a lot of features with a controller(sprint, stealth field, Night Vision, Grenade hotkey) as NVSE can't map them to controller buttons. I would love to lay back with a controller to play it, but it might be too much of a hassle tbh, as it would mean messing around with X-padder, and I'm not sure I can be bothered.
360 pad has native support and you can map hotkeys to the d-pad but I'm guessing you don't have a 360 pad? :)

Yeah, I am using a 360 pad. The problem is with mods that add features that need toggling etc, for example Project Nevada adds sprinting to the game, so you hold down L-shift to sprint using AP, but it can't be mapped to controller buttons. Same with Grenades, Stealth, Night Vision and Bullet time.

I think I will have to use kb/m.
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Any mods that increase the gore? Found it pretty poor in comparison to Fallout 3, much less blood spatters and dismemberment :(
Not sure there are specific mods for that tbh, but there are options in F. O. O. K and project nevada to change it, but they are complete game play overhauls!... Have you tried tweaking your Decal settings?
Any mods that increase the gore? Found it pretty poor in comparison to Fallout 3, much less blood spatters and dismemberment :(

Was looking around on Vegas nexus mods and found Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c, i think it does the same kind of thing as the Skyrim version, here is the link http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34917/? .Another mod that was great for giblets and body parts everywhere is EVE http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42666/?. Grab yourself a energy weapon and smile as the body parts fly :)
Project Brazil is getting some very positive feedback. Lots of people praising it as very professional. Can't wait to try it out after finishing a NV playthrough....Got it all installed ready;)

Here is an overview of the mod.


The fan-made mod for the post-apocalyptic Fallout: New Vegas, Project Brazil is live. Not just a simple re-skinning, Project Brazil actually provides a whole new world, roughly the size of Fallout 3's Capital Wasteland, complete with main and side quests, complete with 5000 lines of professionally recorded dialogue.
Not bad work for a couple of fans who poured themselves into the mod for the last four years. Maybe it's not an official expansion, but buckle up spanky, because despite any and all rumors, it looks like Bethesda doesn't have any Fallout related plans coming down the pipeline any time soon. So this is gonna have to do for the forseeable future.

The mod begins just like any bit of Americana should, a friendly game of ball. As described by the Project Brazil Nexus site:

"Project Brazil tells the story of your player character, an adopted resident of Vault 18, on the night of the last big Vault-Ball game of the season. The consequences of your player's decision to dodge or tackle Johnny Matheson shapes the rest of their life, playing as an computer Nerd or a popular Athlete. When the war finally reaches the Vault after one prominent figure turns out to be a member of the Enclave, a civil war erupts overnight, forcing the player to pick a side and escape into the wasteland with their rag-tag party of Robots and Friends."

As we all knew, you could only take listening to "Ain't That a Kick in the Head?" and "Johnny Guitar" so many times before you wanted to throw yourself into the Divide. The modders knew that too, so they added two new radio stations to the game, offering music from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Along the new tunes are also weather reports, news, and commentary on the player's progress, not unlike Three Dog and Mr. New Vegas.
The mod can be downloaded in three separate parts, the first being our basic introduction to the game, and the second will offer up the different groups that can be encoutered in post-war San Bernadino:

* The Survivalists are the last hold-outs in the California territory, refusing to be absorbed into the massive federal government they see as a threat to their isolated independance and military dictatorship. Cobbled together out of the remains of the various hostile tribes destroyed by the NCR, Boss Harders, their leader, holds a tight regimental order over his confederation.
* The Super Mutant Army, under their new leader, Papa Bug Bear, has vanished into the mist of the San Bernardino mountains, unheard from for decades. Their scouting parties have recently been seen raiding the grasslands with powerful robot escorts, as if they were hunting for someone.
* The New California Republic moved into the Cajun Pass in pursuit of Brotherhood of Steel convicts several years ago, capturing the Survivalist's crop producing lands in Union City. Hoping to use I-15 to expand their power towards Nevada, they must first secure their war ravaged boarders or face economic collapse.
Project Brazil is a stand alone adventure, taking place close to two decades before the events of New Vegas begin. It's now free to download here for anyone with a PC copy of Fallout: New Vegas.
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The gameworld is the same size as Fallout 3!...and gameplay mods for New Vegas work on it as well(it is basically the same game). Really impressive work.

It is unusual to see a mod of this scale to actually see the light of day. Makes it even more impressive imo to see a project like this to the end. Will definitely try it out.
Had a go at the 1st installment of Project Brazil over the weekend, and am blown away. So immersive and and well written - far better than vanilla's beginning from what I remember (only bug I've encountered was Jen's path-finding struggling with stairs in vault 18). Your very first choice has repercussions.

Although only got up to the point of sleeping, effectively completing the prologue. As I discovered I only had Conelrad and realistic headshots mods from my play through on vanilla release, I had to get more.

So currently adding these graphical enhancements based on Pighardia's screenshots:
NMC Large (with washed out wasteland add-on)
MG Clutter
Poco Bueno
Project Reality
Lone Wanderer FNV ENB
Vurt's Flora Overhaul

The 2nd installment is pencilled for release on 1st July apparently (I think the 1st one deals with the vault beginning, and the 2nd with wasteland questing).
Had a go at the 1st installment of Project Brazil over the weekend, and am blown away. So immersive and and well written - far better than vanilla's beginning from what I remember (only bug I've encountered was Jen's path-finding struggling with stairs in vault 18). Your very first choice has repercussions.

If these guys are better than the writers of games like Planescape Torment, why aren't they working in the industry? :p
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