Fallout: New Vegas

Now that I have got the hang of the special melee moves I'm finding the cazadors much easier, 1 simple move and they are down, and if I go into VATS and spread my attacks over multiple targets up close then chances are at least 1 or 2 of them will be hit with my paralysing parm for a 30 second stun (enough to take down anything).
Marksman Carbine or All-American and they're toast - those and the weapon I keep going on about, the Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle - pure victory :D

I want the Gobi rifle but I've still got a way to go with the lockpicking skill :(

I've got the Marksman and Trail Carbine, but don't like them too much. The Avenger CZ57 does cut them down quite effectively, shame about the stupidly small barrel/feed though
I seem to have no issues with carazadors (sp?) though I am level 24 now. One thing I have noticed is if i hit one with a sniper rifle they rarily pull adds. I'm using veronica atm who is pretty deadly.

I have been slightly side tracked by black ops, i'm 80 hours into NV and not been to the strip, excellent game this.
The riot shotgun chews Cazadors to pieces... It really is insanely powerful. It can also take down a deathclaw sharpish, if you're unfortunate enough to let one close the distance. Insanely powerful close range weapon... Almost too powerful.
*****Slight Spoiler******

You have to be very careful at this stage. I was trying to play as a good guy but last night I seem to have inadvertently gone over to the "dark side". Having given the chip to Mr House the Legion now hate me and his next mission was to go back and wipe out the BoS bunker, so now my karma and regard have plummetted. I'm just hoping there's a way back from this on to the NCR path. If not then I guess the multiple story possibilities make for excellent replay value.

Can't emphasise enough how much I'm enjoying this though, so refreshing to have a game with a dynamic and varied storyline unlike certain other third person shooters.

***** Possible Spoiler *****

I left the 4 'wheelie bots' in the room in the Legion bunker alive and just killed the protectrons. This kept both the Legion and Mr House happy.

Dead chuffed, then I seem to have upset things a little by bumping off Mr House.......

Still impressed with the game although need to upgrade my GFX card ASAP.
- How is the difficulty compared to Fallout 3?
- Is Hardcore mode annoying and/or very difficult?
- Do the enemies level up with you meaning the game does not get easier the more you level?
The Cazadors are by far the hardest foe IME. Once a group of them are on you it's a 50/50 whether you'll survive to tell the tale :p

I usually start by taking out a couple with the Sniper rifle, and then when the group turns to swarm on me, unleash Archimedes II :D

I find that using a Machine gun/Sub-Machine gun and aiming for the wings takes them down pretty easy.
Completed the main story last night after siding with Yes Man, was very much an enjoyable game and the ending was really rather good, just got to do it again now by siding with Mr.House :)
- How is the difficulty compared to Fallout 3?
- Is Hardcore mode annoying and/or very difficult?
- Do the enemies level up with you meaning the game does not get easier the more you level?

Compared to Fallout 3, I found the difficulty to be harder at first. Now that I have a suite of top-notch weapons though, I'm finding it pretty easy to take down most things.

I don't think that the enemies level up... certainly it's not like FO3 where you would only ever come across weak enemies when you were low level, and on level 20+ would find nothing but absolute beasts. When I first started I headed North for a bit of a wander, and came across a trio of giant radscorpions. They took me down with two hits, and I only managed to take about 20% health from one of them.

I haven't played hardcore mode, so I can't comment...
- How is the difficulty compared to Fallout 3?
- Is Hardcore mode annoying and/or very difficult?
- Do the enemies level up with you meaning the game does not get easier the more you level?

It is pretty much the same as Fallout 3, on the highest difficulty combat can be quite a challenge.

I didn't really find hardcore mode much of a challenge to be honest. I think the worst part of it is that ammo has weight, which means you have to streamline your weapon loadout. Either sticking to a few different weapon types, or weapons that use the same calibre. The rest of it is simple, water is the one that proves most frequent for obvious reasons, so as long as you make sure to carry some water and food, it is easy. I personally think they should have disabled fast travel in hardcore mode, that would have made things much more difficult.

As far as I'm aware, the enemies tend to match you level, it is really the later hardware and certain skills (like sneak) that can make it easier later in the game.

I just had the battle with Legate Lanius and his cohorts - that was well hard!

Really? Found that one of the easier parts, especially considering the firepower I had.
I personally think they should have disabled fast travel in hardcore mode, that would have made things much more difficult.

It would only make things more difficult in the sense of making things more boring - i.e. it would be mentally challenging to not close the game when you have to spend 30 mins walking from one side of the map to the other.

I think what would have been better would be to have it like FO1 & FO2, whereby when fast travelling you would sometimes encounter a random group of foes that you have to fight etc.
I just made sure I had 100 speech as quickly as possible in the game and didn't really have to fight anyone at the end

Where is the fun in that!? ;)

It would only make things more difficult in the sense of making things more boring - i.e. it would be mentally challenging to not close the game when you have to spend 30 mins walking from one side of the map to the other.

I think what would have been better would be to have it like FO1 & FO2, whereby when fast travelling you would sometimes encounter a random group of foes that you have to fight etc.

I'm not so sure, I find the most fun is travelling into the unknown and exploring. Sure it might be boring in sections for the casual gamer (who shouldn't have it enabled anyways), but if the objective of the hardcore mode was to make it more difficult I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better way.

I do agree though, maybe having random encounters appear when you are fast travelling would make it more interesting.
It would only make things more difficult in the sense of making things more boring - i.e. it would be mentally challenging to not close the game when you have to spend 30 mins walking from one side of the map to the other.

Maybe not... It would certainly force you to plan things a lot better though. Rather than finishing one quest at a time, which might require you to go to opposite ends of the map, it would force you to take advantage of whatever is available in the local area. I agree that it would make things a lot more difficult though, and there might be times when things get laborious. Perhaps combined with a "time accelerator" type function it could work well.
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