Its been incredibly repetitive of Far Cry 3 all the way through, but when I was given a flame thrower and told to go burn some drug fields, I realised its not just copying FC3, it
is FC3, only not as good and glitchy as hell.
You can have too much of a good thing, and replacing the accents with Indian ones and replacing the sea with mountains and crossing out 3 and writing 4 on the box does not make this a new game. I'd feel robbed if I paid full price. I still feel robbed having paid £18.
And being able to take out a completely unweakened fortress on your own with the game set to hard is just taking the micky. Doing it twice, once with no alarms and the other at the very first attempt is just shocking.
Its just FC3 but dumbed down and not as good. And I've realised I'm bored of it.
Sorry. /rant