There's also plenty of people falling below the requirements, in seems like this applies to most people based on this Ubisoft article which you/Bill found to both your credit.
Recommended configurations for higher resolutions in Far Cry 6 | Ubisoft Help
That's pretty clear and no wonder why 4-10GB cards are having issues, some seeing it on the 3080 TI too. 6700 XT as well I bet since that has 12GB, however that card probably doesn't quite have the grunt to run 4K60 at Ultra quality with RT and HD Textures and keep playable FPS so less of an issue there.
It does make me laugh when it's trying to be brushed off as a bug by some with certain agendas when the requirements are there for all to see. They know who they are, and it's funny to see them running around like a madman trying to do damage control and find links to support their incorrect interpretations. These people just can't grasp that true 4K HD Textures (actual 4K HD Textures are not that common in games today) and RT effects cost VRAM. Yes that's right, enabling RT will spike VRAM usage too.
I suppose this needs to be said again for those in the back or their fingers in their ears. It's an
optional download to improve quality for people who
meet the minimum requirements for video memory, basically the highest end graphics cards currently available. If this was forced on and included in the base game I could understand it. No one is forced to download the texture pack, just like no one is forced to use Ray Tracing. Oh how I've seen this argument pushed in other threads by a few, well guess what? It applies here too. If i wanted to play a game that had RT effects that pushed FPS much down below 60, it'd just get disabled or FSR would be used (if available) since RT generally adds very little anyway in most games so far.
That's subjective and your opinion which is fine.
It looks good to me at 4K max settings with HDR, great in fact. But then again, I meet the requirements for the optional texture pack, RT and 4K max settings so there are no texture issues for me. Textures will be better at 4K which is the resolution where you would see most benefit, unsurprisingly.
I will agree that the roads don't look as good as they did in Far Cry 5, so hoping that gets fixed in a future patch. And I'm sure graphics could be improved in certain areas, but I can say that about every game I play tbh. There are some gameplay elements which are worse than 5 too, but that's not related to graphics. There are also many things graphically that are better than 5, and that is the general consensus by most tech sites that have done in-depth testing comparing settings, texture packs etc. Digital Foundry are not included in that since it is known they are compromised, they didn't even cover FSR in the technical breakdown for example which was mind blowing when you think about it as FSR works wonderfully well in this title and is one of the best implementations to date in my opinion. Everyone else covered it.
The important part, the game is stable with no crashes. It's not like the fire dumpster that is Cyberpunk. The problem is you have people trying to run settings in the game when they don't meet the requirements, then blaming said game when all their textures look low quality and claiming it as a bug.