Far Cry Primal

I really like the look of the game and I certainly want it, but the general consensus is it is going to crash and burn especially at the price they want.

I will give it a couple of weeks, I bet somewhere will have it for £15 or thereabouts.
There's one or two mentions of the geometry setting making a big difference with fps on this. The standard smallest differences you can barely see but for noticeable gains between ultra and very high as well.
Just watched the total biscuit vid on youtube.

The game seems really empty for a AAA priced game.

Just watched it too, and completely agree. I can understand that due to the setting many gameplay facets would need to be removed by comparison with the previous games. However, it really does appear that nothing's been added to compensate in fleshing out the gameplay. Even the melee combat looks to be no deeper than it was in FC3/4.

That's really disappointing as this could have been a unique and epic game. I think I'll be waiting for this to hit sale pricing.
I laughed out loud when he said "there's a guy that literally pees on your head". :D

Quite an interesting setting but going by the video, it's not something that will be for me.
I'll probably pick this up when it drops to £15, waste of money otherwise from what I have seen. Still to play FC4 beyond the 30min mark.
I am hoping for some news today that the day 1 patch resolves all performance issues. Integrates 21:9 support natively and Nvidia release a game ready driver.

Then I remembered that this is Ubisoft we are talking about :(
Apparently the 'Day 1 Patch' is fixing these performance issues according to a number of users.
Ah, they must have changed it then as I googled just last week and most places were saying the 8th, either that or they got it wrong as it wouldn't make sense to have it out on the same day as the division!

Not that it really matters anyway as I will be waiting for it to hit around the £10 mark :p
For me, it runs well and better than ROTTR. At 1080p ultra, fov 85 (+10) with the shadows down to high and geometry very high it is always around 60fps (361.91) and does look very good (bar any splashing water, expected this to change from console). Showing around 2700-3050 vram. I've only come across one glitch/bug and that was visual in the menus, quite impressed. I'm a few hours in and I would say gameplay wise it's decent but nothing new, and I've barely played any far cry games before. Quite like the combat and it's not a complete walk over even on normal. The interface and whole setup does feel too far spoon fed for my liking, however this may be due to coming from playing Bloodborne. Heavy on collectibles and gathering, a bit too much so. The beasts do add something extra as I was expecting them to be useless.
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I can only imagine how weak Far Cry '17 is going to be.

FC4 should have been £20 DLC for 3, and this .... less than £10. I've watched a few streams and the game is completely empty.

UBI are taking the **** these days.
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