Far Cry Primal

Are people really buying into this again?

The series is going to become a joke if all they need to do is reskin and charge full price.
I won't be, I didn't actually complete Far Cry 4.

Far Cry 3 was brilliant, 4 was a bit more of the same with prettier graphics.

I wouldn't say this was the equivalent of Far Cry: Blood Dragon as this looks to be quite lengthy and has a new new map etc but I can't see myself playing it other than to say "This looks pretty"
from the pc gamer review, pretty sure there's no spoilers in there:

Otherwise, it's business as usual. You brutally kill thousands of animals to craft gear and weapon upgrades; you light bonfires to reveal more of the map; you attack enemy outposts; you have trippy dream sequences; you complete story missions that steadily unlock more stuff. It’s Far Cry, basically, but in the Stone Age. But as much as I love Oros as a setting and all the animal-based tomfoolery, I can’t shake the feeling of déjà vu. If you’ve invested significant time in Far Cry 3 or 4, you’ll find your enjoyment of Primal dampened by its deep-rooted similarity to those games.
Total Biscuit's video review has hammered the game's performance issues.

Although he does mention that there is a Day 1 Patch (isnt there always :mad:) and Nvidia will probably have a driver release for the game.

I love the Far Cry games and I so want this to be great, no pre-order for me yet though until I get a clearer view post release.
I cancelled my preorder for this a while ago and I'm glad I did. The state of PC gaming at the moment is shocking, how are publishers/devs getting away with this sort of performance in games.

Far Cry 4 ran like an absolute dog for me until patch 1.6 I think it was, where they finally fixed the stutter issue. Now on version 1.7 I cant even launch the game, it just instacrashes on startup. It doesn't even get to the menu.

Total Biscuit's video review has hammered the game's performance issues.

Although he does mention that there is a Day 1 Patch (isnt there always :mad:) and Nvidia will probably have a driver release for the game.

I love the Far Cry games and I so want this to be great, no pre-order for me yet though until I get a clearer view post release.

Yep, watched that this morning and the game seems to lack any real depth, it looks and sounds like a stripped back FC4.
FC 4 was boring as **** imo, just a reskin/rehash fo FC 3

FC 3 - superb

I actually think this looks pretty good and something a bit different, it isn't the same rehash as FC 4 was to 3

Great to see the stuttering still there.... TBF, I'll wait for drivers, day 1 patch and 60 fps locked but even then, it will still probably stutter like fc 4 and 3 :o :p

I cancelled my preorder for this a while ago and I'm glad I did. The state of PC gaming at the moment is shocking, how are publishers/devs getting away with this sort of performance in games.

Far Cry 4 ran like an absolute dog for me until patch 1.6 I think it was, where they finally fixed the stutter issue. Now on version 1.7 I cant even launch the game, it just instacrashes on startup. It doesn't even get to the menu.

One of the reasons... you can thank the people who pre-order :p
Not touching this till it hits the bargain bin. In fact, I might not even bother at all. Far Cry 4 got boring really quick and I don't expect great things from this one either, especially that they've taken out 75% of stuff that made the series fun. Judging by the gameplay vids, it doesn't look like much more than a reskin with many features taken out due to the setting.

If I ever manage to finish MGS V, Witcher 3, Dying Light and Final Fantasy XIII this year then Fallout 4 seems like a safer bet to waste my money on:p
Far Cry 4 is currently above 1.1 for me (cant remember which)

Runs like a dream for me (SLI 980s), but the only issue I have is the non native support for 21:9.

There has not been a single solid third party software fix that I am aware of. In this day and age to launch a supposed AAA game and fail to patch in 21:9 is a disgrace.
Runs like a dream for me (SLI 980s), but the only issue I have is the non native support for 21:9.

There has not been a single solid third party software fix that I am aware of. In this day and age to launch a supposed AAA game and fail to patch in 21:9 is a disgrace.

I thought flawless widescreen had a fix for 21.9?
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