Far Cry Primal

It's Far Cry 4 with different clothes and animals. And Far Cry 4 was a buggy mess...
It's a Far Cry game, you mean.

And there's clearly more of a focus on survival, plus having no guns is a pretty big departure.

And whatever bugs you encountered in FC4(I experienced none), this is a new game.
Mixed feelings about this, looks great as usual, no gun obviously and a selection of upgrading 3 basic weapons, spear bow and club could get a little boring, although saying that I played FC4 all the way through with a total of 3 weapons one being a bow, massive fan of the last game but I'm not sold on this one yet. Might try before I buy this time.
It's Far Cry 4 with different clothes and animals. And Far Cry 4 was a buggy mess...
That was not my experience, I played it (FC4) from launch and compared to pretty much everything I've played since it performed well and had no glaring issues.

As above I am not sure what to make of this. It should be a refreshing change, but I personally enjoyed the gunplay of all the FC games.
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It's Far Cry 4 with different clothes and animals. And Far Cry 4 was a buggy mess...

I personally had no bug issues with it and loved it. Is this set on the same island?

If not, what you seem to be saying is "It's a new game using the far cry 4 engine" - presumably you think it should have been DLC/an expansion pack?
FC2 was an abomination, whoever said it was great needs to be shot with a potato gun.

FC2 with re-spawning waypoints after a few seconds, weapons with that stupid weapon jam. immortal NPC's and jeeps that were faster than any you drive. and that annoying malaria that you had to constantly get pills for.

Any way back to game it looks good, but they need to change the dynamics than just destroying checkpoints and side missions.
It is a full triple AAA game.

Its a spin off from a full Far Cry game. Like Blood Dragon was to FC3, only Blood Dragon was about £12.

How can this be a full game? Major elements of Far Cry simply can't exist in this era (long range weaponry, explosives, flying, any sort of story that relies on human communication, any sort of remote communications, etc). They are going to have to carve out a lot of features and I can't see any way they can back fill them (unless someone can tell me how cave men had sniper rifles, alarms, vehichles and the ability to 'radio in reinforcements'), so in terms of content by definition this has got to be a less developed game than FC3 or 4. Yet they want £55 for it!!! LOOOOOOOOL!
I think this looks ace ! Something really different , hopefully they can add enough content to keep it interesting though , multiplayer would be interesting also
I think this looks ace ! Something really different , hopefully they can add enough content to keep it interesting though , multiplayer would be interesting also

Yeh I agree with this.

I watched the promo vid on Steam Store page and well, it looks fantastic.
Agreed. Gameplay looks dull, there are 10s of others of similar games being developed. This is just Far Cry with a quarter of its features and a new coat of paint. Meh.
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