FFS think I've been done for speeding AGAIN.. HELP!

matt100 said:
for goodness sake.. anyone would think I was saying I was planning on hiring lawyers and deploying every trick in the book to get off the ticket.

The simple fact is and the whole point of the thread is (/was.. seems to have changed now, thanks chaps :rolleyes: ) gathering experience/opinions on delaying if possible the impending punishment (if there is one, I'm struggling to find any mention of mobile vans on that stretch of road and this info is pretty public).

If there is no sensible way to go about doing that of course I will just take the punishment.

Similarly after I got 6 points a couple of years ago I slowed down, genuinely. Given the amount of time I spend on the road I pass enough vans at or under the limit to know I must be observing it the majority of the time.. In the 2 years I've had my 6 points I've done as many miles as some people do in 10 years.

I think I'm quite entitled to have a bit of a moan because I would happily argue all day (as looks likely) that I was driving safely, not within the law granted, but safely nontheless.

If it helps pump up your ego or postcount to stick a glib comment in along the lines of "should have known better" or "told you so" then I guess there's not much I can do about it this being a public forum and all but jesus christ ocuk can be tiresome at times.

I'm not proud, I'm not gloating, I'm not trying to get off, I'm not even whinging about the unfairness much, give me a break and if you can't contribute.. don't.

You get caught (again!) , post about it here and then moan about the response?

FFS! This is an internet forum & Oc/Uk Motors at that! What did you expect? a bag of sweets?

You say you need your licence, but a potential 9 points just tells me you don't seem to need it enough.

Next time, slow up a tad (or buy one of those road angel / tom tom thingys)

Its easy to get caught speeding if you're breaking it intentionally, and that its also easy NOT to be caught if you're trying to abide by it.
(c) 2007 The_Dark_Side - All rights reserved. ;) :D
(especially if for example, your restricted to 40MPH on A roads as HGV drivers are) ;)

My licence is clean yet I do circa 120,000+km per year in my truck along with another 10k+ miles in my car.

Simple. ;)
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R124/LA420 said:
Easiest thing in the world to get done speeding (especially if for example, your restricted to 40MPH on A roads as HGV drivers are) ;)
R124/LA420 said:
My licence is clean yet I do circa 120,000+km per year in my truck along with another 10k+ miles in my car.

Simple. ;)
I'd slightly alter your first quote to read that its easy to get caught speeding if you're breaking it intentionally, and that its also easy NOT to be caught if you're trying to abide by it.
your second quote backs this up as given the sort of mileage you and I cover we couldn't possibly have clean licenses if it wasn't true, especially bearing in mind the number of mobile cameras and the fact its hard to predict where they're likely to be.
The_Dark_Side said:
I'd slightly alter your first quote to read that its easy to get caught speeding if you're breaking it intentionally, and that its also easy NOT to be caught if you're trying to abide by it.
your second quote backs this up as given the sort of mileage you and I cover we couldn't possibly have clean licenses if it wasn't true, especially bearing in mind the number of mobile cameras and the fact its hard to predict where they're likely to be.

Edited mate. - Cheers! :)

Point taken, but, as I often state, times & places for speeding its just a small matter of one being lucky to pick different places & times to those places & times chosen by the money raising gits in vans whom require nukes from orbit! ! ;)
The_Dark_Side said:
my problem with Saabs is they seem to suffer badly from torque steer and can really be a handful especially in the wet.

Meh, they're not as bad as all that, really. The main problem is that GM skimped (as usual) on some of the materials. Aftermarket items like the Abbott Racing VRK, decent quality bushes, a subframe brace and maybe a strut brace make a huge difference. Yeah, OK, so it costs money, but when the engine can be tuned fairly easily to silly power (on the earlier cars anyway, the new 93 seems to have suffered even more from GM cost cutting with the fitment of weak gearboxes :(), it's worth the extra hassle.

One thing I have contemplated recently is a TR7 with a Saab 9000 Aero engine fitted. It should fit as it is derived basically from the sprint engine, which has been fitted to some TR7's anyway. Maptun Stage 7 tuning takes the 1993 225hp 2.3 engine up to 440 Hp, 550 Nm, although it does cost nearly 6k. For a much more reasonable £850 or so, you can get 290hp, 440Nm, intercooler space allowing, of course

My only concern is that I want to use the drophead, and I'm not sure about scuttleshake and so on. I need to blag a ride in one at Stoneleigh I think :)

Also Saabs do seem to be sensitive to tyres. I have never found F1's to be great on them (have F1's on mine at the moment as I couldn't get the Avon ZZ3's I wanted). They're good in the dry, but awful in the wet, whereas I found the ZZ3's to be a much better wet/dry compromise.

FWIW, what i forgot to say in my previous post was that while there are some threads that end up with posts by scores of members, there are certain members whos posts i always make a point of reading...yours being one of them.
basically because they're always worth reading IMHO.

I know what you mean. There are some members who always seem to post something useful (or at least thought provoking) and others who seem to add little
Demontec said:
Alright mate,

I have a plan! You take my mazda 6 for a few months and I take your ST! Result!!!!!

In regard to the speeding, naughty, naughty!

says the man who got banned on a scooter ;)
R124/LA420 said:
Edited mate. - Cheers! :)

Point taken, but, as I often state, times & places for speeding its just a small matter of one being lucky to pick different places & times to those places & times chosen by the money raising gits in vans whom require nukes from orbit! ! ;)
i totally agree mate.
i'm rarely under the speed limit, yet i have a clean license, so there's definitely an element of luck behind this.
however, while i cannot deny the above, it remains that the luck element is only needed because i'm conciously driving above the limit. i stand by my previous comment in that assuming you have enough ability/skills to drive a motor vehicle, and you wish to syat within the speed limits, then it's easy to driver forever and a day without picking up a point and not the impossible task that some seem to suggest here from time to time. (i'm not aiming this at the OP btw.)
R124/LA420 said:
Its easy to get caught speeding if you're breaking it intentionally, and that its also easy NOT to be caught if you're trying to abide by it.
(c) 2007 The_Dark_Side - All rights reserved. ;) :D
FWIW i'm having a bit of a 'mare today, and you just put a big daft smile on my face.
Well Matt100 after 35 years of not getting a speeding ticket, I finally got one from one of those new digital cameras.
I was up in Lincs which was a strange area to me and as I came round a sharp bend there it was waiting to take my picture, it said I was doing 35 in a 30 zone.
I normally obey the speed limits as my livelyhood does not depend on driving.
So if I want to avoid 3 points on my license I have to go to some sort of class in Northants which is 70 miles away.
The information I received gave me 28 days to return the forum and then it would be decided if it was a penalty or a court case.
So by hanging it out you could probably get away with two months, but push it any further and you could lose your license and get a hefty fine.
The_Dark_Side said:
FWIW i'm having a bit of a 'mare today, and you just put a big daft smile on my face.


The_Dark_Side said:
if it really is so important to the OP to draw things out, i really think he needs to seek legal advice.

True, we can berate each other to the point of going away to start on another thread..... and still nothing will be resolved. :confused:

If / when the NIP comes through, then we'll have a good inquest into events I reckon. ;)

Poo happens, I'll probably be joining you next week - knowing my luck of late...... :( :o
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The_Dark_Side said:
a TR7?
you're clearly more mental than i thought :p.
only drove one once and couldn't believe how deep the sills were, lol.
are there many good ones left? do they command a premium?

lol, I'm just after something "different".

There are surprisingly quite a few good ones left around, and I actually find myself liking them at the moment... I'm worried about it all too :D

You can spend quite a lot on a good one, but still less than maybe 5k.

I'll probably settle for a scimitar in the end though. I'm wondering if a modern Ford Duratec V6 will fit in, blown, of course :D
The_Dark_Side said:
if it really is so important to the OP to draw things out, i really think he needs to seek legal advice.

its not terribly important, I just feel like being arkward tbh ;)

I'm fairly sure I'll get the points, and I'm pretty sure I can avoid getting any more.

Truth is I don't drive like an arse which is why it'll be 65 in a 50 rather than 80 in a 50. Plus its ridiculous getting done on an unpopulated stretch of dual carriageway in the middle of a stretch of NSL road when people tear down my street at 40 despite the speed bumps (especially little chavs on mopeds who seem to enjoy getting air off the bumps at 2am).

But as has been said time and again, just like I did after the 2nd set of 3 18 months ago I will adjust my behaviour and take overly special care not to be done again.

Its just total nonsense in my opinon though, 2 NSL sets of tickets no accidents this century, 1 accident in 12 years of driving (1 year in when I was a hot headed 19yr old and I've always had fast cars) and I'm facing a ban.

The joke is the folks who rally round my street/area stand almost no chance of ever being caught because they never get out of so53/51 and there are very few mobile sites round here and no gatsos, I get off my arse and get round the country and I'm running the risk of a ban.

Still, hey ho.. there's pleasing some folk on a public forum, I kind of expected some stick and I suppose I deserve some of it. Just to reiterate, I'm not trying to suggest I didn't break the law, I'm not trying to dodge the points and I'm not trying to glorify or condone speeding. What I do think is the national policing perspective on dealing with "dangerous" driving is completely wrong as it does almost nothing to address drunkeness/drugs/non insured/no licence drivers but it hammers those who travel a bit over limits that were set 40+ years ago.

My 2p and I'm sticking to it.

Now.. do I buy a slow car or will that just make the problem worse?
matt100 said:
Now.. do I buy a slow car or will that just make the problem worse?
1) avoiding the points is unlikely, although you could delay things just bear in mind the courts HATE being dicked around..
2) you might not agree with some speed limits, i don't either to be honest, but that doesn't change the fact that they're in place. this still leaves you free to disobey them if you decide to, just bear in mind that there's a chance you'll be caught and punished accordingly.

that's unfortunately the way it is (unless of course you're a traffic plod "assessing" a car...like that's not a comedy remark but hey ho), for all of us and until the laws on speeding are changed we all have the same choices.
we can moan away about advancments in braking systems and how cars are so much safer etc nowadays, but until the limits are changed it means nothing. you get fined because your cars speedo needle crosses a certain itty bitty mark on the dial on a given road, and that's as complex as it gets.
The_Dark_Side said:
1) avoiding the points is unlikely, although you could delay things just bear in mind the courts HATE being dicked around..
2) you might not agree with some speed limits, i don't either to be honest, but that doesn't change the fact that they're in place. this still leaves you free to disobey them if you decide to, just bear in mind that there's a chance you'll be caught and punished accordingly.

that's unfortunately the way it is (unless of course you're a traffic plod "assessing" a car...like that's not a comedy remark but hey ho), for all of us and until the laws on speeding are changed we all have the same choices.
we can moan away about advancments in braking systems and how cars are so much safer etc nowadays, but until the limits are changed it means nothing. you get fined because your cars speedo needle crosses a certain itty bitty mark on the dial on a given road, and that's as complex as it gets.

I thought I'd made it fairly clear I wasn't trying to avoid the points and I'm certainly not going to let it get anywhere near a court.

also, why dod you quote the line about a new car with no suggestion? give me some guideance! ;)
matt100 said:
I thought I'd made it fairly clear I wasn't trying to avoid the points and I'm certainly not going to let it get anywhere near a court
i'd avoid courts whenever possible, they tend to dish out punishments more harsh than fixed penalties. :(
matt100 said:
also, why dod you quote the line about a new car with no suggestion? give me some guideance! ;)
i can't suggest a car for you. i don't know you or your requirements for a car so any sugestion would just involve me clutching at straws. you're going to be the driver and as such you'll be in full control of the thing...even those microcar things could land you a speeding conviction so what you drive has no real bearing on matters.
the bottom line is mate that although you (and i) disagree on certain speed limits, we're both bound by them. we both need a license to work so it's upto us what we do behind the wheel. i know how frustrated you clearly are but as i said earlier until the system is changed then it's still "their" system and they can choose to run it the way "they" want to.
but it's still upto you how many rules of the road you choose to break.

if your jobs on the line because of this, then if i were you i'd keep that thought in the forefront of my mind when driving. being disqualified isn't fun, take it from me.
I can well imagine, I am strongly considering sticking a post it to the instrument display things saying "WHATS THE LIMIT???".

That'll do it, it reminded me to write my mileage down every day in an old job so it should do the trick lol.

The ST is a very lazily fast car though, I've driven a civic type R before and it ws slow as knackers when you weren't thrashing it and when you did thrash it it was noisy and dramatic.. in the ST you can wander over 100mph and not even notice.

2nd will fairly easily break every speed limit in the country and you have 4 gears left lol.
matt100 said:
I can well imagine, I am strongly considering sticking a post it to the instrument display things saying "WHATS THE LIMIT???".

That'll do it, it reminded me to write my mileage down every day in an old job so it should do the trick lol.

The ST is a very lazily fast car though, I've driven a civic type R before and it ws slow as knackers when you weren't thrashing it and when you did thrash it it was noisy and dramatic.. in the ST you can wander over 100mph and not even notice.

2nd will fairly easily break every speed limit in the country and you have 4 gears left lol.
totally OT but i REALLY like the ST Focus.
haven't even been in one as yet but aesthetically i think they look great and everyones opinion i put faith in has had good things to say about them.

back OT...stop wearing the divers boots when driving, the courts LOVE confiscating licenses.
The_Dark_Side said:
totally OT but i REALLY like the ST Focus.
haven't even been in one as yet but aesthetically i think they look great and everyones opinion i put faith in has had good things to say about them.

back OT...stop wearing the divers boots when driving, the courts LOVE confiscating licenses.

its an awesome car.. anything that pops and bangs on the overrun is fine by me, very comfortable, good for cruising... you can get to 40/50 in no time, stick it in 5th/6th and just burble along.

It just loves tyres and petrol, petrol isn't really my problem but the tyres are!

I like the car and to be honest testing driving super safely over the last few days has proven its pretty easy but then I never did drive everywhere like my hair was on fire. Its just happy at 60-80 on dual carriageways and 80-110 on motorways which could prove to be a bit of an issue :D
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