At the end of the day, blatter got elected by means of a democratic process.
Are we going to say that because we didn't get the result we as the minority wanted we will no longer support democracy. Kinda like a kid throwing their toys out of a pram? There were no brown shirts or men with machine guns forcing the voters which way to vote. It seemed like an open and fair election process.
What is more corrupt than trying to oust a democratically elected leader who has support from nearly 65% of all other nations? Why don't we be honest and say we only support the system that gives us a result we want?
You forgot to ask how he gets those countries to vote for him. He buys votes by countless, generous, uncontrolled handouts to them. Don't forget all the nods and winks we also don't get to see. That is his way of manipulating the election. The only democratic part of the whole process is the physical insertion of a voting slip into the ballot box.