Thaumaturgists BTW are the single best DPS class for bosses / long fights since it's impossible for them to run out of mana if played correctly. Their burst dps isn't as good as Archers but they come into their own in dungeons etc where the mobs take longer to kill.
Can't say I agree with that from what I've seen so far (ie, to level 15ish). Thaumaturge runs out of MP after about 15-20 seconds of casting Fire so you have to switch up to Blizzard which deals far less damage. I've not seen any boss (or mob) so far last long enough that my Archer even came close to running low on SP for his skills.
Course all this could (and probably will) change later.
A little trick I used when trying one was to just kill with fire to build astral fire then switch the whole buff to umbral ice by using Transpose (instantly switches the buff) so you instantly regen your mp before engaging the next mob - haven't ran out of mp while grinding this way. Didn't try a dungeon with this class but I guess this would speed up mp gains a lot.
I do sort of want to try this again but being away for work and how badly burnt I was first time I'll probably end up avoiding.
For anyone that might be using a gamepad / PS3...
Can't say I agree with that from what I've seen so far (ie, to level 15ish). Thaumaturge runs out of MP after about 15-20 seconds of casting Fire so you have to switch up to Blizzard which deals far less damage. I've not seen any boss (or mob) so far last long enough that my Archer even came close to running low on SP for his skills.
Course all this could (and probably will) change later.
You don't swap to cast blizzard - at low levels you use transpose to switch to Umbral and recast your dots as soon as that's done you recast Tranpose and you're back to fire. At high levels you don't even transpose - you cast Blizzard 3 once which refills your mana then Fire 3 which which swaps you back to astral fire 3 (these two spells swap straight over from astral 3 to umbral 3 they don't need build up to it).
Oh and later on you can proc insta cast versions of your spells so you regain (some) mobility.
lol I wonder if they will send me a full retail key or maybe that's even the only key you getThanks for pre-ordering FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn!
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