Still can't enter my pre-order code
No one can, they disabled it.
Still can't enter my pre-order code
As long as the pre-order codes are working by Saturday there's nothing to worry about. The client is the same as the one from this weekend and if anyone doesn't already have it then the download speed is good on it anyway. Was pulling in around 9-10MB/s right after open beta registrations opened on Saturday just past so i don't imagine there'll be any problems.
Fair enough. Not really looked into how it works at higher levels.
erm I cancelled my preorder and had the refund (more because I don't think I would spend enough time playing the game not because I think it's a bad game)
and I just got an email
lol I wonder if they will send me a full retail key or maybe that's even the only key you get
You think that would work if someone else used it because I could really do with an early access code so I can keep up with my friend. Being a person who brought the first but didn't pay any subs to become legacy I have the game but no early access.
You don't need to be a legacy player to get early access, you only need to pre-order.
Sorry if I wasn't clear I just woke up. I was wondering if he is no longer getting the game and doesn't have any intention of playing it and still has the pre order code could someone else use it or would it be invalidated in some way because he cancelled his order.
Sorry if I wasn't clear
not sure if you can still get early access if you buy now though (early access is 10 am Saturday 24th whilst normal access is 27th)
If you're still having issues entering the pre-order code, clear your cache (Shift+reload in FF) on the code entry page - that worked for me.
You then get another code which you enter on the SE site which adds the preorder (plus bonuses) to your account.
Got an email that my CE has shipped today - can't wait!
Thanks for this mate, got it all sorted on mine now too! Saturday 9pm can't come quick enough!