Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

I stopped playing about 6 months ago after getting Monk to 50. I'll be honest, I do miss playing it. There simply wasn't enough going on to keep me interested though. The grind on subsequent classes that you had no quests to level off was tedious at times as well.
Whats this like these days? Been reading/hearing good things about the state of the game from MMO vets.

Very tempted to repick up (tried it at the relaunch but stayed subbed to other MMO's at the time), also is any one able to confirm the difference between the PC version and the PS4 version? Older I get the more Im inclined to just game on the sofa..
There isn't really any differences with the PS4 version.

The game is great, its getting more and more popular with the launch of heavensward.

I would say that if you are looking for PvP then I wouldn't bother with this as its very heavily focused on PvE.
Re-subbed a few days ago and I must say I still can't believe how nice and friendly every one still is compared to other MMORPG's! Must be the Final Fantasy lore/universe only appeals to the more mature of us or something?!
This should be waiting for me when I get home (albeit on PS4).

I always enjoy tanking but most MMORPG have hybrid builds, ie Tank or DPS, so I normally DPS to learn the class then switch to tank when I'm comfortable.

From my limited research it doesn't seem as though DPS is really possible (within a group/dungeon) with the tank classes. Is this correct? If so would it be silly to make my first character a tank?

Am I going to make a load of people miserable when I hit my first few dungeons? :p

Any useful beginners tips?
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Grabbed the 14 day trial for this and have enjoyed my first couple of hours so far; is there one server the majority of people here play on? Might need someone to help out a bit, but I think I'm definitely going to purchase a subscription. I was pleasantly surprised that it has a really strong Final Fantasy feel, I wasn't expecting it to be quite like this. Didn't even fight anything for the first hour and it didn't bother me. Everything looks great, visually. :)
It's a very well polished MMO and has a load of content, plus the new expansion just released. Game has a lot of people around too which is always nice and it has one of if not the best community of any MMO i've played.

I'm not a big fan of the GCD of 2.5 but it's not too bad.
I decided to give this a shot, the last time I played FFXIV was in 1.0 which well sucked... very badly (imo). So signed up for the 14 day trial, got to say the game looks absolutely beautiful and the music sucked me in straight away. Seriously FF music is always amazing ! although that might be the nostalgia of playing FF games. None the less it made the world feel quite alive. I didn’t get much time to play last night so will get some more hours in tonight, but I actually feel quite sucked into the game already. That said I think I rolled on a “bad” server made my character on Shiva-EU which from what I have read on the official forums is mainly a German populated server :( so might remake my character on another server, I think the only choice I had last night was Shiva, Odin and Cerberus (I think) the rest was locked out. Might try Odin out as that seems a fairly English spoken server.

Also I could not see a “general” chat, normally in games like this you see “general/trade” chat flooded with people just chatting random stuff. I didn’t see any of that, not sure if that is because of being on the Shiva server and not a lot of it is used or maybe because I am on a trial account. Anyone know ?
Odin is mainly English and has more people willing do raids. It would be my choice but quite often servers are closed for new player creation.

Nobody uses general chat they mainly talk in free companies etc.. from what I've seen.
If anyone does want to subscribe or try the game then let me know, you can trust me your email address I'll chuck an email over to you for recruit a friend.

Not sure what rewards are given but we both get them I think.
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