Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

As it looks like more people will be playing this once the PS4 version/beta hits, I'll spend some time updating the OP this weekend so it's actually relevant :p gave up when everyone just moved to the PC thread! If you guys want to post your existing characters, servers, Linkshells and Free Companies (or planned ones) I'll stick your name in the OcUK players/guild list.
I cannot begin to imagine how you'd play this with a control pad.

I was sceptical about it at first but I think you'll be surprised at how well it works :p you can map skills and keybinds to different buttons and modify them with the triggers, so for instance you could have 8 skills bound to Square, Triangle, Circle, Cross by pressing them in combination with the triggers. Not a fan of the targeting though so I prefer to do my healing on the PC.
Im not going to play much just wanted to see if it looked better. Its certainly clearer and smoother, loads quicker etc.

1080p really makes the screen feel less cluttered too which i imagine will be great for busy instances etc, on ps3 i often felt overwhelmed due to everything on screen
Beta looks great and the only thing I wish would be improved is it mostly runs at about 19frames per second in large outdoor areas which makes looking around really juddery. Still it is impressive for a console mmo.
How do you remove the tutorial/tip icon that popups in the middle of the screen?

Seem to recall you have to read the tips and they vanish :)

Beta looks great and the only thing I wish would be improved is it mostly runs at about 19frames per second in large outdoor areas which makes looking around really juddery. Still it is impressive for a console mmo.

Was hoping for better than that really :(
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