It depends if your ISP take part in the compensation scheme
Cheers, looks like they do. (plusnet)
Have a new install date for the 20th.
It depends if your ISP take part in the compensation scheme
I'm in the same boat theres been engineers spotted in the wild here too on and off the last few months could be FTTP could simply be a serious fault that needs fixing only time will tell. Even if they dig up the street doesn't mean it'll automatically arrive here though learnt that with Virgin theres a bloody cabinet sitting on the street outside the window can I get a connection? Can I heck. Got a smart meter fitted last week though after years of waiting so theres always hope though at the current rate things occur I'll probably be too old/deceased to be able to make any use of it lolThe openreach engineers are working on my road at the moment. Sadly living in a flat I think we will be considered last to look at as it needs a communal box fitting. Unless there is a certain uptake they wont install it for 2-3 premises.
do you have any opinion on who pays the bill - my folks haven't had any garden/entrance re-architecture that could be the cause,They might just push harder but otherwise they'll dig the blockage up and repair the duct
Bill wise there should be no charge to you or your you have any opinion on who pays the bill - my folks haven't had any garden/entrance re-architecture that could be the cause,
but I don't know how robust or large the conduit is ..... and haven't looked on google.
Was rather annoyed that it seems they weren't going to leave the master bt socket 'intact' for internal distribution from the EEmodem phone output 'socket',
to remote socket where they plugged master phone, so may have to rewire that for them
had pre-purchased a powerline set + long IP cables since it seems wifi on the new EEmodem is poor.
Yes, getting emails from Plusnet and Openreach for each appointment, as they miss one new one arrives.There's clearly some issue that isn't being communicated properly and it's just resulting in you being given appointment dates that are then missed. Are you even getting the text messages about the appointments from Openreach?
In the meantime enjoy someone else paying for your first year of service.
Yes, getting emails from Plusnet and Openreach for each appointment, as they miss one new one arrives.
Also receiving the TXT messages from both before most of the emails.
So frustrating, If I'm not here for the appointment they can/will charge me £65.
Do you ever get more than the initial one from OR.?
PN / OR failed on their first attempt for me, but only got the initial first txt from OR.
When it actually worked I got the initial and then several more, including several on the day from OR.