Time for an entire log cabin!
With built in burner and hammock ?
Time for an entire log cabin!
Can I start by saying WOW. That store is incredible and really well done!Just picked this up second hand
Will give it a test run at the weekend
Can I start by saying WOW. That store is incredible and really well done!
Good work with the splitter, might be something I consider but need to get to the point I've got enough rounds stocked up first for it to be a problem. Also do find a bit of axe/maul work very therapeutic!
I've been telling myself I'll build a store since last autumn and grabbed a bunch of pallets from work. Kinda slipped off the radar with other jobs but need to get back to it and then stock it - else the cold weather will be here and we'll be buying seasoned splits at £150 a bag again rather than me getting to play with my chainsaw!
One bonus, had some radiators delivered 2 weeks ago and they came on a pallet, which has a bit of a 6 foot frame structure around the rear of it - half the job done for me, although not quite wide enough can use than as my base/middle and then maybe put some sides on it which I can overhang each way... I have 6 other pallets of various shapes/sizes too, so not far off. Certainly don't need to buy much lumber to get it built and bulk purchased a roll of felt the last time I put some on the shed roof!
If anyone comes across some way of easily 'mulching' garden waste - more like shrub cuttings than grass clippings, then I'm thinking of some kinda press to make my own fire bricks. It seems never ending with green waste and here I can't easily get it to the tip (small car & 16 mile round trip), so we buy 'green bags' for the council to take it away. They're £3.60 for 10 and we can easily fill 5-6 most weekends when things are growing! It's felt like an utter waste of money so I've ripped a bunch of the stuff out to stop it growing and needing to maintain it, rather than having some nice big shrubs.
I planted a Pyracantha hedge which is fantastic, the cuts & trims from that burn really well when dried (you'll see lots of the leaves on the floor & the tiny few branches cut on the right) but storage of enough of it is a pain. Also full of thorns so not that handy for stocking the stove with during the winter. Burns very fast but really cleanly. Common name 'firethorn' and always throught that was due to the way the thorn tips dig in and break off so they really itch & burn, but do wonder if some of the name comes from how well it burns. Intense and hot flame. It would be almost good enough to use as a natural firelighter!