Any suggestions on how to back it up before?
It's my OS drive
Why can't you just update the firmware? Why do you need to restore?
Yeah I was suspicious of it adding a drive amount of wear to your drive.
Technically to fix this issue then samsung are causing unecessary wear to the drive.
While I'm happy that they fix it I think it's a bit naughty that they are reducing the life of my drive to fix their problem.
Probably being too picky... but TLC nand doesn't last as long as MLC in the first place.
In my case I got an RMA drive so I don't have much to moan about but everyone should be aware there drive will get significant wear.
Hopefully this total re-write will not effect write performance casued by massive re-writes to the drive. I'm guessing samsung thought of that... but you do wonder.
If its a one off then I would agree, however I haven't seen an explanation yet of how the firmware update prevents the problem reoccurring.
If the update repeats the process in the background monthly for example then it is significant.
The lifespan on SSD drives is a lot longer than you think...
You'll looking more towards 25 years on an average for a general consumers use from what I've read...
I didn't back up and just did FW update all while I was online on the same drive. You'll be fine.
I have emailed the guys at Samsung in Korea who gave me the software for testing about the issues on Raid and also what the firmware will do to the drive over time. I am trying to get these questions answered for you.
As I get some answers I will post them in here.