For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

LMAO .... 26fps @ 1920x1200 with X1950 pro .. do they pull these figures from a hat ??
I tell you what an X1950 Pro gives me ... inside 18fps, outside 12fps and thats with a C2D @ 3.5ghz :rolleyes:
I haven't used fraps yet (will give it a go tonight) but i'm getting smooth playable framerates with everything (except grass) at full.

Very occasional pauses - probably due to the next zone loading.

I'm running it on the 'rig in sig' @ 1680x1050! ;)

I'm running 2gb RAM a duo 6800 and Ati 1950 crossfire (no overclocking) and I get smooth play at max settings on 1280x1024. I tried at higher resolutions but it is not smooth enough really. Turning HDR off nets better results and I can go much higher but the HDR is so pretty I like it on.

I find the lower res keeps firefights nice and smooth. My native resolution is 1920x1200, I can run it at those settings but it is choppy at times. I find drops on certain interiors more so than outside, probably due to lighting. If there is a lot of shadows and mixed lighting in an interior it affects performance.
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Will Fraps it later on but with:

Opteron [email protected]

looks to me like a good 30fps+ in outside unpopulated areas, 25ish with NPCs around and pretty smooth in the indoor areas so far.

Not played too far into it and these are just estimates.

Med/High detail 8xAF and No AA v-sync off, I think AA would make this unplayable.
Vanishing Point said:
I'm running 2gb RAM a duo 6800 and Ati 1950 crossfire (no overclocking) and I get smooth play at max settings on 1280x1024. I tried at higher resolutions but it is not smooth enough really. Turning HDR off nets better results and I can go much higher but the HDR is so pretty I like it on.

I find the lower res keeps firefights nice and smooth. My native resolution is 1920x1200, I can run it at those settings but it is choppy at times. I find drops on certain interiors more so than outside, probably due to lighting. If there is a lot of shadows and mixed lighting in an interior it affects performance.

Hi mate,running X1900XTX crossfire here,I'm just about managing playable framerates with HDR on,full texture and object detail but with reduced shadows and grass density,mid AF and no AA@ native res of 1920x1200.

Crossfire doesn't seem to provide any extra performance as yet due to the apparent lack of a driver profile,forcing AFR doesn't seem to provide much benefit either for me,I'm hoping cat 7.3's will contain a profile,an extra 10 fps or so would make all the difference.

Have you noticed any improvement from the 7.3's yourself? I haven't had chance to check 'em out yet.
I haven't ran the game with Fraps so I cannot say for certain. I tend to just try to find settings I find smooth enough.

I felt the game was a little smoother with 7.3, though I was moving up from 7.1 not 7.2 as 7.2 would not work for me with crossfire.

If I had to guess I would say probably closer to a 5 fps improvement moving from 7.1 to 7.3 I doubt I get an extra 10fps.
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You can set profiles but all it does is save settings which you can easily switch to.

I don't think it needs to recognise profiles. That said some games don't work well with it. Medieval Total War2 wont work with catalyst AI enabled which is a problem.

I had thought the two cards just shared the rendering on screen but some games seem to work better than others using crossfire, I don't know the details.

I would like to know if it does make a difference as it does with NVidia cards. I would name my profiles according to the .exe file if it did I guess.
This is amazing,with static lighting enabled and everything else turned up as far as it will go including FSAA and AF I get an average of 80-90fps at 1680x1050, it still looks good too. Defo a lighting renderer performance issue in this game using dynamic or object lights!

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There's no FSAA in those pics, but that's not surprising as Stalker doesn't support it.

Your in-game AA is not working either, you need to type "r2_aa on" in the console or user.ltx file. :)
Seems to run fine for me with all settings maxed (Is dynamic light the best thing for light?) and the game seems so different from other fps games, just the feel.
Ulfhedjinn said:
There's no FSAA in those pics, but that's not surprising as Stalker doesn't support it.

Your in-game AA is not working either, you need to type "r2_aa on" in the console or user.ltx file. :)

no fps drop using r2_aa on in console using static lighting and the same in object or dynamic lighting though in the latter two the fps is ass as usual!


Damn game!
mrk said:
no fps drop using r2_aa on in console using static lighting and the same in object or dynamic lighting though in the latter two the fps is ass as usual!


Damn game!
I don't think the r2_aa command works with static lighting at all because r2_ = renderer 2 (DX9) whereas the r1_ or r_ are static (DX8.) Can definitely see the "AA" working in the second two screenshots but if you look around some of the vehicles in the background you can see normal aliasing all over the place in the static lighting shot.

Try looking through the user.ltx file for r1_aa or somesuch, see if you can get it working with static lighting.
I remember a friend running the leaked alpha like 2 years ago on an XP2500+ and 9800Pro, ran really well and didn't look any different apart from the HDR.
Frank and honest advice to anyone considering Stalker whose using Vista and a 8800 Nvidia gfx card, don't even consider it, until Nvidia and GSC come out with some driver/game patch the game is currently unplayable and bug ridden. Anyway that is just friendly advice, myself and 2 friends using Vista and 8800 have basically spent more time trying to fix the game enough to even run it and from reading the GSC forums it appears we are not alone, shame really. :(
kallen said:
Frank and honest advice to anyone considering Stalker whose using Vista and a 8800 Nvidia gfx card, don't even consider it, until Nvidia and GSC come out with some driver/game patch the game is currently unplayable and bug ridden. Anyway that is just friendly advice, myself and 2 friends using Vista and 8800 have basically spent more time trying to fix the game enough to even run it and from reading the GSC forums it appears we are not alone, shame really. :(
Apparently there's a driver coming for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., specifically with 8800 optimisations.

I wait with baited breath to be utterly disappointed. ;)
Sweetloaf said:
I thought Crossfire didn't need specific driver profiles? :confused:

Unless a game benefits from AFR which can be forced by setting cat AI to advanced,then a specific profile within the catalyst driver is required for a game to make use of crossfire,thats what I thought anyway.

About to try the 7.3's with Stalker,hoping for an improvement over 7.2's.
Macabre said:
Seems to run fine for me with all settings maxed (Is dynamic light the best thing for light?) and the game seems so different from other fps games, just the feel.

HDR is a big draw but it is nice.

I believe only the Ati1950 and the Gforce 8800 can run both AA and HDR enabled at the same time. So if you have HDR enabled AA may not work, or the other way around, whichever the card chooses not to use.
Vanishing Point said:
I believe only the Ati1950 and the Gforce 8800 can run both AA and HDR enabled at the same time. So if you have HDR enabled AA may not work, or the other way around, whichever the card chooses not to use.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. doesn't use real antialiasing so any card can do both in this game, assuming it's fast enough.
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