Forgot how bad job searching was :(

[TW]Fox;19300819 said:
An employer isn't a charity case helping to do the right thing for the young of today. They simply want the best person for the job - I guess they decided he was that.

Too true, Can't really fault them for employing someone they think is better

Thanks! Added Totaljobs and Reed to my list :)

Could try CWJobs as well
Maybe if you have no drive to push yourself to do other things, or are stupid ;) I've seen way too many clever people just sit in a desktop job as they are waiting for another job to be presented to them on a plate rather than go out and find something.

I did what was effectively desktop support for almost 5 years, never did me any harm :)

but it totally depends on what it is the chap wants to do in future.

Saying you want to work in IT is like someone asking what is your favourite thing to eat and you answer 'food'.

Aye, ive gone from building to testing, then to helpdesk related jobs varying in difficulty etc...To be honest wish I could just sit and build and test systems all day :p
Just thought I would post in here after lurking for so long. Been in the same boring dead end job for the last 4 years working rubbish hours (anything from 6am to 1am the next day) for very little pay so not really much to post about before.

Applied for a few jobs over the last year, wanting to try my hand at something a little more up my street. Anything to do with helping or offering advice (helpdesk/training/computers) is something I enjoy and after a lot of 'thank you for your application, unfortunately etc etc' I decided to apply to a new Sky callcentre in sheffield as a general customer service advisor purely to start fresh in a new building with room to advance at later points into areas that are available.

Had the first interview. Told about the company and did some tests. Followed up last thursday with a more formal 1 to 1 interview. Told I would hear back within 7 days if I had been successful. 7 days pass. No word on the job, chalk it off and keep looking I guess. 8th day, get the call. I have not got the job of customer service advisor, they want to offer me one step up on the technical advisor team. Decent hours, great benefits and a step in the direction of what I want to be doing in life. Quite happy today. Also works out that I have 1 weeks holiday from my current emloyers booked for the week before I start.

Good things do happen to people it seems (Although found a crack in my car windscreen today which was lame).

Just thought I would post this as I am well chuffed.

So just keep your chin up. There are opportunities it seems, just takes time and some patience.

Congrats man, that's awesome :)
The extent of assistance the job centre provides is basically what you can get at home by surfing job sites. They seem to blissfully ignore all requests for assistance of any kind be it help with covering letters, interview techniques or simply help finding work in a particular area and they have absolutely no knowledge of anything.

Realistically when we went there to sign on in January, they should've informed my gf about certain job opportunities in her field. But they didn't and she only found out about it about a month ago but the deadline was the end of March so she has to wait until next year.

Essentially all they do is oversee your collection of JSA and make sure you are still applying for jobs. Beyond that they may as well not exist.

they don't even ask for a CV, they ask for a 'field' and thats it, its just a stupid flawed system for people who don't really want to be looking for work
My Job Centre doesn't bother harassing me, they cant withhold benefits anyway as I stopped getting them, so just go in for my NI stamps. They occasionally make a show of trawling through their crap database and I tell them none of it is suitable. Passed phone interview at one company and they want me in for a 2h face to face, got an interview for a position tomorrow and waiting on the result of a second interview for a senior manager position. Couple more positions look to be coming online too.

Good man :)
Meh....I was getting excited when I was told I could be getting a rise...Turns out I shant be getting it until Septembers pay packet :(

This really has put a stick in the works =/...not sure what to do now
be happy your getting a rise in september, as theres a few million who wont be seeing a rise for a few more years to come.

I asked, I received. I'm fully aware of the current climate as I have lost three jobs because of this stupid economy, i'm the one who created the damn thread! ;) :)

I consulted one of my bosses purely because I cannot live on my current wage of 11k, I'm getting further in to debt purely because im trying to live my life without spending money on silly things...Which isn't a way to live. (If that makes sense?)

Yes, there are people worse off than me, but i've been in their boat several times and there is nothing wrong with wanting more for yourself :)
nah nothing wrong with wanting more for youself, i know that feeling very well hence my view that politicians and jobcenters all need to be burned down and started with a new.

and now back to slamming my noggin agaisnt the wall as yet more mp's harp on about the kids being left out, wtf about the rest of us ???

No worries, I know I am lucky getting a rise at least...Even though I'm on a pay freeze.
Just got a Job Offer!!!.. :D

Its like it was meant to be!.. The Job was posted online on Monday 5th.. I applied for it at 1pm, got an email at 1:25pm asking me to come for an interview on Thursday 7th at 11am... I was in the interview for 1 and a half hours!!..

And he phoned me an hour ago offering me the position, starting on 1st August!!.. :cool:

Only drawback is I live in Swindon and the Job is in Uxbridge!.. but I don't mind the drive, its only an hour 15ish... and a 7:30am start!!.. but Its a hell of a lot better than sitting on my arse waiting for agencies and the like to get back to me, whilst trying to survive on the £65/week the Government pay me!!

I'm practically bouncing off the walls over here!!! :):D:cool:

Awesome man :)

We need more people like you looking for jobs! Not bothered about a commute...

'Oh noes, I have to drive an hour to work, so i'm going to decline the job' boo hoo :p
I was on a contract/temp job and that ended two weeks ago so I am now looking for something else. Would be great if I got a permanent job thats all.

Ahh okay no worries, I was just wondering that is all :)

Hopefully something more permanent comes your way

Just been for a short term contract interview in Leeds, must admit I don't feel confident as I struggled on the questions - stupidly simple programming questions :eek:.

Still it was my first interview in 4.5 years, put it down to a learning experience if I don't get it.

They are seeing one more person today and one tomorow, only a possible months contract but it'll help pay the mortgage till something else comes along.



Everythings good man :)
Over the past working week the IT dept (of 2!) here has been given some information from the higher ups....That the company has recently lost a contract with a customer and so needs to downsize some areas of business. The one they're looking at?

Yup, IT.

We're only a 2 person team managing and monitoring the entire network spanning the country and do the same job and the progress appeared to be happening rather quick with this news.....Well today my manager was the one that fell short on the scoring of the job spec matrix that 2 dept managers marked us both on to decide who will be staying.

I thought it would honestly be me because I've been there 1.5 years less than my manager and my manager has more experience of the legacy side of software here whereas I'm more experienced on the modern side of the sector.

I don't know what to feel. I feel relieved but I feel terrible for my manager at the same time.

I've never been on this side of the redundancy boat before so it's a weird feeling....and to think, today I smashed out CVs to local companies and had 2 highly suitable ones contact back as well.


Jobs, such a PITA!

Hate redundancy...No harm in looking still though buddy, if you feel that the other companys can offer more, go there.

I should be looking around really, being paid less than 13k isn't nice, especially doing what I do sometimes :p
After leaving my job 2 months ago I secured an IT support position in a school yesterday.

I have taken a pay hit from circa £19.5k to £17k, but this job is only 1 mile down the road, compared to the 70 mile daily commute I was previously doing, so at the end of the day I should be better off financially also.

Good work dude, i'm in IT Support in a school too currently..Wish I was on 17k :p, other guy I work with is which kinda sucks considering we practically do the same thing. He just 'works' the holidays :(
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A 2nd class ride is better than a 1st class walk as they say.

Better to be earning in a lesser skilled job than be on the dole imo.

Just keep looking whilst working for the right job to jump ship to is my advice

Indeed, more people like you!

At these times a job is a job, when something 'more on your skillset' comes along, by all means go for that
Thankfully there are people out there with that mindset. The shop I work in gets a lot of CVs put in and one was a guy who had been on about £50k doing IT work.

Dunno if he'd be happy working for £14k and having to get dirty as ****!

I can say I'd have to have to get at least a few k extra to work for a bigger place over a small two man shop. I get so much more freedom, better chat and a more understanding boss. Less money but a lot less stress.

Indeed :)

Kind of how my job is at the moment, but im only on like 13k currently...Ideally if I was on 16k (if i was full time/working over the holidays) I would be on that...If I was things would be SO much easier
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