Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Must be something about today as just had another call about a different job, this time London based for a big consultancy.

They are putting me forward for it but not sure if I'll hear back from that one either.

Least they are calling you buddy, always nice :) Just keep looking though, people have the habbit of 'waiting' before they carry on searching
Double post but still no more job application responses. What should I do, send them another E-Mail?

The problem is if I can't find a job (computer related) before my insurance needs renewing next month I will need to sell my car and just cycle everywhere, so I wouldn't be able to get a job any more in places more than 10 miles away.

I'm not after a job for the sake of getting paid, I just wanted some experience with building computers.:(

Where are you based? By all means, if its gone past the closing date, phone up and see how the selection process is going, entirely up to you though
Quick update on this: I found a temporary position to tide me over from my redundancy date (end of Oct) through xmas while I kept looking for a perm role. After a few non-starters and rubbish from the agencies I decided to give it a break for a while as the temp position was guaranteed for at least 6 months. Then at the beginning of December a call from one of the very good agency guys with an opportunity well outside my desired catchment area and a bit of a diversion from what I'd been doing (management accountant). However, the role sounded really interesting, a great company and attractive money. Long story short; half-hour telephone interview (which I conducted in a snow-covered car park) and a week later I was going to the offices to meet the departmental managers & director. They offered me the job that afternoon and I started the 2nd week of Jan!

A month in and I'm really enjoying it. The work is interesting & challenging in a very good way,the people & working environment are really nice and it's about a £10k payrise from my prevous job! About three hours a day travel though but you've got to take the rough with the smooth I guess...!

Excellant progress matey :) Happy for you!
Got an email today from a large high street financial saying I've got an interview for a 'senior consultant' it security position and that someone will be contacting me to arrange it.

Money wasn't great (slightly over inflated job title!) and it'll mean having to stay away in the week, but will still go along with it and see how it pans out and worry about all that if I get offered it!

Indeed, if anything, go for further interview experience
They weren't exactly advertising except OcUK but they probably aren't interested anyway.

I don't know of any small computer shop actually looking for workers so I just picked ones and sent a CV with cover letter.

So do you live in Staffordshire? Lookup a company along the names of 'Rock' (think of a smaller varient, begins with an S :p) Computers

I worked for a sister company down the country, may as well give them a bash
Had another 2 calls tonight from agencies, one with a job in Holland lol, the other I don't know anything about as I missed the call, but will find out tomorrow.

Also had a chap I've done work with push my details through to a company where he knows they are looking for someone.

Only downside to all of this is always the flippin' location, never anything down near me!

Aye...I know that feeling, feels like I have to travel atleast an Hour in any irection to get a decent company...Luckily the school I'm at currently is 8miles away....if the wage was mroe helpful i'd be inclined to stay a fair old wack :)

just had a 2nd interview with a IT services company today

the first interview went really well i couldn't have been more pleased with my performance
the 2nd interview didn't go as well as the first but i feel it was good enough anyway to secure the job

but at the end the interviewer said they are interviewing all week and they will let me know on Friday

i know that sounds reasonable enough but i also think that means i didn't get it

normally with IT contractors they let you know asap if they want you as i could easily get snatched up by someone else

normally with past jobs they have let me know within 48 hours or sooner


Just have to wait it out buddy, maybe they want someone specific? You never know the circumstances of the company :)
One of our group companies stuck an ad in the paper last Thursday for a purchase ledger on not great money (got the last one from an agency but she's leaving after 6 months so don't want to pay agency fees again) and we had over 100 applications by COB on Friday probably a lot more today. A lot of them seem overqualified who are very unlikely to get an interview because we've been through 3 people in the same spot over the last 18 months and all have left for a better paid position.

You need a new comer then...problem is you need to offer them career progression, no one is going to stay in one job for years on end if its the same things constantly
Icing on the cake today is an invite to an assessment day/interview for another very large company.

Really nice job, down sides are it's nigh on 250 miles away, so a definite rent a flat and travel up each week job, and have got some big presentation to do for it, great :(

Are they willing to help with living arragements do you know?

Go for it if its worth it buddy, depends how much of a lifestyle chagne you are willing to take :)

My friend occasionally goes upto Liverpool for 3-6 months of the year to work from Banbury area...all depends on the job
It is ;)

Large highstreet financial company (a major plus point), has a fancy job title that way exceeds the salary, but it's basically a pen tester.

Bit different to the governance/assurance type roles I'd been going for but it's something I'd love to do.

Just a shame it's so far away, at least if they don't offer it to me it's one decision I don't have to make :p

I'd like it though, a lot, just hope I came across ok in the interview.

Distance is an annoyance...but if the job is right buddy then hey? :)

I've known people to drive from Bristol to 15 miles east of Bristol :p...every day! There and back...Your journey will be longer but yeah, if the jobs right.......

I'm currently working a few miles away from my house, in a job I actually don't mind, but the pay is just terrible, and I'm really struggling at the moment...But I dare leave yet as i've only been here 7 months I think? :o
Hmm...Been at my current place for a while now, the work is fine...Sadly its down to the money =/ I'm just not getting paid enough to be living like this, I'm practicaly going overdrawn every month :(

Problem is I have no idea what I want to be doing
Am so close to finding out about a position I really want, as a person I'm top of their list, but they want another interview with people to see if my lack of senior management stuff will be a problem :(

Frustrating as I've no more leave to use up so will have to take some unpaid leave, and if this is a real deal breaker for them then there's not a lot I can do to magic up the experience :)

But they do like me and am hearing positive things so will see what happens.

End of the day I've still got another job in the bag when I leave here, just that this one is sooo good :)

Hey, how are things going since this post? Heard anything else or?

I'm still figuring out what I actually want to be doing in life...I've had a couple of offers for further helpdesk work but I just absolutely HATE the idea of it :(...Been there, got depressed, and left...Really don't think I can do it again as I know i'll just end up in the same boat...

My problem currently is my wage packet, its just poor, and i'm struggling every month...I just dunno what I'm doing! I don't want to do helpdesk, I may like the idea of break-fix engineer, but in all honesty, I have no clue!
Had my second interview last week, got my feedback yesterday which was largely good...

Basically they've interviewed 3 people, and they want to hire all 3 of us. However as it stands they've only got authorisation from the business to take on 2 people at the moment.

So they have applied for a third 'ticket', but as people are off on leave etc this week they can't really say any more yet.

So worst case is they get refused the 3rd hire and pick the other 2. Pretty much any other scenario is a win for me though.

So I'm pretty happy but still a little furstrated, although I do still have another job in the bag I'm supposed to be starting in 8 weeks, but that one isn't as good career and money wise.

Fair play buddy :)

Least you know what you are after in some shape or form...Keep us all posted
thats what you're always going to have to start on. progress from there!

Problem is, if you are like me, you have done service desk, you are sick to death of service desk!!! Yet i've had field experience anyway installing server cabinets on site...Can I fr the life of me find a field engineer job? Nooooooo
Ok I've no idea how close these are to you, but just using Buckinghamshire as a location in a search these are the kind of things that I'd say you should be going for :)


Not bad :)

I just hate the helpdesk side of it, I think I want out from there entirely...I mean, I love solving problems, but I hate having people who have no clue what they are on about moaning at your because something doesn't work due to them not having common sense half the time.

I'll have to see, but thank you for that, gives me an idea anyway :)
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