You were let go were you not (redundant)? If so that's remarkably harsh to drop you and then tell you that you can't do the same job with another company for a year (or whatever time limit it is). Fine with leaving but it being the company that set it in motion is taking the ****.
Well lots of crap to be honest, a bit of tit-for-tat politics within the company between separate country offices (they were attempting to set the UK office up for a fall, so I engineered the instigator's downfall in front of the MD by his own hands (manager of my manager).. his friends then ganged up to take me out).. that saved the UK for a couple of years but they took advantage of a complete reorganisation and the new roles were basically saying to all the UK people "here's crap jobs, our country's office staff have all the good roles, if you don't like it - there's the door".
My boss and a peer were personal friends of the other fired-guy so the peer relentlessly whined about bad work and my boss supported him to remove me.. it scared them that, due to my length of service, that I didn't have any restrictive covenants that they could enforce.. I thought that the job market would be bad (but not this bad) and took an offer (with renewed RCs).
I was about to resign anyway, a relative left me enough that I wouldn't have to work for a few years.. and I wanted out of the relentless crap.
Odd that the peer went on holiday for a month (short notice) and arrived back in the office the day after I left and my boss stated that everyone thought I was wonderful except the peer...
So 'laid off' isn't entirely correct. but at the same time I'm not too fussed about loosing that opportunity - there's something to be said for never working with mobile short messaging ever again... the handsets now are so good you don't need much in the network anymore (mature market perhaps even starting to decline w.r.t innovation and interesting stuff - which would never be based in the UK office) and new technologies are making text messages redundant anyway..
The joys of middle management politics.. (and I'm not political.. I just want the company to run with everyone working with, not against, each other!)
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