I heard back from that interview and I was correct - they liked me but they needed someone with specific skills rather than transferrable to make a difference in 3 months. Makes you concerned about the company financing (they're still VC).
Also heard back, after 12 working days, from an application for another role that I was rejected for that.
A friend has got her fourth and final interview today so my fingers are crossed for her. I'll be gutted for her if she has gone through all this and gets rejected.
I also had a recruiter for a certain "squad" phone again, this is the third ping but for some reason the concept of selling extortionately priced fixes to the ignorant just goes against my personal values.
I had an HR lady call from a large computer hardware manufacturer, we had a discussion and she wanted to know salaries so I told her and she then stated that she was looking for a Junior Solution Architect with a job spec that was suspiciously like a general product specialist with a salary of 30K.. half that of a true solution architect.
So.. that HR attempting to use the current economic environment to get a cut-price individual..
Also just come off the phone of a desperate recruiter, the same guy where I have turned down the employer due to restrictive covenants. His comments that they want to meet then have turned in to "little steps".. so basically he's just attempting a second stab at it as he's not got anything else to offer them and perhaps those he's interviewed have.. very much the 'salesman' recruiter. Now if they hired me in a non-customer role for three months, then it wouldn't matter. Also my old employer has just hired a guy from these guys.. so a bit of employee swapsies.. I'd still prefer to get out of the telco space.
I have to say the start of this week has just been a complete lack of motivation, the storms have fragmented my sleep, sniffles and so I've been so tired one day I slept for twelve hours so I think I could have been ill (I don't usually get ill just tired).
So today will be a case of applications, house tidying and then I think a trip to the gym to kick start my fitness regime.