I'm a web programmer and i've easily applied for 50 jobs in the past week. I've had a hit rate of about 50%. Of those 25, 7 have offered me interviews so far.
A covering letter should be 3-4 sentences max, so tweaking it slightly for each job takes 2 minutes. Sounds to me like you're trying too hard.
I agree, when I was job hunting I was easily applying for around 50 jobs per week (10 or so per night during the week) but some industries have far more jobs available than others.
Was it Sony by any chance?
I had a phone interview with them and the initial feedback was good and they wanted to get me in for a face-to-face. Months past. Nothing. Then literally 6 months later I get a call asking if I could go to London for an interview. Ridiculous and totally unprofessional
Early this week I got my notice and will be finishing next friday. I have been out of the loop a while. Basically I am looking for Data or System Analyst/Assistant Telecoms Engineer/IT Engineer roles. What are best recruitment websites/agencies for looking?
Would save me a bit of time if anyone could post up the links.
This is completely unhelpful, but I feel the need to have a quick rage at your use of the word "engineer". You are not an engineer, but it's not really your fault, given that half of people now are labelled engineers in some capacity!
On a more helpful note, the standard sites like monster and jobcentre seem to have a lot of data/system analyst jobs on.
(edit/ I realise that some Telecoms Engineer stuff is in the realm of Electrical Engineering, and thus proper engineering - the bloke doing the hashed-job of wiring up Virgin connections is not one of them though!)
Well my current role is working on FTN (Fixed Telecoms Network) migration. And it is very much so engineering.
But upgrading and installing cables is not engineering. Designing and optimising the network for optimal data transfer and doing all the mathematical legwork behind it, is!
Bias aside, if you're looking for Data Analyst jobs there always seems to be a shedload on the job centre website, worth a gander.
You know it's tough when you see the Job advert saying 'experienced telesales staff'
My problem at the moment is that I have a lack of experience and most jobs I'm seeing advertised are saying 'must have previous experience'.
I've only ever worked in a small quiet office doing simple data admin/input work. I have no qualifications past high school and I'm only 19 years old. It's going to be tough.
This is my job title at current place of work Assistant Design Telecoms Engineer.
This is my job title at current place of work Assistant Design Telecoms Engineer.
Siemens Mobility – York Assistant Engineer
March 2009 – Present
• Operating within the Network Rail FTN Migration projects.
• Review survey information, tender submission data and other supporting data in order to develop robust design packages. Analysing sources such as Survey Records, Photos and Notes to identify specified telecoms data required for spreadsheets using cable schematics produced in MS Visio for reference.
• Carry out independent reviews (act as reviewer) for designs.
• Actively support the Project Manager in the identification and subsequent costing of engineering change.
• Participate during technical audits meetings and reviews.
• Responsible for all work undertaken, including delivering to agreed timescales and taking reasonable care to ensure that work is conducted professionally and to the required standard.
My job (which I have got my notice for as we don't have any more work from the likes of Network Rail) is nothing to do with fixing copiers and coffee machines, thanks Fox.
In this sense your calling pretty much everyone in the office I work at not a engineer.
Cut and paste from my CV because I can't be bothered typing this right now.
Who are you to question what I do and don't do?