Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Started my new job Thursday :)

VERY different to what I am used to (ie people shouting down the phone etc etc and having 20+ calls to your name)...Everythings strangely laid back and relaxed!?

Anyway, we shall see how things go :)
lol...So anybody who works with metal is an engineer basically then and everyone else isn't? :rolleyes: are what your job title says, you are an engineer of sorts..Get over it?
Hmm, been at my job for just over a week, and I don't understandwhy theres more than 2 of us at any one time, there just isn't enough work going on!

And to top it off now what with the money situation being naff, I'm now REALLY struggling to scrape together enough to pay for the bills this month :(

It baffles me how they think someone at my age living in a house renting can live on what they've offered me :(
Hammered so many applications and then actually started to get interviews. I got offered 3 jobs and a possible 4th today, but have accepted a new better job :D proper chuffed as it's been such hard work going.

Onwards and upwards and keep plugging away guys!

Congratulations matey :)

There are jobs out there, it seems to vary heavily depending on where abouts you live sadly.
Was offered and have accepted a new job today, for Everything Everywhere (on the Orange side).
Taking a hefty paycut, but its much closer to home and a great opportunity.
Most important things is work life balance will have some balance, rather than being fully in favour of work!

Ah I know the feeling, I've taken an 8k pay cut lately all together! But i'm now working closer to home, and the job oppurtunity is a decent one, so we'll see how it goes :)

Congrats though!
A good day! Got a call saying successful at second interview. Getting paperwork this afternoon to look through. A little worried they'll aim at around 15k for what will be expected to be a plus 45 hour week. But a job is a job, might try to talk them up as it's a contract job.

I hate money :(

I was quoted verbally more than i'm on, yet when the contract came through it was less money, and apparently there is no money available to budge it anywhere :(
EDIT: Also headed down to the Job Centre this morning to sort out getting JSA...I figured that seeing as I have been working the past year paying tax and the like I might as well get JSA to help pay for petrol/car/phone/bit of rent. Might be a bit frowned upon on here but it should help me out a bit until I find something. :o

Not at all man, if anyone frowns upon it tell them where to go? You've paid taxes, your looking for work and have no income (presumably? :p) So you're more than entitled to it.

I thought people may look at me funny for claiming,yet I had been working full time for 6 years or so, meh, every little helps :)
£15k isn't that uncommon for an internship (which typically pay less than fullon graduate jobs), if you impress you'll probably be at the front of the queue for any permanent positions that become available.

Also the games industry is notoriously badly paid at the bottom end.

I've always wanted to be in the games industry for some reason...God knows why
I went in today and signed on for the first time. I had filled out about 7 or 8 things i have done to find work and the woman glanced at it for 1 second, I said I rang about interview feedback and have another interview next week. I was out in under a minute. Easy but kind of discusting it is how easy it would be for people to claim JS and not bother even looking for work.

Lets hope my interview goes well that im having next week. I have already researched the company and role but will get more info the days before're supposed to go back every couple of weeks or something with a card detailing what you've done each day?

But yes, its sad how you can just walk in and claim
They dont really during the first 12 months, after 12 you go to an external provider and when you sign on the ask you who the provider is, mines A4E the one from the programme on channel 4 'fairy job mother'

if they spent 30 minutes with each person everytime you signed on they would have to reduce the JSA by a stupid ammount to pay for all the extra staff, my advisor had a list of about 40 people for that days sign on.

Yeah great...exactly why every tom dick and harry on this planet gets JSA basically
I am finding it a lot tougher than I thought I would to find work.

Applying for about 3 jobs a day, winning about 1 interview every 2 weeks.

And yes, the (many) rejections they don't even bother to say 'no' - just a painful silence.

It costs them more to send out rejection emails / letters this day and age due to the amount of people sending apps...So they just don't bother.

However my other half has been sending letters to vets etc and they've all been getting back to her atleast saying 'no not at this present time' which is just nice I think

Hope everyones luck gets better, the job market is heravily geographical...I keep getting calls from Hayes interactive or something about jobs in Oxford (OT related i think)...So have a look that way to anyone to lives over there
No job yet Delvis? :confused:

No no, I am working now (again :p)....Had a job earlier in the year for an IT company which ened up selling everything, so I had to leave...

Then worked for wickes for 3 / 4 months to get some income, just doing deliverys in the van etc.

Started working at a school as an IT bod basically, so a massive downgrade to what I'm used to....Just changing toners and turning projectors on and off atm so it's not really technical at all at the moment....But after two weeks od working there I'm not on 6 weeks holiday as its only term time work at the moment! So the pay is lower, but it's a start :)

Hoping to go back in September and ask for some more responsibilitys :)
Junior Lab technician within specsavers how smashing is that! :)

There was people with loads of experiance i had NONE whatsoever.

The reason i got it? I went in the store n made friends with people and when i had an eyetest and they just let me know about the vacancy without asking then the manager offered me the first interview where i went up against other people in a group interview and i got called back again twice.

!!!! Going up against people with dispencing degrees and other people with experiance and degrees and I GOT THE JOB!

:) Im going to go the whole route with these guys I want to do optomitry :) and I can get sponsered through them to do it.

Excellent :) I hope it only gets better and better!

I started a job end of July in a school, seems to be okay so far...Bit less 'high level' work than I'm used to, but it's a job at the moment in this market....Pay is low, so I have just about enough money after rent and bills etc to kind of enjoy myself each month :p
Keep at it lads!!! Look everywhere, papers, shop windows, ask people, and recruitment fairs are always good as Original is doing.

It's hard, been there three time myself now since this all started back in 2008 =/
Hey Delvis, Masters of Hardcore?

I'm hoping to find a job before the end of September so I can do my Masters up here while I work! Not looking to good at the moment though but I'm hoping someone will take me on :)

Ahh best of luck to you, hopefully something comes along :(

Indeed!....No like? :p

Although, as you can guess my music tastes are reasonably random....considering I have a Metallica symbol on the same page ;)
Had a rubbish interview today, but got a job offer (albeit very insulting for my qualifications and skills). Got home and got phone call inviting me to final interview for a bluechip grad scheme next week which is for immediate start. Also got some intermediary retail work for the time being as I apply to grad schemes. Happiest I've been in ages! :)

Excellant, sadly, if there is nothing else coming at the moment, go for it...i've had to take an 8k pay cut with my latest job, just because i couldn't afford not to take it basically! I'm hoping they realise m potential and shoot me up the ladder a bit :)
Are you kidding, I love MOH! Have a big thing for Dutch Hardstyle too :)

Understandable I guess :) Both good and have their place...More hardcore for myself really in preference.

Sadly due to having no money I don't go away as often now :( Once went to Germany / Netherlands 6 times? In one year :p lol.

InQontrol April, Black June-ish, nature one August, Syndicate then Nightmare in rotterdam :p All good fun.

Once I get more money and pay for rent easier I may go away more :p
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