Forgot how bad job searching was :(

Well I found out about the job I was interview on Friday for, I got offered a position and start on Monday. Current work place aren't too happy about the short noticed but, if they don't treat their staff right they can't expect the staff to do them a favour. So happy finally get to start my chosen career path.

Ah brilliant :)

Exactly man, don't feel bad about the short notice, if a company treats you like crap, long as you do everything within the contracted amount they cannot do naff all.

Had my first day today :) Hmm it was ok I guess better than the last job and I at least have a job so can't complain, no getting up at 6am anymore, it's local :D and I handle lots of zotac products, testing systems and answer tech support emails so I could think of worse things to do, not a career but it will do for now. And no annoying co-workers just a nice boss :D

Sounds awesome to be honest, love to do something like that.

Much better than teachers thinking they know it all and thinking all of their issues are high priority :o..Oh and being paid sweet naff all for it as well
Meh, hope everyones luck has been getting a bit better, if not then keeping plugging away :)

I'm still at the new school job...its okay, just the pay is terrible in relation to my previous jobs...Hell, I was earning more when I was 16.

First day back today and my heads really not in the mood...I do wonder if I actually want to be in this industry at times :p

It just seems impossible to change careers and stay on a decent wage while doing so
Sadly mate it would seem that's the price one has to pay in order to better yourself. Think of it as an investment.

Indeed, aware of that :)

However, since losing my job in 2008, I've had one IT related job with good money, since then, i've just gone down and down and wonder if its worth it or not.

Currently working on stuff thats just silly, most issues are just simple user errors (ie not actually thining at all)...its just depressing now

Yet I cant for the life of me think of what I would actually love to do
welcome to IT Support
99% of my work is user error

Dont need a welcome, been doing it for a fair few years now :o

In my last place it wasnt user error, it was things going at the school its the teachers not using there head properly...Theres a difference :p

Congratulations to people who have had more interviews etc :)
I'm not sure whether to post this or not but:

It looks like i just got myself a new job! nearly double the salary of my current role and sounds likes its going to be right up my alley. I had 40 invitations to interviews within 3 days of putting my C.V up. Most was the usual garbage but this one stuck out and I am really excited!!!

Excellant news :)

I hope it works out for you!!! I'd love to be on double my salary right be on a decent wage thats liveable then

Interview for a perm job next week. Hours are a bit odd, 11.30am to 8pm but I will see how it goes. :)

Nice one :)

Go to the interview, see what the job is all about...

What is the job title out of interest?
Well after there being absolutely no jobs about for the last month, I checked for new ones when I got back to work this week.. There was one there and I applied for it, they phoned me back straight away and I've got an interview next week! :D

Hope I get it as its about 15 miles closer to my home, less hours and £4k more per year than my current job! :)

Schweet :)

Whats that doing my I ask? The new one
Data Co-ordinator - Flow Survey

It's for a large international water company but role is more to do with analysing data and IT work.

Starting salary is £15k but that is pretty much equal to what I am getting now but like I said, its permanent just has slightly odd hours.

Going to have a drive over there at the weekend to so I know what the crack is with getting there. Then again, with those hours I mentioned you would completely be missing the traffic so thats good.

Ah well, not had an interview for a while so its all good practice. ;)

Hows your job going by the way? :)

Sorry for the delay

Ah brilliant, nice start out wage, and hopefully it'll go up after the probation :)

Yeaaaaaaaaah....Jobs okay, day to day stuff just isn't demanding enough or difficult enough....It's really low level IT Support basicaly.

Would like to be on more money, can only just afford to do rent and live at the same time...ive been broke for the past two months =/...I'd like to stay, but i don't think my wage can go above 14k in this job position, and i dont think i can change job position until someone leaves...And that isn't going to happen as the guy above me got the job i initially went for, I just got this due to them wanting me
Well ive reached the 3rd and final stage of a job im going for

this is the big one
with this job i will finally get enough experience to move into 3rd line/infrastructure and earn a decent amount as well

but knowing me ill blow it somehow :(

Keep at it buddy, you've got that far :)

No problem...I've had my hands full in motors recently. :o

Surprised your job is paying that low tbh, especially with your experience. I am guessing you've moved out from parents a while ago or have rent/mortgage. I know I certainly couldn't afford to move out, even if I get the job...though I feel like I aced the interview so will see how it goes. ;)

Edit: one of the good points of this job is that the company been rapidly expanding over the last few years. Also the position has been made rather than replacing someone. Most people I would working with there are new ie just started 3-6 months ago so it should be a bit easier to jump into. :)

Its paying that low because its a low IT Tech job, even though i delve into deeper things because its what i like doing :p

Yeah...My and the lady moved out last May, its hard...I've had to tell her that we may have to move back home if a nice cheap but decent house doesn't come along by this May, as we cant stay in the current house :(...If I was on like 16k it'd be a bit more managable, but nooooo...its what you get for working in a school I guess.

As i've said, i'm going to see what Januarys pay check brings me and decide from there...Even though i dont like to move jobs so frequently, even if it isn't my fault...Another annoying factor is the fact the lady has no car, and luckily she works in the same town as me atm, but when either of us change jobs, she'll have no car =/

And dont get me started on cars :o Mines annoying the hell out of me atm
Life is tough I suppose...just have to grit your teeth I guess and I am sure it will work itself out for you. :)

Working a school, I suppose your off when its holidays etc does that make an impact on your salary? :(

Thing is, i've been gritting my teeth for years now, its just getting daft, yes ive been lucky in that ive had work for most of the time, but its just depressing, i cant keep a job that really interests because of redundancys or closures etc...No idea what i REALLY want to be doing anyway

Well lets hope things get better, my salary cant change much as far as im aware...we also cant get more than an annual increase of £250 or something for atleast two years due to budget cuts...? =/ meh

Yeah, i'm only on term time contract, so i get the time off when the students do, its pointless me being in, as well as my boss and other colleague (unless theirs projects to do)...So naturally my pay is lower as they deduct the amount for when you aren't there.

However, the money is then split evenly throughout the year, so you get the same amount each month...Still sucks though :(
Just had an interview at my local medical centre :) Good job my mum knows the manager :p

Just hope I get it to earn some money to upgrade the old graphics card.

Ah brilliant, I hope you get some good wanted feedback :)

Off to see an old colleague in a minute who might have a some nice contract work for me, crossing my fingers.

Excellant, atleast it will tide you over for a while

It does suck indeed...:(...You'd think one generic email response, which, in fairness, could be saved somewhere, wouldn't take them long to reply to.

I hope things start to look for for you man
First thing you do is plug it into the mains powe...errr.....umm... :p

Use the wind up nob on the back? :p

Was a reasonablty promising chat, I'm still in a perm job for another year until redundancy kicks in, but this could be a much better option :)

Will see what happens, hope I can go for it though.

I never know how to do this :(...I always do interviews when not employed lol...which is naturally a bad thing at times.
Just got offered a job after a few months of being unemployed following my graduation. It's the night-shift at a local place and hardly the beginning of a career ladder, but it's exactly what I need right now since I plan to go do a Masters in Interactive Media this September and I'd want some savings so I can hopefully support myself while in college.

It's true about personal connections though, every other effort I made beforehand wasn't really forthcoming and this only came about because I know the owner through mutual acquaintances.

Its silly really...all of my jobs since i left school have been because i know someone who knows someone who knows someone else, or because someone else has seen the job in the paper and told me
Would you believe it, agency called me back and said that I had a great interview/could do everything I needed to do for the job but then said I was too experienced.....

What a joke, and to add flames to the fire I took time out of the job I was at to go to the interview.

What a ****ing **** take. :mad: :(

This seems to be the case everywhere

My girlfriend has been to about 4 interviews recently, and they all say shes over qualified...She getting to the point where she is removing her two degrees off of her CV...

Its ridiculous
I've been applying for any sort of computer related job within a 50 mile radius, just for a part time job and to learn more about computers. Sent out 20 applications and received 3 as no vacancy at this time. Very grateful for the replys though.:)

I've spent ages working on my CV and cover letter so I hope I get something out of it. If I get nothing, I guess I will try engineering related company's.

Has anybody read your CV out of interest? Friends or people on here?
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