Maybe I'll just come onto the interviewers...
woah steady there, maybe come on to them first
Maybe I'll just come onto the interviewers...
Looking for some helpful advice.
I found a job I really like the sounds of. Marketing Assistant, described as helping with design, creative person etc as well as the usual assistant stuff of admin etc.
I will be writing a specific cover letter, will look into redesigning my CV (it's been changed many times recently).
I found the job on s1jobs but can't find anything on their own website, poeple's post code lottery. Would it be worth-while emailing asking if they have an application pack? Two other jobs listed appear to have one.
Also are jobcentre's actually helpful with applying for vacancies, as I have a meeting tomorow with them.
I've only been to the job centre twice so far but they've been relatively helpful in the 5 minutes they're alotted to see you. I think if you want more help than 'here's some jobs, go apply' you can get it, but I'm more than happy doing things on my own at this point.
Went to a job interview yesterday, won't say what the job is but it's nothing special, £9.70 an hour and you don't really require any experience/qualifications to do it, maybe a customer service job and that's it.
Okay so here is their recruitment process, first of all, you have to take an online shapes recognition test /spot the difference kind of thing ( i guess they want to filter out the retards), they said in the interview that only 10% of their applicants pass, so I guess it's working fine, there was only about 1 chav there in a group of 15 so it's doing it's job.
They also interviewing hundreds of people since I know they had atleast 5 groups just on the day I was there and there was like 15 ppl in each, okay now it's where it gets funny, there is 3 interviews, the first one, you have to take, pretty much the same retard check computer test but it's a little harder, then if you pass that test you need to provide a 5 year reference check, no exceptions, if you've been out of the country, you have to tell them, if you've had gaps in employment, you have to tell them, if you haven't been working for 5 years, tough luck. Then you need to provide a Criminal record check and a counter terrorism check or w/e its called. Oh and if you been out of the country they will need to obtain references from the country you went to (i guess to make sure you didn't get arrested in some bar fight or something).
Then after that you go to the second interview where you will have LOL ROLEPLAY exercises and a competency based interview, which I gather is where you have to give examples of times you applied customer service /helped someone? Because you know, that's not what you do every single day in a shop/call centre anyway, no you need to give specific examples as if working in a call centre/shop for 2 years isn't enough, in those 2 years you couldn't have possibly helped anyone!
and then finally, the 3rd interview is where you have 1to1 interviews and you get fitted with uniform and stuff like that.
The whole process takes an average of 12 weeks oh and they need YOU to chase down your references, this is very important as their HR recruitment team is apparently too lazy to do it.
Oh the job is also only 20 hours a week, 4 hours a day (5 days) and you have to work all bank holidays.
Then they wonder why ppl stay on JSA.
LOL franco 22 that's crazy. How much money does the company have to waste if they stretch the interviews on that long doing so many pointless exercises? Well it's not exactly a minimum wage job but still couldn't they just compress it into a simple interview without all those ridiculous competence tests.
. This is what I mean. Employers have placed so many barriers in getting the job as they seem to be only looking for 'best' candidate
It can be weird though, the 'better' the job the easier the interview process a lot of the time I've found.
This seems to be the truth, I know people with extremely good jobs whose interview consisted of a chat after a good lunch - I assume these companies do plenty of research about their potential candidates and what they can do in the real workplace, rather than making them do circus tricks in interviews.
The other day it was mentioned on the News that there are plenty of jobs to go around but I'd like to know where?
My daughters boyfriend had a fantastic job, own house, own car and a great life but it all went to pot last year when they had to let him go.
Since then he had to get rid of his house, car and ALL of his possessions and still owes money 9 months on.
The other day it was mentioned on the News that there are plenty of jobs to go around but I'd like to know where?
My daughters boyfriend had a fantastic job, own house, own car and a great life but it all went to pot last year when they had to let him go.
Since then he had to get rid of his house, car and ALL of his possessions and still owes money 9 months on.
Since my daughter was in love we had to take him in and he is no bother at all but job hunting has been a nightmare.
He spends all day searching and applying for jobs and now & then gets an interest but they all fizzle out.
He's done loads of warehouse work where he turns up for 2 hours and then they send him home but that's better than when they tell him to turn up and they send him home with no hours which has happened at least 30 times.
The way that job hunters are treated is nothing short of criminal and just a simple reply would be sufficient but the power is in their hands.
About a month ago I emailed [email protected] to see if there was any available warehouse jobs but no reply.
I told him to send his CV to the same address but once again no reply.
It really wouldn't hurt company's to reply with a 'Sorry, no jobs available at the moment'.
I know for fact that he averages about 8 applications a day and he goes to the Job Centre once a week.
He was that ashamed that we talked him into claiming dole about a month ago and that has just come through.
I was able to get him work at the hospital in Health Records and they thought the light shone through his bum but they had to let him go because the work dried up.
I thought his CV might be rubbish or interview techniques so I helped him with both and then I set him up with professionals who fine tuned his CV so it should be OK (I didn't see the CV he sent to OCUK though but I told him to tune it to warehouse experience).
Once again I'd love to know where all these jobs are because he would lick the street clean for minimum wage.
There is a little bit of hope for tomorrow because on Friday he was asked to go to a well known warehouse and told that if he kept his nose clean he could end up with a permanent job but we've heard it all before.