No, there is no other option, hence the point that Russia have completely checkmated themselves here epically.Or it doesn't happen because-
If what they are saying is true, then they will do it because it's bordering a once in a lifetime chance, it's been over half a century since they have last had a even remotely comparable opening to gain credibility, damage their enemies credibility, boost public opinion at home and boost sympathy with neutral countries/people (1960 U2 incident). It's such a slam dunk that them not doing it is by itself defacto admission that they are the same person, that's how big this is.
The only plausible reason for not showing the two of them to be different people is because they are the same person (NB: I said plausible, another possible reason for not doing it would be that Putin is medically retarded but we know that to be untrue).