of course its sabre rattling because ultimately May knows she can't win. If this was some <insert tin pot country> she would have already been going to town and taking real action. She is just cashing in on political capital now because if she keeps her sabre rattling for months it takes eyes away from where she is failing this country in both direction, policy and leadership. People are fickle and will only remember what they are told to by the media.
Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...
Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.