Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

of course its sabre rattling because ultimately May knows she can't win. If this was some <insert tin pot country> she would have already been going to town and taking real action. She is just cashing in on political capital now because if she keeps her sabre rattling for months it takes eyes away from where she is failing this country in both direction, policy and leadership. People are fickle and will only remember what they are told to by the media.

Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.
of course its sabre rattling because ultimately May knows she can't win. If this was some <insert tin pot country> she would have already been going to town and taking real action. She is just cashing in on political capital now because if she keeps her sabre rattling for months it takes eyes away from where she is failing this country in both direction, policy and leadership. People are fickle and will only remember what they are told to by the media.

No one can win, the threat of Nuclear weapons and all that.... Just sayin.

Difference is Russia can act like this due to the political system and we only do it in tin pot nations with terrorists.

All these people crying for retaliation via arms are IDIOTS.

RUSSIA is a tin pot nation with nuclear a raft of stuff left over from the cold war, they had the chance of reform when the Iron curtain fell, They rejected it but its to late, they lost all the so called buffer states to and are now firmly under the arm of the EU and NATO and reaping the reward for it.

Let them top off a couple of ex spy`s it would have been easier to shoot them without the outcry, They are just the same as North Korea, nothing little nation who keep knocking on the door wanting in what everyone else has.

Ignore them, let the world move on without them.
Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.

No, will just pass bills to start Fracking and lo and behold... cheaper bills overnight.
forget if they break human rights. They prop up a leader who dropped a chemical weapon in down town UK. You see even you are getting suckered in. They have already technically invaded UK lands with aggression so what else do we need to wait for ? You see if May had any stones she would do it now. You don't need support from your allies to slap financial sanctions down, this was on UK soil and the UK government needs to show its electorate that it can protect them by actually taking real action and not this pitiful pathetic rhetoric and the throwing out of a few low rent diplomats.

No you don't need support from your allies, we could do it unilaterally but the affect would be much bigger if done multilaterally, just like the previous sanctions on Russia for there actions in Crimea and Ukraine. Throwing out the diplomats (inteligence agents) will have some affect, but No action we could take would stop this from happening again.
No you don't need support from your allies, we could do it unilaterally but the affect would be much bigger if done multilaterally, just like the previous sanctions on Russia for there actions in Crimea and Ukraine. Throwing out the diplomats (inteligence agents) will have some affect, but No action we could take would stop this from happening again.

it's not in most of our allies interests though which is why if the UK is serious about being this billy big balls country it purports to be, it needs to act alone. Germany won't step in as they are more dependent on Russian gas than we are. Trump isn't going to go against his pay master and dirty tricks campaign Tsar Putin. The eastern bloc EU countries likely don't give a crap because while they will say how much they despise Russia and Putin they need his dirty money even more than we do, plus it's cold over there and they need gas to keep the lights on.

This just shows May for what she is, a spineless, sound bite, no stones sniveling little weasel who will effectively see her own electorate put in harms way if it means she can carry on clinging to her throne. The UK is double ****** because in the other corner we have got that old bumbling commie corbyn. This is not going to end well for us the electorate.
Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.
Well there is the thing that it sends a very clear message to anyone who opposes Putin or betrays Russia (and opposing Putin is pretty much the same these days), that the Russian government will go for you, even if you've already served your time in a Russian prison or been exchanged.

It's the same reason Putin had Litvinenko killed in a very unusual manner, which if you remember used a method that was both potentially extremely dangerous for the people doing the killing and anyone nearby, and was probably the most easily traceable method ever (nuclear materials all tend to have unique signatures which vary depending on the source materials, where they were processed and batch), and that little message to the world cost about $20 million in materials.

Russia under Putin doesn't care that people know they've killed traitors, spies, political opponents or journalists, as long as there is a bit of doubt about who did it, or they can blame someone else for it..
Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.

a public message to the rest of the traitors they are out to get ?
Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country? Why not shoot them, strangle them or just food poison them?
Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Tbh given the UK rhetoric for economic war, I wonder what would happen if Russia decides to stop supplying Britain with oil and gas, when we import 30% and 35% respectively.
The alternatives will triple the cost overnight.

Because they probably thought small doses would be un-tracable, like they did with the polonium. A shooting in the UK attracts a lot of attention and food poisoning probably won't kill someone in a nation with advanced health care.

As for gas, we only get something like 3% of our gas from Russia now. Since after last time they threatened to cut us off, we switched to other suppliers. We don't really import anything else from them. They literally have nothing they can use against us economically and most Brits doing business in Russia have already been scared away by Putin's goons.
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Indeed. Who believes Russian agents are using nerve gas in public places to kill someone in a foreign country?

I do, because there's solid evidence that this is exactly what they did. Nerve agents are perfect for operations such as this one.

Let alone use a nerve agent, which formula apparently is widely available on Amazon, according to it's creator...

Creating it is not the difficult part. Refining it to appropriate lethality requires professional expertise:

A source said that it would not, technically, have been difficult to make but its lethality meant would almost certainly have needed a specialist laboratory to manufacture. The sophistication is seen as another indication that the would-be assassins were likely to have had access to state resources, and extensively planned the attack.

I do, because there's solid evidence that this is exactly what they did. Nerve agents are perfect for operations such as this one.

Creating it is not the difficult part. Refining it to appropriate lethality requires professional expertise:

That agent is 2 parts, and needs to be mixed at the spot. Hence it was only used for bombs.
It can be manufactured by the UK (just down the road from the incident is the biggest WMD factory in Europe), it was manufactured on all Baltic states, in addition to Ukraine and Georgia. All of them NATO allies (or trying to be in the case of Ukraine) today.....

But to whom I am talking to.

(Talking about Ukraine, why I have the feeling this all is a pretext to bypass half the NATO charter and rules, to add them into the alliance in June?)
Has any reason be given why the UK would not give Russia any of the evidence so far?
I believe it was reported there are official channels for this to be done, rather than simply stick it in the post so to speak!

In response to Panos’ comment:
Regards Porton Down, other than conspiracy theories, is there any real evidence that they manufacture chemical ‘WMD’ for anything other than small research quantities, which I believe numerous other countries do.
Has any reason be given why the UK would not give Russia any of the evidence so far?
I believe it was reported there are official channels for this to be done, rather than simply stick it in the post so to speak!
because there going to deny it regardless? because thats what they do again and again.
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't on its way to another countries lab though for confirmation/trump card if needed.
Trump's a huge supporter of the UK, far more than Obama. We're still a member of the EU, they have supported us as an EU member state.

Trump seems to have a soft spot for the Russians too - sacks rex t as soon as he is critical of them, and is happy to condemn the incident but not the suspected culprits
What good does expelling diplomats do exactly? Surely getting rid just fractures communications and the relationship more.
What good does expelling diplomats do exactly? Surely getting rid just fractures communications and the relationship more.

Nothing, they will be replaced with new staff.

But what it does is force Russia to do the same thing or an other retaliation measure which they about to execute. No one wins.
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