Former Russian double agent seriously ill in Salisbury.

Without moving blame off Russia it's not like our own nation has clean hands when it comes to deaths of innocents caught up in these geo political chess games, one only needs look to Iraq, Libya and Syria and the millions either displaced from their homes or killed as a result of our own meddling in trying to overthrow regimes and destabilise those regions which are often friends with Russia.

If war and genocide is stable oooook then. How did we meddle in Syria? I love the way people lump in 3 different countries and 3 different situations as if they are the same.

Also lol at the Russian mouth pieces in here, trying to use logic to determine whether russia did it or not.
I do so love the media reporting that our foreign secretary promises a stern response if Russia is proved to he involved, yeah right, a bit of finger wagging perhaps, even a little bit if tut tutting but anything stronger not a hope in hell.

Reminds me of this:
The last Russian agent (the one that was murdered by polonium in-gestation in the UK) was here because, having been refused American largesse by their embassy in Ankara, was told "Try the UK embassies, Britain will have anyone in". He was right and he tipped up on our London streets soon after. Seems that's still the case, with the attendant baggage attempts on their lives brings to our streets and to our tax payers. Who knows what the quiet man up the road with the Russian accent and the shifty eyes may be about to bring upon your community? ;) Seriously though, to have prime targets of the Kremlin wandering freely and under their own name in the UK, given Russia's penchant for imaginative methods of despatch, is rather concerning.
There is a village not far from me which has almost a whole street of Russian ex-pats living on it, I guess that will just be carpet bombed at some point...
Looks like it might be a nerve agent. Which means it has to be state backed. It seems a bit botched looking at the collateral damage and I wouldn't be surprised if the attacker was exposed as well.

Supposedly the ones that served radioactive tea to Litvinenko left a literal trail of radioactivity leading back to Russia. Because they miss-handled it and contaminated themselves.
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This is completely unacceptable, there needs to be a completely robust response to this.

A harshly worded letter should do it. Yes a letter.
The first on scene police officer is in hospital as well.

Just saw that as well on the BBC, first I've heard of it. It's gonna kick off big style if the police officer dies and it points to a Russia orchestrated attack.
In some respects we could learn a thing or two from the Russians about how we should deal with our own traitors. Jihadists who've pledged allegiance to a foreign enemy state chop a soldiers head off in broad daylight and get to spend the rest of the lives in prison at the taxpayers expense and bring about lawsuit after lawsuit claiming their rights are being breached. Foreign fighters returning from Syria and we give them immunity and benefits. Asylum seeker preachers living here at our expense preaching Jihad against the nation that has opened their door to them and their family and again we have to have long costly court cases about whether it is legal to deport them back to where they came from,assuming we do decide to deport them. You don't see incidents like this in Russia because acts like this would be categorised as treason and as this incident proves traitors in Russia meet very unpleasant ends.
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If they know what agent it is, there are antidotes. But it depends on how much they were exposed to and how long they waited before getting it.
Russia would crush what's left of our military, we cannot respond to this in any way they would take seriously. Pathetic, really.
Russia would crush what's left of our military, we cannot respond to this in any way they would take seriously. Pathetic, really.

What's really pathetic is that when our home grown Jihadi traitors run amok, calls for restraint, unity and not retaliating is the order of the day. When Russia deal with one of there own traitors in the typical Russian fashion, admittedly on this occasion on UK soil, the establishment go hysterical calling for tough responses.
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