So in short, you believe the Russians because you want to believe the Russians. How is that any different from those that believe the British because they want to believe the British?
Don't put words in my mouth. The difference is I never base my judgment on nationality but individual character. No nation has a monopoly on truth or good behaviour (or bad for that matter).
(Not to mention the public part of the report stating that they agree with the UK findings, something you haven't really addressed)
Bit of a pointless question. These Swiss findings never made it into the member-state report, of which there is a public summary. So the question is why? I don't have to answer why. It's the UK and OPCW members that need to answer why, obviously.
It cant really be "easily confirmed or denied" by the Swiss lab as they would have been working for the OPCW and will be required to keep the full report secret.
Well, "easily" can easily become semantics. They can easily do it, in the sense that they know already if this is true or not. But you raise an interesting matter. The question is whether they will decide to, and incur the wrath of NATO and be expelled from the OPCW even though that disclosure would prove there were shenanigans afoot in the OPCW. The more important question is not arguing about easy or hard, but how come we are in a position where the Swiss could legally be prevented from disclosing very pertinent information which is missing from the report and its summary?
I can hazard a guess at how the UK government and OPCW legal experts have played it - the Swiss lab also confirmed the presence of the unnamed agent (that the UK originally called Novichok), and it was decided that they could legally go with "OPCW confirms UK findings". The deception being, of course, that apart from confirming the UK's findings, they also found the presence of BZ, and this went unmentioned both in the report and public summary. Interestingly, the Swiss lab is said to have expressed surprise at the purity or "freshness" of the 'novichok' sample, and this is also something that never made it into the report or public summary. We will see.
Do you think these findings, if true, ought to be kept secret?