Forza 5 Announced

Utter madnes, how could they cut the Nurburgring?

Either the game was rushed or they plan to release it as dlc.
They sire know how to milk a game. They know people will pay top dollar for that track.
TBH this is the first Forza game I'll probably pay DLC for, La Ferrari is in Novembers car pack :eek:

I don't agree with DLC in general unless it's something which extends the game later in it's life, and I can't remember the last time I paid for any for any game, but if T10 release tracks, particularly the 'Ring, I'll buy it.

I'm still mega-excited about Forza 5 now it's only a couple of weeks away, and I still think the core game will be more than impressive.
I think what is stopping me committing to this is the fact that they seem to be cutting content and still promoting DLC. I think as the 360 was matured, DLC was a given but at a console release when people are already paying a fair whack for a new console and the game, more charges for DLC announced before it lands just doens't sit right.

They seem to have removed features, probably due to to time constraints and the development on a new console but haven't replaced those with additional content.
I think it's a shame the season pass only includes cars. If I knew they would offer something like a new track every month along with the new cars, I'd be much more likely to buy it.
Slightly disappointed by the lack of 'ring. Thb after playing 4za to death I ended up coming back and Racing classic race cars around the ring. The noise of that jag D type!

I'm generally on the fence about getting a next gen console at all as I game on pc mostly, but I do love forza. However with this news, I might end up geyting GT6 and getting forza5 and a season pass later down the line. I've not even began to think if I want a xbone or ps4 eugh effort but the allure of forza in general but the allure of forza 6 is strong...
I'm sorry this has to be said... The game now has less cars, less tracks (removing the ring on release , but dlc afterwards) and no weather system, no pits etc sounds like a very boring tech demo IMO.

This title looked good, but now its starting to look more and more. boring, rushed and pushed to try and shift xbone ones, which less face it after resolutiongate needs this game as its 1080p.

I'm not impressed at all, why no day night, or weather or rain, or pits, and such a low number of tracks, cars... this will get boring quickly, but I'm going to really naff folks off saying this as the title is being hyped beyond belief...

oh well, from what is there it does look very nice..
Slightly disappointed but it is to be expected. Suzuka and the Nurburgring will be missed, but will return better :)
The first iteration of the game on Xbox One I think was always going to have things missing, especially when they had to hit the launch deadline. I can only imagine how good Forza 6 will be in a couple of years.
so forza 3 had loads of tracks.. awesome cars and IMO great graphics + porsche..
forza 4 had less tracks.. ported cars and some remodeled(autovista models) and no porshe.. which came as an expensive DLC..
now forza 5 comes out with 200 cars.. 14 tracks(WOT) no porsche.. this new generation should bring them the ability to include MORE and IMO fm4 graphic, sound etc wise was more that enough just needed more tracks!

the only reason I would have bought xbox one was to play FM5 but in this case I'm all PS4! even if some of the titles were delayed :) simply means I don't have to rush buying it on release.. and FM6 might be the thing then.. but FM5 just sounds like a downgrade in every way when you compare it to fm4.
T10 disagree.

FM4 had more environments, but less tracks. Mainly cause the umpteen sidewinders were removed. As for Porsche - it's the same old chestnut as with FM4 and has been discussed to death a couple of years ago.
You'd be happy with 50-100 cars?

I would, if the game was free.

Yes quality over quantity, the physics in forza are subpar, less cars means more focus on each car = a better and more accurate simulator.

As for it not having the ring... It never had the ring, it had a terribly modelled version of something vaguely resembling the ring, it was massively inaccurate and in some parts just straight up looks like forza devs have realised this though judging by their comments in a few articles. Hopefuly the version they release at a later date will be of a far greater quality.
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