Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

I'd be tempted to inform the Police, they will put it on APNR and when it triggers they will go after him He needs bringing down a peg or two.
Already done, that's his SL and Bentley no longer insured. I can see him being made an example of. Expect this to hit the Daily Mail :D

You don't bring down people with a narcissistic personality disorder, its impossible
Last year I was rang by a bloke crying his eyes out, he said he'd heard our department could arrange somebody to witness a will so I said I could send somebody.
He said his partner was in ICU dying, he'd still got capacity but not for long, he then went on to say he was into conspiracy theories and didn't believe covid existed.
The will was witnessed, he died shortly after and his partner was now alone because of the stuff he watched on You Tube.

These sorts of "woo" beliefs seem to be pervasive in all sorts of fields, unfortunately; the true believers get easily trapped in the belief system and the skeptic is seen as just being ignorant, you've just got to be "open-minded" is often the go to response.

I guess some of it is driven by obvious motivations for people to *want* to believe in these "woo" beliefs.

In the case of covid people were fed up, government messaging didn't help and "just the flu" + some idea that there was a secret agenda to control "sheeple" becomes attractive, they can ignore the rules as they're not the "sheeple", they've value "natural immunity" and won't take the "experimental" vaccine.

In medicine in general you'll have hippie types who don't trust big Pharma but who'll find homeopathic "cures" attractive, you've got Chiropractors who will step in to treat your non-specific back pain that your GP can't really do anything for or clinics in Mexico who will promise to cure your cancer when the NHS has told you it's incurable.

Astrology seems to be attractive to some, especially women, they can blame the stars for behaviour, incompatibility in a relationship or just some bad luck or outcome they didn't like.

In trading there is "technical analysis", which in the best cases is stats made easy and in the worst cases is all sorts of woo beliefs about "Elliot waves", "fib retracements" etc.. It's attractive as it relies on being simple/easy to pick up and often subjective (there isn't necessarily a wrong answer) no STEM degree required. Brokers/bucket shops love it as it gives people a framework to start trading. In the 90s in the US there was a stockmarket daytrader boom, everyone was a trading genius, these days there has been a crypto boom and the same stuff is being promoted.

And in the legal field there is this "freeman of the land" stuff, it's also attractive, you've racked u some fines or you've fallen behind on your mortgage but ackhually, the mortgage is a "legal fiction" and the banks just print money and the "person" on the mortgage doesn't exist and so something something just stop paying it and cite maritime law in court and everything will be totally fine, you totally won't get evicted and lose your house...
I think the the thing about most conspiracy theories is that there's just enough reality about at least a part of it that it's not completely impossible that some of it might be true.
Take 9/11 for example. It's not inconceivable that US or US friendly intelligence services recognised 'something' was being planned but weren't quick enough to understand the details and prevent it from happening. Its even possible a decision was made to allow those plans to continue (with the intention of jumping in at the last minute) in order to catch the perpetrators red handed in and improve the chances of conviction but something went wrong (the authorities lost control of the situation or didn't realise the magnitude of what was planned etc).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I believe the US government allowed 9/11 to happen or that they faked the moon landing but just that I can see how there is just enough of a sliver of reason to make it not completely impossible. When you add any kind of official secrecy, however reasonable, the vacuum created by the associated silence simply allows CT to be born from those slivers of not impossible scenarios and ballon into what most rational people can see as outlandish.

First thing the CIA director said at the time when informed was "I hope this has nothing to do with the flight schools in the midwest"

We've joked that the police will fire their taser right through it when he holds it up for them to read.

It's totally barmy.
We've joked that the police will fire their taser right through it when he holds it up for them to read.

It's totally barmy.

He's obviously preparing for when he gets pulled over, what a mental case.
It's one thing your parents getting dementia or Alzheimer's but this is a different ball game.
I’ve used similar to that last line in the past with persistent salesmen.

“I’m happy to speak to you but my time is chargeable, £200/hour for the first hour and then £100/hour after that. Would you like to continue this conversation?” :D
I’ve used similar to that last line in the past with persistent salesmen.

“I’m happy to speak to you but my time is chargeable, £200/hour for the first hour and then £100/hour after that. Would you like to continue this conversation?” :D

I always pretend I am hard of hearing and make them repeat everything while I shout "WHAT???"

Much more fun!
These sorts of "woo" beliefs seem to be pervasive in all sorts of fields, unfortunately; the true believers get easily trapped in the belief system and the skeptic is seen as just being ignorant, you've just got to be "open-minded" is often the go to response.

I guess some of it is driven by obvious motivations for people to *want* to believe in these "woo" beliefs.

In the case of covid people were fed up, government messaging didn't help and "just the flu" + some idea that there was a secret agenda to control "sheeple" becomes attractive, they can ignore the rules as they're not the "sheeple", they've value "natural immunity" and won't take the "experimental" vaccine.

In medicine in general you'll have hippie types who don't trust big Pharma but who'll find homeopathic "cures" attractive, you've got Chiropractors who will step in to treat your non-specific back pain that your GP can't really do anything for or clinics in Mexico who will promise to cure your cancer when the NHS has told you it's incurable.

Astrology seems to be attractive to some, especially women, they can blame the stars for behaviour, incompatibility in a relationship or just some bad luck or outcome they didn't like.

In trading there is "technical analysis", which in the best cases is stats made easy and in the worst cases is all sorts of woo beliefs about "Elliot waves", "fib retracements" etc.. It's attractive as it relies on being simple/easy to pick up and often subjective (there isn't necessarily a wrong answer) no STEM degree required. Brokers/bucket shops love it as it gives people a framework to start trading. In the 90s in the US there was a stockmarket daytrader boom, everyone was a trading genius, these days there has been a crypto boom and the same stuff is being promoted.

And in the legal field there is this "freeman of the land" stuff, it's also attractive, you've racked u some fines or you've fallen behind on your mortgage but ackhually, the mortgage is a "legal fiction" and the banks just print money and the "person" on the mortgage doesn't exist and so something something just stop paying it and cite maritime law in court and everything will be totally fine, you totally won't get evicted and lose your house...

Wow I find myself agreeing with a lot (but not all) of what Dowie is saying.

Re the "freeman of the land" stuff, what it comes down to is people have to realise and accept there is an "authority" and it is the authority for a reason, i.e. it is the most powerful entity, so it makes the rules.
Wow I find myself agreeing with a lot (but not all) of what Dowie is saying.

Re the "freeman of the land" stuff, what it comes down to is people have to realise and accept there is an "authority" and it is the authority for a reason, i.e. it is the most powerful entity, so it makes the rules.
The problem lies with his Narcissistic personality disorder, he has always felt more important than others. He used all those buzzwords sheeple and made up some quite abusive ones too. He has the complete inability to say sorry or backout of something he's done, doing or said, he doubles down. It's going to end very badly.

Another thing he got into was the Big Pharma is evil mantra, despite having a quadruple bypass, his heart valves replaced and a ICD/pacemaker fitted plus various other life saving treatments.
Last year he decided big pharma was evil and stopped ALL his various meds and started buying supplements from this lunatic

During is annual follow up and his heart surgeon last year he was told that he will die very soon if he continues and all his results have decreased significantly. He's back on his meds now...

He also believes that the "Elite Pedophiles" have medbeds that grow back part of your body and repairs it while sleeping

A deeply flawed and conflicted person!
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