Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

Once staying round a friends house a bailiff came, but he did not enter the home, he just posted a note, the door was open though.

I was naked after taking a bath that took me a long time to pour cause the boiler was broken, that's when i hear a noise and get up.

Some of the programs i watched they just open doors and enter, so that would have been a terrible mistake.

I think the donkey didnt pay council tax.

Several agents from DCBL (typically the ones on those programs) have been done for unlawful entry by opening doors.

From what I understand it's because they used the handle to unlatch the door which the law considers to be a (rudimentary) lock. If the door is ajar or can be pushed open with a flat hand then it's considered open.
In the case of the Americab woman, the footage appears to all be from the police body mounted cams so your point is valid!

You mean invalid and yes you're correct, the summary at the end looked like a TV programme but I know in this country the Cops put out cam footage and put the summary at the end.
My excuse is I was watching on my phone without glasses :)
However the Police will only provide footage where they've been nice.
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It's where all of the nutters hang out.

Check out Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes, they claim to have inside info from Q, from QAnon. My father follows those two as well, has even bought some of the useless guff they peddle.
I knew he was seriously in trouble when i did some research and found this -

He bought a special box for his phone (iPhone) so it couldn't be tracked or hacked.
My mate asked him what happened when he needed to use it... dead silence.... he hadn't thought about that.

Soon as the lady appeared with hair big enough to hide an ICBM I knew we were in for a classic. That is bonkers :)
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It finally happened.

Arrested last week at the side of the road. He captured it on video. I sadly haven't seen it.

He was pulled over by a traffic police officer who noticed his plates and clocked they were not real.
Lots of arguing ensued and he recited his spiel to the letter, claiming he was all above board. He even stated that he had written to the Chief Constable and as he hadn't received a written reply in 14 days he had every right to continue his activities.

He was in his SL500 with the roof down, due to the arguing the office reached in and grabbed his keys.
After more arguing with the police office he was arrested and offered to walk to the car, he refused. Two more officers turned up with a van and had to carry him and put him the back of the van, they were moaning about how heavy he is LOL. Hopefully they will do him for resisting arrest as well.

They have impounded his car, one officer was laughing at him for not having insurance.
According to "Graham" at the Common Law Court (LOL) insurers on a mobile phone helpline he has to get a written statement from the police to say he isn't insured so they can intervene. Briiliant....

He is attending the station today to hand over documents to sue the officer for kidnapping and theft of his car. That's going to go down well.

Apparently they were pretty annoyed by him and his behaviour, which is very easy. I wouldn't be surprised if they throw the book at him

There's more I've probably missed out but I'm still laughing at this too hard to detail it.

The wheels are literally falling yet he remains indignant, this could be epic.
Absolutely brilliant, make sure you keep us informed.
Sadly he will remain indignant, he's fell down that rabbit hole and he will firmly believe he's in the right and when he eventually does things correctly he will go on and on about the corrupt Police etc.
I wonder if he eventually had his gas & electric bypassed, it would be a shame for somebody to report him?

The two 'Freeman of the Land' type cases we had at the hospital got kicked out and we weren't done for treason :)
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Saw this pop up again... Not disappointed. its a shame these people fall for this stuff but, Gotta give it to them....They stand by it..

Well, right up until its court/Prison time
I'm liking the sneaky way "Graham"' is avoiding having to do anything by pushing a requirement onto your dad of getting the Police to do something they're never going to do. Will he finally realise these "advisors" he's been listening to over the years are conmen and/or idiots full of you-know-what ....
I'm liking the sneaky way "Graham"' is avoiding having to do anything by pushing a requirement onto your dad of getting the Police to do something they're never going to do. Will he finally realise these "advisors" he's been listening to over the years are conmen and/or idiots full of you-know-what ....
I looked up the Common Law Court insurers and their website says no new orders for insurance are being taken at this time. I wonder why?! :cry::D

Also what is this personal trust held by the Government? I could do with getting access to mine to pay off my student loan and perhaps also my mortgage. :cool::rolleyes:
In the good old Victorian days he'd be in an asylum by now, unlikely to see the light of day again. In this day and age tax payers like me will be paying to run the lunatic through the courts and offer him every assistance to continue to spout madness until some token sentence is passed which will probably be as risible as it's been costly.
Will he finally realise these "advisors" he's been listening to over the years are conmen and/or idiots full of you-know-what ....

I don't think he/they will :(
When you've still got people who still seriously believe that Bill Gates got the whole of the World's Governments together to come up with an idea how to 'control' their people and inject them with a tracking device then he's got no chance of coming back from this route. I know two blokes who 100% believe nobody has ever had Covid because it doesn't exist.
To be fair knowing my hairdresser doesn't know him, only his name and what i've told him so he'll probably have to declare it.

I might take popcorn.
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