FTL - Faster than Light, Space Rogue - ( INDIE )

Yeh it really is an awesome little game :) I was super addicted to it over christmas after I picked it up in the steam sale.
Hmm lookin at the date the mod is old and im not 100% sure but discontiniued and possibly not available anymore. :(

I hadnt yet tried it myself but thought i would later on. If anyone finds a link to it or a modern version of it post it here.
The news of the extra content got me playing the game again yesterday and i finally for the first time beat the boss (on easy) did it with the ship with the shield. Was chuffed :D
God this game is frustrating... and yet you still feel compelled to put another couple of hours into it!
The number of times ive felt particularly comfortable with the situation going into a fight, and then sat there, shoulders hunched, watching my ship get tore a new one, is quite remarkable.

I only have the Kestrel & Torus (A&B) and feel like i had more success with the kestrel, but going back to it im not so sure, either that or im going backwards :D

Boarders are one of my biggest issues, i think i need to upgrade the doors and try and open airlocks to take them out or something because its not that often i have more than 3-4ppl even if im trying to buy them at stores or invite them to join the crew, and unless i wait for them to wreck the ship and come fight in the medi-room its suicide, esp against mantis.

Does anyone have any suggestions for strategies and priorities? Preferably doable with the ships i have, ie try and buy a specific style of gun and upgrade x y & z.
Obviously the random nature means you cant give a direct path to success, nor would i want that, but im guessing most people have to be a set of priorities to upgrade/buy when the circumstances arise.
Most of the time everything seems fine, but then there'll be 1 scenario which i'll crumble under, and covering all angles seems to be tough.
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I wondered where this thread went. I did a search for it but it wasn't listed for some reason. Here's some more info about the update and the new ship and race that has been announced: http://www.ftlgame.com/?p=621

Does anyone have any suggestions for strategies and priorities?
With the ships you have, I buy level 2 doors as soon as I possibly can because, as you found out, boarders can be incredibly annoying during a battle. Also, if you make your next priority level 2 shields it makes the ships in the first two sectors a huge amount easier.

Also, I very rarely buy crewmembers, but I make every effort to get more on board so if there is an event where i can get a crewmember without the chance of losing one then i will take that option. A level 2 teleporter is also very helpful for getting more crew (through blue events and through killing off the enemy crew, which also gives much better rewards than destroying the ship)
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Does anyone have any suggestions for strategies and priorities? Preferably doable with the ships i have, ie try and buy a specific style of gun and upgrade x y & z.
Obviously the random nature means you cant give a direct path to success, nor would i want that, but im guessing most people have to be a set of priorities to upgrade/buy when the circumstances arise.
Most of the time everything seems fine, but then there'll be 1 scenario which i'll crumble under, and covering all angles seems to be tough.

Spend as long as you can in each area stocking up and, early on, always target their weapon systems only. Enemies will tend to have one shield and if you manually time your shots so that the second their shield is down from the first hit the subsequent hits take out the weapon systems, it makes things quite comfortable in the starting areas. Also, upgrade your shields asap - combined with the above this will make 90% of early encounters a formality. The rest is down to how you want to play and is where the fun is :)
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Finally managed to complete it.
Admittedly, i used the duplication of the savegame, but only to get my head around why i wasnt even getting to the final battle. I'd get to the 8th area, move around a bit and then get told i'd lost and thats it. I've tried on 3 occasions and was trying to get to the repair locations, some nearby locations for the scrap, and then back to the base.
Once i realised that i had to go after him (wasnt helped by the fact that i was miles out of the way where i'd saved from) i was fine, did it first attempt. Each time i was convinced i'd die, because i'd be more focussed on my ship, putting out fires and keeping crew alive, that i'd either not notice that the guns werent all up or forget to put autofire back on.
Didnt really get to enjoy their defeat, it just seemed like half way through each fight i'd look at their ship and it'd be looking full strength, and next minute it was blowing up.

I had Burst Laser I & II, plus Artemis missile & Ion bomb, plus Anti-ship I & Hull repair.
Ran out of missiles in the 3rd fight. I was mainly targeting their shield with the Artemis (12s), then holding the 2 burst lasers (11 & 12s) till the bomb hit and assuming it landed i'd then take out the weapons system, once i'd got the shield down then i could just save the missiles and alternate the burst lasers between shield, weapon, drones, and FLT drive if warned.

So now i need to do it in 1 full run, although my ship never blew up in any of the 'reloads', i was only reloading cos i was fed up of failing before i'd even seen the final battle, and i wanted to know what i was doing wrong.
Just completed Easy without needing to save, used the Osprey A and probably could have had a much easier run if i hadnt upgraded the Artillery with the initial cash as a decent weapon was available early on, but it went really really smoothly.
Used the default Burst Laser II for the most part, managed to get a decent bomb and then a II ion cannon (4sec reload) so really once i'd got through their shield which the burst laser does quickly, the ion locked their shield and at that point they're open for damage. The Arty was maxed out early too, so it wasnt hard to get in and do damage.
I had to sell a few items i wanted to hold, but i knew that Ion cannon would be huge for me, had a Anti-ship II ready for the boss, Hull repair droid for patching up.

Havent tried normal mode yet, although i have been trying to unlock the different layouts. I should have just got the B ship for 4 blue missions by sec5 certain i did that early into sec4, and even did more just in case.

Cracking game really, its amazing how so many indie games are just more fun. Maybe not as grand and glorious, but are actually fun and entertaining. FTL looks like it could have been a C64 game! fancy graphics wouldnt have made it any better, if anything its part of the charm.
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