Fuel price discussion thread (was ‘chaos’)

Sadly personal use cars are a luxury for the majority not a necessity, as much as they'd like them to be thought of that way. The problem is people want the convenience but don't want to give it up if they can't afford it anymore, we live in a society now where want/need are so easily confused. People who have great PT links don't/won't use them, and those that need them and don't have them end up in a difficult position. I'm happy walking, cycling, using the bus/tram or train for nearly every journey I do, and could easily get rid of a car if I had to, the money saved would easily pay for a rental/taxi etc. on the few occasions I needed one, not everyone is as flexible or can frankly be bothered.
Definitely not a luxury having a car. That's like saying having the internet is a luxury, it may well have been a while back but not anymore.
What do you mean the bus network is patchy, as in the re are few busses, they are infrequent, or they don't go where people need them to?

Around where I live they've slashed the number of buses and destinations including stopping serving one of the two nearby towns so you have to go to one of them and change buses, going back past where you live, to get to it! (travelling ~35 miles instead of ~11). To do the journey to work would cost £90 for a monthly ticket or £234 if you bought all returns - so cheaper to drive if you have something reasonably economical even with current fuel prices!
I think defining not running a car as a naff existence says a lot about the people of today

You're in a forum called Motors. What did you expect?

This forum and others like it exist for people for whom a car is more than a convenient way to get from one place to another. A bus cannot replace a car for people who spend hundreds of pounds a year on car cleaning products.

A car is far more than convenient transport, a glance at the size of the motor industry will tell you this.
You're in a forum called Motors. What did you expect?

This forum and others like it exist for people for whom a car is more than a convenient way to get from one place to another. A bus cannot replace a car for people who spend hundreds of pounds a year on car cleaning products.

A car is far more than convenient transport, a glance at the size of the motor industry will tell you this.
He drives a Kia. No wonder he prefers walking.

I’m sure he got it brand new too. The hypocrisy :cry:
Having a car isn’t a luxury for many, it’s a necessity. What could be considered is the type of car they have. Does anyone need a 3L straight six or 2.0 turbo to get to work and back when a 1L super mini would do the job just fine?
Which part of what I said do you disagree with then?
The bit where you try and gate keep the Motors sub with such low criteria; similar to how you've suggested I shouldn't post here because of my views on driverless car summoning/rental. You could argue why any of us are here if we aren't rocking a garage like Gibbo and Nath.
You're in a forum called Motors. What did you expect?

Erm.. its has a title like all the other sub forums, because it has that title does not mean every person is obsessed with "Motors" or does that not compute with people like you who are motors obsessed. The thread title is - "petrol station chaos" - I assume that means any one who uses a petrol station may want to comment, not everyone browses using the sub-forum titles as well, some just sort be new. Its funny that people do thing differently, isn't it? ;)
Having a car isn’t a luxury for many, it’s a necessity. What could be considered is the type of car they have. Does anyone need a 3L straight six or 2.0 turbo to get to work and back when a 1L super mini would do the job just fine?
I think the type of car is less relevant. Exactly as Journey said, the sooner folks realise that walking, cycling etc. is a much more effective form of moving ones body short distances, the better.

My childminder moved from walking distance to cycling distance and I opt to cycle whenever possible. It is a real privilege for us to share that journey together each morning. I despise having to fire up the 3L Merc to take her on that trip.

Unfortunately they have moved from cycling distance to driving distance as of July - so I have had to buy an electric car (as I hate cold starting crap petrol cars and driving them short distances).
Public transport depends entirely on where you live for starters. Around here, a 15 minute car journey can take 3 hours by bus. It's hopeless.

Aside from that, you wouldn't be able to pay me to sit on a packed train/bus, however effective it may be, unless there was no other option.

This. I once looked at public transport to work and would involved taken 3 separate busses and would mean I would be 45 minutes late for work everyday and would have to leave work 45 minutes to catch the bus which would mean I could catch the last bus 2 changes later in order to get home.

So I would end up travelling for over 4 and half hours each day for a car journey which takes me 40-50 minutes each way and have to persuade my boss that i could work 1.5 hours less each day. Not practical.
This. I once looked at public transport to work and would involved taken 3 separate busses and would mean I would be 45 minutes late for work everyday and would have to leave work 45 minutes to catch the bus which would mean I could catch the last bus 2 changes later in order to get home.

So I would end up travelling for over 4 and half hours each day for a car journey which takes me 40-50 minutes each way and have to persuade my boss that i could work 1.5 hours less each day. Not practical.
This is just obviously impractical and isn't a point anyone was making.
I think the type of car is less relevant. Exactly as Journey said, the sooner folks realise that walking, cycling etc. is a much more effective form of moving ones body short distances, the better.

This is where I am at too. I find my car gives me anything but freedom for short trips within the city as I join the battle through traffic.

And when people say this or even worse, actively campaign against alternatives:
Having a car isn’t a luxury for many, it’s a necessity.

They forget about the many who can't drive (or shouldn't but hang on out of perceived necessity).
The bit where you try and gate keep the Motors sub with such low criteria;

I don't think 'interested in cars' is a particularly low criteria. Anyone can post here, but the likelihood is that if you do post here on a regular basis you have an interest in cars that extends beyond going from A to B at the minimum possible cost. I don't see how this isn't a reasonable view. I'd imagine the majority of people who use this forum will have an interest in cars that could be described as a hobby.

I think you've misunderstood my point, which was to explain to Journey why he is finding people in this forum who disagree with his idea that personal car ownership is bad.
Sorry I thought the statement that having a car was a luxury kind of included me. So you accept that for many people in rural areas a car isnt a luxury?

I think personal transport probably is a luxury. A luxury that opens up alternative, nicer places to live like the countryside perhaps.
This is where I am at too. I find my car gives me anything but freedom for short trips within the city as I join the battle through traffic.

And when people say this or even worse, actively campaign against alternatives:

They forget about the many who can't drive (or shouldn't but hang on out of perceived necessity).

Just get a motorcycle. Does exactly the same thing as a bike but can keep up with traffic in the real sense.

I am looking into buying a scooter for my daughter who will be turning 16 next year. You can get everything including insurance for under a grand.

It is actually surprising how little people use motorbikes compared to say the 60's and 70's.

They actually seem perfect for today's modern world. Cheap to run, very economical and easy to learn. 125's will do 70mph all day.

I get the weather argument but our country is really mild for the most part.
I think you've misunderstood my point, which was to explain to Journey why he is finding people in this forum who disagree with his idea that personal car ownership is bad.

I didn't say people shouldn't disagree with me, I said exactly the opposite if you bothered to actually read my posts. So stop trying to put words into my mouth/posts.
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