Thing is, looking at the make up of ocuk forum members, there will be people on here who spend more more on petrol in a week for their sit on lawn mowers than the people who are are putting only a tenner in their car to fill up.
But I must admit it always surprises me just how many people live hand to mouth in this country and that was before the cost of living crisis. I think the company i work for pays well but on the odd occasion the weekly wages havent gone in on a Tuesday due to a bank glitch, we have had people ring up saying they cant get into work the next day as they dont have any money to put any fuel into the car. These are people on £500-£600 take home per week as well. I've had to say to somebody before now that cant they borrow a fiver from their neighbour to get themselves into work?
We're having similar discussions at work. Our basic rates for the gents aren't great but they have become accustomed to more than doubling their salaries due to overtime. Unfortunately as a result they've bought things they can't really afford and as overtime hours are dropping they're now getting a bit tetchy.