Fuel up/down again

I've only put two fill ups on mine and got the average after putting in the second set. It should be in the top right corner of the fill up on the main screen.

what am i doing wrong? lol

First, if i filled up the tank, should that button be showing Filled Tank or unfilled? is it a button or is it a notice? If that makes sense.

Here is the main screen, see, no avg. mpg.

I set mine to trip and estimate the next tank to get a proper reading. Not sure i'm that pleased with my results.


I think i might have a rather heavy right foot...

My last tank is a estimate so i may be over 33mpg.
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Working it out manually I am getting about 37 mpg out of my mini. Don't know if that is good or bad for a old mini. Going to give that road trip app a try later, thanks Duke! :)
Working it out manually I am getting about 37 mpg out of my mini. Don't know if that is good or bad for a old mini. Going to give that road trip app a try later, thanks Duke! :)

I've got an R56 Cooper and the last 2 months in Newcastle the onboard computer states that I averaged... 28mpg!!!! I did drive it like I stole it most of the time though as I rarely drove it :D

Trip back to London on motorway managed way over 40 though.
Averaged 48.49mpg over my last tank (actual, verified at pumps rather than with a fuel computer). 1/3rd long motorway trip, 2/3rds mixed commuting. Happy with that. I've seen over 50mpg over a full tank. Solely motorway would get around 52mpg, maybe higher if you were in super grandad mode.

Fiesta 1.25 petrol MK6. Makes me happy that I'm getting some value form my fuel, plus it isn't a diesel (although it's not exactly a performance car:P).
My local shell have dropped their prices by a staggering 1p - from 135.9 to 134.9.

It's frustrating when you hear of people whose fuel is 129.9 everywhere in their area :mad:
My little car over the past year and a half, I drive with a fairly heavy foot and reckon if I was more sensible could average closer to 45mpg average.

Its costing £45ish for a tank that last me ~300 miles. Ignore the last price drop, it was with a 5p off voucher from Tesco, currently £1.33 around here I think.

Screenshot from Road Trip LE
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Sainsburys are doing 10p off a litre from wednesday till sunday this week when you spend £60 in store.

Sainsburys said:
Sainsbury's have stepped up the supermarket price war by offering customers 10p off every litre of fuel when they shop in the store.

From Wednesday June 29 until Sunday July 3, when shoppers spend £60 or more, they are entitled to the coupon. Vouchers can be used for two weeks, a spokesman said.

Sainsbury's group commercial director Mike Coupe said: "We recognise that times are tough, so this deal will help alleviate some of the pressure and help reduce the weekly fuel bill."
Does anyone know how much fuel was last time oil was $100?

Don't get too excited, it's already back to $106 this evening.

$100 was about 120p a litre last time.

In 2008, $100 oil was 100p a litre fuel. But that was before the Bank of England destroyed the value of our currency with artificially low interest rates they continue to refuse to raise.
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