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Gainward bring you a 512MB 7800 GT for AGP!!!!

This card is lovley. I love it, I have some pc knowledge, and yes I do know it's better to go the PCI-E route. But Just can't afford it, as when Vista comes out, I'm going todo a big major overhaul. And my 9600XT is dying so, I need a new card quick lol.

Hopefully gets in stock tommorow going to order, as money also comes through. Only if they have enough left!
Last time I seen figures (long ago aint seen since) pci-e had only 17% of market, I would like to know % now though. here :

" This year NVIDIA released in February an AGP version based upon the GeForce 7800 chip. Somehow the AGP market is still bigger then the PCI Express and therefore NVIDIA saw the need to kick out a new product to bring em at the top of the performance gain in the AGP world. By releasing the GeForce 7800 GS AGP based upon the GeForce 7 series released previously NVIDIA made sure they can deliver top notch performance and an attractive upgrade path for all AGP system owners ".
One main reason I'm getting this card is infact it's performance. It can play all the games I play on low, on MAX which is a good thing. It will probably get around 7.5 Points on 3DMARK05 that's probably just abit more then a 7800GT on PCI-Express. C'mon guys, gota say that is good for an AGP card.

The one thing annoying some of you people is the price, (yes yes, it is a dear) but if people similiar to me want to spend it, let them.

However, imagine a 1GB 7800GS comming out.....woah. :D
Wakinglimb said:
I said £100 less, not £100. £180 for a 7800GT isn't hard to find, like the XFX extreme edition one that was on here last week for £175. My point is that a Venice 3000+ and a 7600GT will be faster than this and a 2.4Ghz Northwood. That's all I'm saying.

Ummps, sorry, misread. I agree, putting this card with a 2.4ghz Northwood would be madness. But putting it in a XP-M at 2.6ghz+ would make sense. And there are still lots of those dudes out there.

Nice the evga agp 7800GS running 490/1450 < overclocked again :eek:

But that 3dmark 2005 score of little over 6200 is lower than I get currently even with Nvidia driver set to non default High Quality setting, possibly cause that card is not the same real 16 pipes + all that goes with it thats a 6800Ultra has, but Bliss has 20 real pipes + 512MB so cant wait to run beyond standard 425/1200, Inquirer already beat the evga with it at clock for clock with 460/1350, the 1.4ns ram is spec'd for 1400mhz ddr anyhow by default.

Lanz , meee :D Amd mobile @ 2.8gig with 500DDR FSB (250 is bios obv) dual channel mode cas 2.5@T1 timmings with Corsair XMS PC3500 PRO 2gig twin X kit (thinks thats correct name).
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From my point of view i should upgrade to PCI-E motherboard and graphics card, but since i just recently setup RAID i really don't want to have to get a new motherboard and have to setup RAID again and fart around with setting up my pc and restoring backups and alike.

I know there isn't much logic but it's pain that i don't want to go through and if i can actually run FEAR on my PC at the resolution i want then i'll be all for the 7800 GS. It's not overly rational in terms of the pure money sense but neither are a lot of decisions i do ;) (especially when under the influence of booze).

I guess i will have to bite the bullet soonish, just not so soon after i went through the _ache of having to setup my software again!
amdnv - 6200 in 05 is a poor score for a card of that price imo. 800 less than my 7600GT with a minor over clock, and only 200 more than a 6800Ultra I was playing with last night... good job 3dmark means nothing tho :D
Yes its prob as the card isnt a real (depends how counted ) 16piper + vertex's like a 6800Ultra, I think my 6500 score is good as far as artifical benches mean in real life for card launced on April04 :D

I will see what new Bliss does on this PC when it arrives.
Im gradually talking myself into buying this card instead of upgrading tbh. As I also have mirrored drives that would need to be backed up somewhere, and I really just cant be arsed to set everything up again. I want instant gaming pleasure right now.

But I'm certainly not pre-ordering or getting one within the first couple of weeks, as I wonna see proper benchmarks and the price will drop a little, it always does.
I could offer pleasure....but of a different kind....JOKE! lol.

Yeah, but I may plan to get a motherboard, DFI infact. MSI sucks for overclocking. However I will test this card on this setup and see how it does. :D
Lanz said:
You cant get a PCI-e card that out performs this for £100. Its faster than a standard PCI-e 7800GT due to its faster memory and it has 512MB. Go find me a PCI-e 512MB 7800GT with an Arctic Cooler for less than £200.

The actualy card is priced right. The same specced card would probably be £250 on PCI-e anyway. The main reason stopping me from upgrading with this is:

Eh? A brand new XFX 7800GT can be had for £180, and a used one for £150-£160. A 256MB X1800Xt can be had for £180-£190 and they kill the 7800GT. And the new 7900GT... £200 brand new, also kills a 7800GT no questions asked.

The 512MB is wasted on a 7800GT, you dont have the power to utilise it.
Richdog said:
Eh? A brand new XFX 7800GT can be had for £180, and a used one for £150-£160. A 256MB X1800Xt can be had for £180-£190 and they kill the 7800GT. And the new 7900GT... £200 brand new, also kills a 7800GT no questions asked.

The 512MB is wasted on a 7800GT, you dont have the power to utilise it.

lol that same argument comes up EVERY TIME for every card ever mentioned. a 7800 gt is almost top spec. you can't use that argument for every range of card from 6200 up. at some point it has to be worth it. and i'd say the 7800 gt is it
hmm, just got word that a 7900 based card will be comming out for agp soon. this is very interesting, i cancelled my order for the bliss 7800GS card since i can wait a little longer for the 7900GS card. :D
Why is 512MB wasted, the 6800 Utra N40 AGP)by XFX had 512MB (came after the 256MB) at time it wasnt really needed but it was said upcomming games like BF2 and FEAR could benifit from it, now these games have came and went and we have seen benches showing a 9-17FPS gain on some games with 2 cards same make/speed but one with 256MB other with 512MB, even this is now old news so I assume newer games and newer bios/drivers again improve this, even the addition 9FPS could make a game thats stuttering, ok to play.

So IMO thats rubbish, Ive read it all about 2gig of ram needed or 512MB gpu ram needed., fact is they are becomming so, and a 7800GT is good enough to use it, the fact is you can pump the res up and not need to turn down settings now as of the extra ram.

Cyber, is this a wind up, cause that idea did enter my head but this card will sell easy on E-Gay and then go towards a new one, reason I thought about this was that Vista is put back and Nvidia will prob end agp then and with 7000 series, I wouldnt faint if I saw a 7900 agp but no way will they do a 8000 but then again a partner can add a bridge if they like and give it a diff anme like Gainward have done. :confused:
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Cyber-Mav said:
hmm, just got word that a 7900 based card will be comming out for agp soon. this is very interesting, i cancelled my order for the bliss 7800GS card since i can wait a little longer for the 7900GS card. :D

Read that on a few news sites as well so holding off, though most likely it'll be £250-£350 as the manufacturers really want us all going to PCI-E now.
Url's please ?

I see talk on forums but no hard links yet, and not sure if only 256MB.

Edit: all I see are peeps in forums asking about a 7900 agp, no real info on a review site or from Nvidia, but if anyone has please add here.
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Am I like the only person that has noticed that everyone going on about the ugprades forgets the fact that a PSU upgrade would have to be in order too? People using AGP at the mo are using ATX 1.1 psu/mobo etc, from the pictures of the motherboards and the the gfx cards you can see that it requires you to have ATX 2.

So that's what another £50 on top?

Anyways... I want this card cheaper damnit >.<
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