Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon

No, but they have been completely cherry picked to offend the likes of you

Full article they nicked it from is here

George R R Martin liked what he had seen (9 of the 10 episodes)
He's not gonna say he hates it, or half the viewers wont even give it a chance. He probably has a lot of issues with it though. He's been nothing short of savage over the main show.
I think its a really complex topic and as I am white I have no reference point for anyone who isn't. I never really saw myself in film or TV when I was growing up because I never felt like I needed that aspect. I watched it for entertainment, escapism and fantasy. I never remember thinking "I like this because that person reminds me of me". I never watched shows with people from other ethnicities and couldn't empathise or relate to what they were going through any less because of the colour of their skin.

I know that black audiences in America certainly watched different shows to the white audiences but race in America is different to race in the UK. Perhaps thats another bone of contention. We consume so much media that was made in America, for Americans that we consume it differently.

If it helps someone to see people with the same colour skin on the TV or in films then thats great but perhaps part of the lesson should be to fixate less on race and stop telling people its so important. Who knows. As I said, complex topic.
I don't know about you/anyone else but when I was a child we would make our own stories up based on the setting, take star wars for example we wouldn't be Luke/Han/Vader, instead we'd be jedi and have our own adventures, or a warrior/wizard or whatever (we all used to read a lot of the old fighting fantasy books). I suppose it could well be that as an older generation we were required to use our imaginations more as we didn't have the plethora of entertainment available to people mid 30's and under (the ones that seem to be obsessed with skin colour).
I feel like I'm between both points. I believe representation on the screen does matter to some degree but I also don't want a story written solely around the subject.

Write a good story and don't make a big song and dance about being inclusive and everyone wins.
At this point I would just like to sit down and watch something that wasnt trying to "educate" me, virtue signal or otherwise show how enlightened the makers are.

So sick of it all now - which I am sure wasnt the original intention.
Is this a new thing, getting upset about the colour of the skin of the person playing the character?
I remember the Will Smith version of I am Legend and don’t recall much hullabaloo about a black adonis playing the part of a white middle aged chap of Germanic ancestry.
Is this a new thing, getting upset about the colour of the skin of the person playing the character?
I remember the Will Smith version of I am Legend and don’t recall much hullabaloo about a black adonis playing the part of a white middle aged chap of Germanic ancestry.

I would suggest that is because I Am Legend was made back in 2006-7 way before these sort of issues came to a head and that it was Will Smith, who was (and still is to an extent) a massive movie star. However since that time the cry for more diversity has got stronger, which wouldn't really be a problem until we watch how that diversity is carried out - studios enforcing bad quality writing upon low quality actors who gained the role through skin colour over ability - and rather than joining in with the complaints that studios are harming the desire for diversity by making such shoddy entertainment, the crowd who are calling most loudly for it are applauding for this mediocrity, demanding more and more low quality garbage - literally fiddling as Rome burns.

The example I used previously (or in another thread) for diversity (or race swap in this case) done right was Denzel Washington as the Equalizer in 2014 where no-one seriously complained about this race swap because of the quality of Denzel giving it a 76% Fresh rating versus the 2021 TV version of the Equaliser starring Queen Latifah (so race and gender swap), which currently has a 43% Rotten rating, and yet has somehow been given a 3rd season despite it's viewing figures dropping 66% since the season one premiere.

Nowadays we're not being given that good quality/well made "diversity" which makes all the difference, we get given low quality drivel and then get called nasty names if we dare complain - Shut Up And Consume Bigot!!! etc - and a very large selection of the general public have got sick of that and push back because, generally, most people just want to be entertained with some good quality film/show etc. Just look at numbers for things like Top Gun Maverick and Terminal List and Reacher or "The Rippaverse" for comics (black guy made his own "normal" comic, made $3,2 million in a few days when most individual DC/Marvel comics can't do that in a year) etc, there's lots of money out there for good quality entertainment but instead those demanding diversity are happy to sit back and accept drivel in their name, it's just so strange to see.

Anyway, thats my "standing on a soap-box ranting" allowance all used up for the day :D
"The Rippaverse" for comics (black guy made his own "normal" comic, made $3,2 million in a few days when most individual DC/Marvel comics can't do that in a year)
Its actually been hilarious watching the usual crowd lose their minds at just how well Eric has done and who he has 'aligned' himself with aswell.
After stumbling across that Sue Perkins pre-cap show the other night I am actually quit interested in it now, after before having virtually no interest after the way GoT petered out. The cast seems quite good from what I can see, and I see now it is based on an actual finished book, so they won't have to make too much up themselves as in GoT. I see it as an opportunity for the showrunners to reboot the franchise, since they surely realise they will have to put the effort it to gain peoples trust again. Plus having Sue Perkins back doing these after show conflabs again is a bonus, as I find her hilarious.
. The cast seems quite good from what I can see, and I see now it is based on an actual finished book, so they won't have to make too much up themselves as in GoT.
Yes it is true the S1 of house of dragons is based on a 'completed' book, the issue is that the time period in question was split into 2 books (initially going to be one but as usual with Martin he started adding insane bloat to the original idea) the second book isn't completed yet so currently he has 2 unfinished projects - the main series and the prequal series. Should there be a S2 of hod, (looking likely) I wonder what will happen...
Yes it is true the S1 of house of dragons is based on a 'completed' book, the issue is that the time period in question was split into 2 books (initially going to be one but as usual with Martin he started adding insane bloat to the original idea) the second book isn't completed yet so currently he has 2 unfinished projects - the main series and the prequal series. Should there be a S2 of hod, (looking likely) I wonder what will happen...
Bugger. Well hopefully, if it is only going to be two books, with I imagine a smaller number of overall characters and thus threads, Martin will hopefully be able to be a lot more specific about how it ends if he does drag the second book out. Maybe Martin realises he has to do right by the TV version of his books now to enable this, given how badly GoT went.
Season 8 just made everything that comes before or after pretty pointless.
For me S7 really jumped the shark. Prior to S7 i rewatched each series upto date just prior to the new season. S7 stopped that, with among many other things, calling in Dragon air support.

Watched S8 but havent and unlikely to rewatch any Got since.

Will give this a go, ( its different showrunners ? ), but not holding out too much hope. If there are unfinished portions of the total story ala GOT then thats a bit worrying given Grrms .. is it lack of focus on one project, writers block, or something else ?
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