Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon

  1. Spoiler tags are NOT REQUIRED when discussing shows that have aired in the UK already, INCLUDING early morning i.e. 2AM showings on Sunday nights/Monday mornings.

And Yet,
The rules are working for me.

Cheers, my post was meant to be: (obviously I have changed the O to a * in order to make it visible)

And yet, [SP*ILER="so silly that the word "Dracarys" wasn't uttered!"][/SP*ILER]

yeap spoiler tag not working for me

Still doesn't appear to be working for me, ah well!
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the box that pops up for the spoiler is just the title of the spoiler
Actual Spoilered content
[SP0ILER="Title"]Actual Spoilered content[/SP0ILER]

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Really enjoyed the last 2 episodes, though its still not at GOT levels of plot lines yet. Its lacking a Little Finger though I think they are trying with Larys Strong. Hopefully it gets more depth in the next series.
The theory that he's a greenseer is really interesting imo, a lot more than him just using spies like LF. So many subtle clues that if feels near enough confirmed.

That foot scene was...unexpected though :D.
Argh I found it terribly frustrating for ‘Team Rhynara’ (sp?):

My understanding of what happened was that the King didn’t change his mind at all… he thought he was talking to Rhynara and was referencing the dream of the old King Aegon, not his son, and was actually expressing his intention for Rhynara to be king.


Episode was good. Always fun to have a bit of dragon action :)

I agree that the plot is more one dimensional that GoT - less plot lines - but I think of it as just being ‘different’ in that regard. A ‘side story’ of sorts.
Like it a lot, though as my partner said it's definitely got more of a
'soap' feel then anything else, which is fine by me. Just hope it takes it's time a little more next season now that everyone's been introduced and the themes have had time to settle in.
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